Can you be religious and pro science and technology?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
I know a southern Baptist who served as a military officer who loves movies like The Martian, Star Wars, etc and TV shows like Babylon 5, Star Trek, and Battlestar Galactica.
I was raised on a farm. My dad always said," When I die whether I go to heaven or hell I pray that I'm always at the head of the canal."
I don't see any conflict. I've always thought that science was the study of nature and nature was the way God does things; therefore, science is simply the study of the way God does things.

The Bible affirms that the Creator is known and understood by the results of His creative powers. The following versus are from the KJV (verse numbers eliminated for easier reading):

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard (Psalms 19:1-3).

“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse” (Romans 1:20).

There is no conflict between science and God, nor could there be. Things cannot operate contrary to the design of their Creator. Pure solid lead will always sink in pure liquid water and all of creation will act and interact in strict accordance with the laws of God. All advances in science and technology are merely the exploitation of newly discovered laws of nature. These principles are eternal and immutable but were not capable of being understand until man's knowledge had increased.

We have sent satellites into the far reaches of space and one day we may even colonize other planets. Using stem cells, we have regrown an entire finger complete with a perfectly formed nail and there is no doubt that we will soon be able to regenerate human organs and limbs. We have even created entire new life forms using recombinant DNA. Sadly, we have also unleashed the devastating destructive forces hidden in the tiny atom. In the future we will continue to exploit the laws of God for both noble and evil purposes.

That which does not conform to the unchanging laws of God can never be. Perhaps that is the hidden message in John 1:3 (KJV): “All things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made.”
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I don't see any conflict. I've always thought that science was the study of nature and nature was the way God does things; therefore, science is simply the study of the way God does things.

The Bible affirms that the Creator is known and understood by the results of His creative powers. The following versus are from the KJV (verse numbers eliminated for easier reading):

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard (Psalms 19:1-3).

“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse” (Romans 1:20).

There is no conflict between science and God, nor could there be. Things cannot operate contrary to the design of their Creator. Pure solid lead will always sink in pure liquid water and all of creation will act and interact in strict accordance with the laws of God. All advances in science and technology are merely the exploitation of newly discovered laws of nature. These principles are eternal and immutable but were not capable of being understand until man's knowledge had increased.

We have sent satellites into the far reaches of space and one day we may even colonize other planets. Using stem cells, we have regrown an entire finger complete with a perfectly formed nail and there is no doubt that we will soon be able to regenerate human organs and limbs. We have even created entire new life forms using recombinant DNA. Sadly, we have also unleashed the devastating destructive forces hidden in the tiny atom. In the future we will continue to exploit the laws of God for both noble and evil purposes.

That which does not conform to the unchanging laws of God can never be. Perhaps that is the hidden message in John 1:3 (KJV): “All things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made.”
There is no conflict between science and God, nor could there be.

that was not the OP, you quoted the 4th century bible as though they were the same.

That which does not conform to the unchanging laws of God can never be. Perhaps that is the hidden message in John 1:3 (KJV): “All things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made.”

in the Everlasting, that is not to say in Garden Earth plenty other is allowed. including you.

“All things were made by them, and without them was not any thing made.”

in more ways than not, sinner.

* just tired of the same old awfulness of christianity, at least try and be original.

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There is no conflict between science and a potential god.

The conflict is between science and organized religions.
I believe that in future the human technologies achieves such level that we could construct and develop the God.
We could construct the afterlife in other space-time dimensions in future. After death every person could be placed into Heaven or Hell.
The human science could invent artificial intelligence then artificial intelligence could invent God and afterlife.
I know a southern Baptist who served as a military officer who loves movies like The Martian, Star Wars, etc and TV shows like Babylon 5, Star Trek, and Battlestar Galactica.
So this was your question in the thread title then ?!

The answer is that you should keep Religion, Philosophy, and Science separate at all times.

Bertrand Russell the famous English Empiricist Modern Philosopher pointed this out in his book "History Of Western Philosophy."

The fact that you have asked the question indicates conclusively that you do not understand the difference between Religion, Philosophy, and Science.

They are like 3 brothers who are separate and distinct yet they look alike and are often confused with each other.

Religion is the most ancient of the 3 and we know it dates back to the 25th Century AD. The original Gods were sky gods together with nature gods. The ancient peoples had a god for every law of nature. Eventually ancient religion became a political tool by unscrupulous monarchs such as the Egyptian Pharaohs and the Roman Caesars.

Philosophy was born in ancient Greece in the 8th Century BC by intellectuals trying to free their minds from religious superstition. They invented speculative inquiry. This later flowered into modern philosophy under Descartes, Kant, and Russell. Philosophy's greatest modern influence is on professional ethics today.

Science was born when Galileo picked up the first precision instrument, the telescope, which had previously been used mostly in naval activity, and he pointed it at Jupiter, discovering there were at least 4 satellites of that planet which did NOT revolve around the Earth as the Roman Popes had asserted in their dogmas for centuries.

Ergo, Religion should not become Science.

And Science should not become Religion.

And Philosophy should govern them both.
We could construct the afterlife in other space-time dimensions in future. After death every person could be placed into Heaven or Hell.
Most religions have already prepared a Heaven and a Hell for their followers and their miscreants, Popeye.
I believe that in future the human technologies achieves such level that we could construct and develop the God.
Unfortunately you won't be here to see it.

You will probably already be in Hell with Lucifer (his Latin name).
I don't see any conflict. I've always thought that science was the study of nature and nature was the way God does things; therefore, science is simply the study of the way God does things.

The Bible affirms that the Creator is known and understood by the results of His creative powers. The following versus are from the KJV (verse numbers eliminated for easier reading):

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard (Psalms 19:1-3).

“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse” (Romans 1:20).

There is no conflict between science and God, nor could there be. Things cannot operate contrary to the design of their Creator. Pure solid lead will always sink in pure liquid water and all of creation will act and interact in strict accordance with the laws of God. All advances in science and technology are merely the exploitation of newly discovered laws of nature. These principles are eternal and immutable but were not capable of being understand until man's knowledge had increased.

We have sent satellites into the far reaches of space and one day we may even colonize other planets. Using stem cells, we have regrown an entire finger complete with a perfectly formed nail and there is no doubt that we will soon be able to regenerate human organs and limbs. We have even created entire new life forms using recombinant DNA. Sadly, we have also unleashed the devastating destructive forces hidden in the tiny atom. In the future we will continue to exploit the laws of God for both noble and evil purposes.

That which does not conform to the unchanging laws of God can never be. Perhaps that is the hidden message in John 1:3 (KJV): “All things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made.”
There is no conflict between science and God, nor could there be.

that was not the OP, you quoted the 4th century bible as though they were the same.

That which does not conform to the unchanging laws of God can never be. Perhaps that is the hidden message in John 1:3 (KJV): “All things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made.”

in the Everlasting, that is not to say in Garden Earth plenty other is allowed. including you.

“All things were made by them, and without them was not any thing made.”

in more ways than not, sinner.

* just tired of the same old awfulness of christianity, at least try and be original.

You should give your citation and link (from John) when you quote it.
I know a southern Baptist who served as a military officer who loves movies like The Martian, Star Wars, etc and TV shows like Babylon 5, Star Trek, and Battlestar Galactica.

I've been Southern Baptist for 59 years. I graduated from a Southern Baptist University with a degree in religion. I don't know any who are anti-science or technology. I know some who question a few of the current "theories" that others accept as hard "fact".
I know a southern Baptist who served as a military officer who loves movies like The Martian, Star Wars, etc and TV shows like Babylon 5, Star Trek, and Battlestar Galactica.
Not a Southern Baptist, but definitely a believer in the Almighty....although there is dispute about certain Biblical particulars. :)

Otherwise I'm a lot like him.

Can you be religious and pro science and technology?
Absolutely! In fact, I believe the Almighty created the Universe and all the "natural" laws within it with the Big Bang about 13.8 Billion years ago. Since this was a divine creation, the study of our Universe and all the laws within is to study the divine. Ergo, to use our God-given brains studying our God-given Universe is absolutely in keeping with the spiritual nature of man. I do hesitate to say "religious" since that's a particular set of beliefs. Some "religious" people believe in not using our God-given brains to study our God-given Universe.

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