Can you envision Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton negotiating with 'El Chapo' ?


Silver Member
Jun 1, 2013
"Can you envision Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton negotiating with 'El Chapo', the Mexican drug lord who escaped from prison?."
That is a tweet from Donald Trump.
Donald J. Trump on Twitter Can you envision Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton negotiating with El Chapo the Mexican drug lord who escaped from prison ....

Regretably I can picture it with no effort at all.

"the taliban lend the farmers the money, they are indebted to the taliban, they have to grow the opium, and now the marines in their success , are in a sense a victim in their sucess, because now the population is , you know , they have these opium fields and we are tolerating it because we know if we were to destroy it [the poppies] now the population would rise aginst the marines and it would be a real security risk".

Nice line of thought indeed... I wonder if the Mexican government will be presenting the same argument any time soon : the war on the cartels has been such a success we now have to tolerate drug trafficking to avoid any security risks ¿?

So Drugs from Mexico are "bad" , but drugs for the "tali" ( which have been effectively defeated by the reporters account) are good ?
Geotagging may help to find Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman...

Authorities look to Costa Rica in search for El Chapo
Sept. 5, 2015
Authorities are focusing on Costa Rica in their search for notorious drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman after his son posted a picture on Twitter that seemingly tagged their location.


Alfredo Guzmán

Jesus Alfredo Guzman Salazar posted an image of himself and his fugitive father dining at an outdoor restaurant. The location says they're in Costa Rica, indicating Salazar may have forgotten to disable the geotagging function.

Authorities have been searching for Guzman since he escaped from a Mexican maximum-security prison in July through a mile-long tunnel. It was his second such audacious prison escape. Salazar is also wanted by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.

Authorities look to Costa Rica in search for El Chapo -
Jeb will probably say you are under arrest in Spanish. Hillary will probably get el chapo to register to vote since non citizens and felons can vote in America.
He's a fairly dangerous man...

Former prison officials among 13 arrested in El Chapo prison break
Sept. 19, 2015 -- Mexican authorities arrested 13 additional suspects Friday in connection to the July prison break of notorious drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.
Celina Oseguera, a coordinator for Mexico's prison system, and Valentin Cardenas Lerma and Leonor Garcia, directors at Altiplano prison where Guzman was held, were among those arrested. All 13 were employees of the federal prison system.

Guzman, who is also wanted in the United States for drug crimes, escaped from Altiplano prison on July 11 through an elaborate hole dug in a shower stall and a mile-long tunnel equipped with a motorcycle, lights and ventilation. It was his second escape from a maximum security prison. The first was 2001 and it took Mexican authorities some 13 years to catch him.


A reward poster for notorious drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman. Friday, Celina Oseguera, Mexico's former head of federal prisons, was among 13 arrested in connection to Guzman's July escape.

Federal investigators have now said they have video of Guzman's escape and there was a one-way mirror in Guzman's cell to monitor his activities, two pieces of information officials withheld immediately after Guzman's escape. The video allegedly contains sounds of a machinery drilling a hole through the cell floor.

In early September, two Mexican prison employees and two members of Mexico's secret service were charged with aiding in the escape.

Former prison officials among 13 arrested in El Chapo prison break
El Chapo - the movie...

Trailer released for 'El Chapo' film: 'Chapo: The Escape of the Century'
Jan. 5, 2016 -- The trailer for an upcoming film depicting the escape of drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman has been released, showcasing scantily-clad women, explosions and insinuations of illicit government involvement.
The film -- Chapo: The Escape of the Century -- is set to premiere on Jan. 15 in select theaters in Mexico. The film is produced by Axel Uriegas and produced by Dragon Films México. The poster for the film states the story was "Inspired by real events," also suggested in the film's tagline: "If it was fiction, you wouldn't believe it."


Chapo: The Escape of the Century poster courtesy of Dragon Films México.​

In the trailer, the Mexican army is mobilized in the high-profile manhunt for Guzman, who makes a visit to who appears to be a high-ranking Mexican government official. Tanks, assault rifles, planes, helicopters, drug smugglers, soldiers and explosions also appear in the trailer for the movie starring Irineo Alvarez, José Sefami and Pascacio López.

On July 11, Guzman escaped from a Mexican maximum security prison for the second time using a mile-long tunnel, which could have taken a year to build. "El Chapo" -- meaning "The Short One" or "shorty" -- so dubbed because of his 5-foot-6-inch frame, was captured in Guatemala in 1993 and then extradited to Mexico to face murder and drug trafficking charges. He escaped from prison in 2001 by hiding in a laundry cart after bribing prison guards, and was re-captured in February 2014.

Trailer released for 'El Chapo' film: 'Chapo: The Escape of the Century'
"Can you envision Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton negotiating with 'El Chapo', the Mexican drug lord who escaped from prison?."
That is a tweet from Donald Trump.

Wow. Trump just gets dumber and dumber.

There is nothing to negotiate with the escaped convict. You catch him and put in him in prison. Done!

Why in the FUCK would Trump negotiate with him?!?!?

How come this huckster and his supporters don't all drop dead from lacking enough brain matter to function? Seriously.
Trump would get shived in the throat negotiating with El Chapo the guy broke out of a fucking Mexican Super Maximuk security Prison.

But go on about how tough-guy Trump is...I'm sure he's got a lot of street cred.
Ring ring

Hola, quien estate llamando? (Who's calling?)

President Trump

Adios Mio, Senor Trump?!?

Yes, El Chapo...Turn yourself in, or else!

Los siento Senor Trump! I'm going to LA Policies right now! Please don't hurt me!

Trump: Glorious

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