Can we finally bury the myth Democrats are smarter?

Education. Democrats lead by 22 points (57%-35%) in leaned party identification among adults with post-graduate degrees. The Democrats’ edge is narrower among those with college degrees or some post-graduate experience (49%-42%), and those with less education (47%-39%). Across all educational categories, women are more likely than men to affiliate with the Democratic Party or lean Democratic. The Democrats’ advantage is 35 points (64%-29%) among women with post-graduate degrees, but only eight points (50%-42%) among post-grad men. A Deep Dive Into Party Affiliation
So, on to who are the stupidest people in the world -- Muslims no doubt.

Their book is one long foolish rant.

Their imam commentaries are ludicrous.

Anyone that would blow themselves up for 72 virgins in the afterlife is nuts.
The media loves to give the statistics "MOST EDUCATED PEOPLE VOTE DEMOCRAT!"

The media wants everyone to believe that highly educated people sat around and said , "What is the best political system for America?", and the answer came to them as "The Democrats!"

Let me tell you a little story.

I grew up with a kid, and his mom was a hardcore Democrat. He was a lifeguard when he was younger, then later, he became a teacher.

What's missing from this story?

What's missing is, he had no intention of getting a real job in the private sector.

Obviously his mom told him "Make sure you apply for a city job, where the public pays your wages"

Now, the Democrats put on a big act that they have a passion for teaching. Is that the truth? or it the truth the fact they want a job with,

1) an inflated paycheck, paid for by the public.

2) benefits paid for by the public.

3) automatic raises paid for by the public

4) a reduced work day

5) tenure , where they can't get fired no matter how much they fail.

6) pension, paid for by the public.

America's fail rate, and drop-out rate are proof most teachers have no "passion" for teaching.

We learn that Democrats gravitate to the education field, for monetary purposes.

What person is going to risk all those benefits by pissing off everyone they work with, by driving through the parking lot with an "ALL HAIL TRUMP!" bumper sticker?

What person is going to risk a 800k administration job at Stanford, by pissing off everyone they work with, by driving through the parking lot with an "ALL HAIL TRUMP!" bumper sticker?

Young people who apply for jobs at school are going to walk like a duck, quack like a duck, fly like a duck, in hopes the left-wing system will hire another duck.

The logic is very simple. If these people support the Socialist system, their job is secure, and they might be able to get their kids in when the conspiracy is larger.

If the Republicans take over, they run the risk some conservative might show up and say "What the hell is going on here?" and fire everyone because of the drop-out rate.

The Republicans don't pay their salary.

Trump doesn't pay their salary.

Jesus doesn't pay their salary.

The Socialist conspiracy pays their salary!

What the hell do they care what's best for America?

democrats are more educated.

life sucks for you.
Education. Democrats lead by 22 points (57%-35%) in leaned party identification among adults with post-graduate degrees. The Democrats’ edge is narrower among those with college degrees or some post-graduate experience (49%-42%), and those with less education (47%-39%). Across all educational categories, women are more likely than men to affiliate with the Democratic Party or lean Democratic. The Democrats’ advantage is 35 points (64%-29%) among women with post-graduate degrees, but only eight points (50%-42%) among post-grad men. A Deep Dive Into Party Affiliation
Very intelligent people do not need to be tutored, for us college is a waste of time because the pace is so slow. We can learn a LOT faster if we are not wasting time.
Republicans are so fucking stupid.

Democrats feel that
-Every one should have a education
-Everyone should have healthcare
-Value knowledge and the advancement of such
-Value science investment and believe that it can cure diseases that effect us.
-Value being number one on earth as a country!
-Value our environment and fight to protect our national treasures.
-Value our air, water and food quality
-Believe the worker isn't a second class citizen because he or she was born without as much money.
-I am seriously starting to believe that the democrats believe in modern civilization while the repubicans wish for something very backwards.

WTF do republicans want to do? The opposite. and you call yourself smart? Give me a fucking break. You sound more and more like the taliban every day.
Meaningless platitudes.
The media loves to give the statistics "MOST EDUCATED PEOPLE VOTE DEMOCRAT!"

The media wants everyone to believe that highly educated people sat around and said , "What is the best political system for America?", and the answer came to them as "The Democrats!"

Let me tell you a little story.

I grew up with a kid, and his mom was a hardcore Democrat. He was a lifeguard when he was younger, then later, he became a teacher.

What's missing from this story?

What's missing is, he had no intention of getting a real job in the private sector.

Obviously his mom told him "Make sure you apply for a city job, where the public pays your wages"

Now, the Democrats put on a big act that they have a passion for teaching. Is that the truth? or it the truth the fact they want a job with,

1) an inflated paycheck, paid for by the public.

2) benefits paid for by the public.

3) automatic raises paid for by the public

4) a reduced work day

5) tenure , where they can't get fired no matter how much they fail.

6) pension, paid for by the public.

America's fail rate, and drop-out rate are proof most teachers have no "passion" for teaching.

We learn that Democrats gravitate to the education field, for monetary purposes.

What person is going to risk all those benefits by pissing off everyone they work with, by driving through the parking lot with an "ALL HAIL TRUMP!" bumper sticker?

What person is going to risk a 800k administration job at Stanford, by pissing off everyone they work with, by driving through the parking lot with an "ALL HAIL TRUMP!" bumper sticker?

Young people who apply for jobs at school are going to walk like a duck, quack like a duck, fly like a duck, in hopes the left-wing system will hire another duck.

The logic is very simple. If these people support the Socialist system, their job is secure, and they might be able to get their kids in when the conspiracy is larger.

If the Republicans take over, they run the risk some conservative might show up and say "What the hell is going on here?" and fire everyone because of the drop-out rate.

The Republicans don't pay their salary.

Trump doesn't pay their salary.

Jesus doesn't pay their salary.

The Socialist conspiracy pays their salary!

What the hell do they care what's best for America?

If we started paying teachers drastically less money,

how soon would American kids be better educated?
Republicans are so fucking stupid.

Democrats feel that
-Every one should have a education
-Everyone should have healthcare
-Value knowledge and the advancement of such
-Value science investment and believe that it can cure diseases that effect us.
-Value being number one on earth as a country!
-Value our environment and fight to protect our national treasures.
-Value our air, water and food quality
-Believe the worker isn't a second class citizen because he or she was born without as much money.
-I am seriously starting to believe that the democrats believe in modern civilization while the repubicans wish for something very backwards.

WTF do republicans want to do? The opposite. and you call yourself smart? Give me a fucking break. You sound more and more like the taliban every day.
I thought they were the Taliban.
Republicans are so fucking stupid.

Democrats feel that
-Every one should have a education
-Everyone should have healthcare
-Value knowledge and the advancement of such
-Value science investment and believe that it can cure diseases that effect us.
-Value being number one on earth as a country!
-Value our environment and fight to protect our national treasures.
-Value our air, water and food quality
-Believe the worker isn't a second class citizen because he or she was born without as much money.
-I am seriously starting to believe that the democrats believe in modern civilization while the repubicans wish for something very backwards.

WTF do republicans want to do? The opposite. and you call yourself smart? Give me a fucking break. You sound more and more like the taliban every day.
Meaningless platitudes.

What's meaningless about getting everyone an education?
So, on to who are the stupidest people in the world -- Muslims no doubt.

Their book is one long foolish rant.

Their imam commentaries are ludicrous.

Anyone that would blow themselves up for 72 virgins in the afterlife is nuts.
Muslims vote Democrat, so.....
The media loves to give the statistics "MOST EDUCATED PEOPLE VOTE DEMOCRAT!"

The media wants everyone to believe that highly educated people sat around and said , "What is the best political system for America?", and the answer came to them as "The Democrats!"

Let me tell you a little story.

I grew up with a kid, and his mom was a hardcore Democrat. He was a lifeguard when he was younger, then later, he became a teacher.

What's missing from this story?

What's missing is, he had no intention of getting a real job in the private sector.

Obviously his mom told him "Make sure you apply for a city job, where the public pays your wages"

Now, the Democrats put on a big act that they have a passion for teaching. Is that the truth? or it the truth the fact they want a job with,

1) an inflated paycheck, paid for by the public.

2) benefits paid for by the public.

3) automatic raises paid for by the public

4) a reduced work day

5) tenure , where they can't get fired no matter how much they fail.

6) pension, paid for by the public.

America's fail rate, and drop-out rate are proof most teachers have no "passion" for teaching.

We learn that Democrats gravitate to the education field, for monetary purposes.

What person is going to risk all those benefits by pissing off everyone they work with, by driving through the parking lot with an "ALL HAIL TRUMP!" bumper sticker?

What person is going to risk a 800k administration job at Stanford, by pissing off everyone they work with, by driving through the parking lot with an "ALL HAIL TRUMP!" bumper sticker?

Young people who apply for jobs at school are going to walk like a duck, quack like a duck, fly like a duck, in hopes the left-wing system will hire another duck.

The logic is very simple. If these people support the Socialist system, their job is secure, and they might be able to get their kids in when the conspiracy is larger.

If the Republicans take over, they run the risk some conservative might show up and say "What the hell is going on here?" and fire everyone because of the drop-out rate.

The Republicans don't pay their salary.

Trump doesn't pay their salary.

Jesus doesn't pay their salary.

The Socialist conspiracy pays their salary!

What the hell do they care what's best for America?

democrats are more educated.

life sucks for you.
Then you show up....:lol:
Republicans are so fucking stupid.

Democrats feel that
-Every one should have a education
-Everyone should have healthcare
-Value knowledge and the advancement of such
-Value science investment and believe that it can cure diseases that effect us.
-Value being number one on earth as a country!
-Value our environment and fight to protect our national treasures.
-Value our air, water and food quality
-Believe the worker isn't a second class citizen because he or she was born without as much money.
-I am seriously starting to believe that the democrats believe in modern civilization while the repubicans wish for something very backwards.

WTF do republicans want to do? The opposite. and you call yourself smart? Give me a fucking break. You sound more and more like the taliban every day.
Meaningless platitudes.

What's meaningless about getting everyone an education?
You mean earn?
Republicans are so fucking stupid.

Democrats feel that
-Every one should have a education
-Everyone should have healthcare
-Value knowledge and the advancement of such
-Value science investment and believe that it can cure diseases that effect us.
-Value being number one on earth as a country!
-Value our environment and fight to protect our national treasures.
-Value our air, water and food quality
-Believe the worker isn't a second class citizen because he or she was born without as much money.
-I am seriously starting to believe that the democrats believe in modern civilization while the repubicans wish for something very backwards.

WTF do republicans want to do? The opposite. and you call yourself smart? Give me a fucking break. You sound more and more like the taliban every day.
Meaningless platitudes.

What's meaningless about getting everyone an education?
You mean earn?

No I mean what's the benefit to society of making education available only to those who can pay for it?
You mean earn it?
Republicans are so fucking stupid.

Democrats feel that
-Every one should have a education
-Everyone should have healthcare
-Value knowledge and the advancement of such
-Value science investment and believe that it can cure diseases that effect us.
-Value being number one on earth as a country!
-Value our environment and fight to protect our national treasures.
-Value our air, water and food quality
-Believe the worker isn't a second class citizen because he or she was born without as much money.
-I am seriously starting to believe that the democrats believe in modern civilization while the repubicans wish for something very backwards.

WTF do republicans want to do? The opposite. and you call yourself smart? Give me a fucking break. You sound more and more like the taliban every day.
Meaningless platitudes.

What's meaningless about getting everyone an education?
You mean earn?

No I mean what's the benefit to society of making education available only to those who can pay for it?

What good is an education to a society when it's unearned....
What a massively stupid and under thought post.. horrifically pathetic.

1) if teaching is so lucrative, why did you not become one? Surrender you earning potential and teach.

2) blaming the dropout rate on schools. Yes teachers should have to go to houses and drag truant kids to school.

3) you want good teachers you just want them to work for nothing. Prevailing idiotic american attitude toward education. Teachers evil leeches, same old hogwash.
Republicans are so fucking stupid.

Democrats feel that
-Every one should have a education
-Everyone should have healthcare
-Value knowledge and the advancement of such
-Value science investment and believe that it can cure diseases that effect us.
-Value being number one on earth as a country!
-Value our environment and fight to protect our national treasures.
-Value our air, water and food quality
-Believe the worker isn't a second class citizen because he or she was born without as much money.
-I am seriously starting to believe that the democrats believe in modern civilization while the repubicans wish for something very backwards.

WTF do republicans want to do? The opposite. and you call yourself smart? Give me a fucking break. You sound more and more like the taliban every day.

It didn't take long for someone to prove the OP.
As you get older and/or smarter you do become more socially responsible.

By comparison, the DEM Party is more socially responsible than the GOP Party.

This should answer your question then.

There you have it -- a nice short sweet self evident a priori syllogism.

Socrates would be proud.

According to the Pew Research Center, Millennial voters - ages 18-36 - are Dems by a 51%-35% margin while the Silent Generation - ages 69-86 - are Repubs by 47%-43%. Evidently experience makes people more Repub and if we accept your premise - that people become more socially responsible with age - then clearly the Repubs are more socially responsible.

Dontcha hate when the facts get in the way of your fantasies?
You mean earn it?
Republicans are so fucking stupid.

Democrats feel that
-Every one should have a education
-Everyone should have healthcare
-Value knowledge and the advancement of such
-Value science investment and believe that it can cure diseases that effect us.
-Value being number one on earth as a country!
-Value our environment and fight to protect our national treasures.
-Value our air, water and food quality
-Believe the worker isn't a second class citizen because he or she was born without as much money.
-I am seriously starting to believe that the democrats believe in modern civilization while the repubicans wish for something very backwards.

WTF do republicans want to do? The opposite. and you call yourself smart? Give me a fucking break. You sound more and more like the taliban every day.
Meaningless platitudes.

What's meaningless about getting everyone an education?
You mean earn?

No I mean what's the benefit to society of making education available only to those who can pay for it?

What good is an education to a society when it's unearned....

It's vital to a society. Earning it is nonsense talk, unless you plan on putting schoolkids to work.

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