Can We All Now Agree That Socialism/Communism Has Failed?...

And Cuba is not a true communist state.
Define "true communism" then, or at least give me an idea of how far Cuba is from it. They can't be that far away though, but i'm sure that small difference is the reason why most people there live in misery rather than utopia.

That communism in the USSR sure worked out well though, didn't it? They should be ashamed of themselves losing the cold war to those capitalist pig Americans.
Marx and Engels Internet Archive

Browse By Author: E - Project Gutenberg

The CCCP was far from communism. Marx said himself that Russia was nowhere near the condition necessary for a communist society to emerge. He was right.

Such a society can not be forced into existence.
Socialism is working quite well in the European Union.
Strong SOCIAL safety nets are working quite well in the EU, and so is managed capitalism. Did you know that Ireland has even freer markets than we do? There are no socialist states in the EU.

The EU is the based upon progression of Social Democracy, which is the reformist branch of socio-communist though. If memory serves, it goes back to the Third International.

However, it's tainted with clear signs of authoritarian desires.
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☭proletarian☭;1953431 said:
And Cuba is not a true communist state.
Define "true communism" then, or at least give me an idea of how far Cuba is from it. They can't be that far away though, but i'm sure that small difference is the reason why most people there live in misery rather than utopia.

That communism in the USSR sure worked out well though, didn't it? They should be ashamed of themselves losing the cold war to those capitalist pig Americans.
Marx and Engels Internet Archive

Browse By Author: E - Project Gutenberg

The CCCP was far from communism. Marx said himself that Russia was nowhere near the condition necessary for a communist society to emerge. He was right.

Such a society can not be forced into existence.

True communism is more democratic than our own government for one. IMO opinion communism was a way to combat the problems from over population, and only having a certain amount of resources.
☭proletarian☭;1953431 said:
Define "true communism" then, or at least give me an idea of how far Cuba is from it. They can't be that far away though, but i'm sure that small difference is the reason why most people there live in misery rather than utopia.

That communism in the USSR sure worked out well though, didn't it? They should be ashamed of themselves losing the cold war to those capitalist pig Americans.
Marx and Engels Internet Archive

Browse By Author: E - Project Gutenberg

The CCCP was far from communism. Marx said himself that Russia was nowhere near the condition necessary for a communist society to emerge. He was right.

Such a society can not be forced into existence.

True communism is more democratic than our own government for one. IMO opinion communism was a way to combat the problems from over population, and only having a certain amount of resources.

I do not support unfettered democracy
This President due to a pretty inflated ego and Marxist leanings continues to try and micromanage our economy and has failed miserably. His State of the Union speech last night only confirmed that he plans on continuing to micromanage and destroy our economy further. I mean how much more Government intervention and Legislation can him and the Democrats offer up? Can't they see that they have failed miserably?

They seem to have completely lost it at his point. One day they're giving Billions in Tax Dollars to the corrupt corporate creeps and then the next day they're claiming to hate those same corrupt corporate creeps. They just can't seem to make up their minds. This is what too much Government intervention ultimately leads to. More Government micromanaging of the economy is exactly what we don't need. Haven't they done enough damage? This President needs to shove his giant ego and Marxist leanings aside and do what's right for the country. He can't continue on this incredibly destructive path he is on. I really do hope him and the Democrats figure this out before it's too late.

I do too but I think its even worse than it looks.

The deficit is crushing us and draining our wealth faster than we are creating it.
Its the reason why all socialist states become dictatorships that try to impose their vision of utopia onto the natural society.

Again, what socialist states are you talking about??? There are none! Most all states are mixed economies. Why do you continue with this rediculous black & white crap? It isn't even a little relevant?

What are you saying, you're an anarchist? I don't think you're smart enough to be an anarchist... You seem to cling to righty propaganda pretty tightly.

USSR, National Socialism, fascist italy, etc, etc, etc and etc. These are the WORST examples of people who think they stumbled upon utopia and seek to impose it on everyone. These are the worst examples but milder forms such as social democratist seek to do the same thing. Its the reason why liberals decry the rich getting richer today because it is 'not the right thing to do'.

It may not be right for someone to be super-rich but is that the purpose of our government? To ensure that we do not deviate from what some people consider moral perfection. I believe the declaration of independence states that government are created for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happinesss not fairness, equality, and the creation of perfect people.
Its the reason why all socialist states become dictatorships that try to impose their vision of utopia onto the natural society.

Again, what socialist states are you talking about??? There are none! Most all states are mixed economies. Why do you continue with this rediculous black & white crap? It isn't even a little relevant?

What are you saying, you're an anarchist? I don't think you're smart enough to be an anarchist... You seem to cling to righty propaganda pretty tightly.

USSR, National Socialism, fascist italy, etc, etc, etc and etc. These are the WORST examples of people who think they stumbled upon utopia and seek to impose it on everyone. These are the worst examples but milder forms such as social democratist seek to do the same thing. Its the reason why liberals decry the rich getting richer today because it is 'not the right thing to do'.

It may not be right for someone to be super-rich but is that the purpose of our government? To ensure that we do not deviate from what some people consider moral perfection. I believe the declaration of independence states that government are created for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happinesss not fairness, equality, and the creation of perfect people.

We used to have a top tax rate on the wealthy 2 1/2 times what it is today. By your logic we were more socialist then than now.
Megalomaniacs always want to control everything no matter how bad they're failing. This President's micromanaging of our economy has been an awful disaster. It's time for him to check his giant ego and Marxist leanings at the door and stop all the micromanaging. Enough is enough for God's sake.

Mhmm. That's why Un-employment is still in the Gutter and apparently the Economy is still in the shit hole, but then again Your so full of yourself you actually believe these sites.

Socialism is working quite well in the European Union.


That's why my Home Country (Spain) is doing sooo well with our Socialist President.. :cuckoo:

Save it buster, we've heard that shit before.
☭proletarian☭;1953431 said:
Define "true communism" then, or at least give me an idea of how far Cuba is from it. They can't be that far away though, but i'm sure that small difference is the reason why most people there live in misery rather than utopia.

That communism in the USSR sure worked out well though, didn't it? They should be ashamed of themselves losing the cold war to those capitalist pig Americans.
Marx and Engels Internet Archive

Browse By Author: E - Project Gutenberg

The CCCP was far from communism. Marx said himself that Russia was nowhere near the condition necessary for a communist society to emerge. He was right.

Such a society can not be forced into existence.

True communism is more democratic than our own government for one. IMO opinion communism was a way to combat the problems from over population, and only having a certain amount of resources.

No ma'm.

No Form of Communism is more Democratic than our own Government.

Communism is a Sad Chapter in History, Just read my Sig Quote.

Another thing..

Communism's Theoretical Failures: Communism strives for the complete equality of all incomes, and therefore, everything. As income approaches complete equality, productivity disappears. For example: people work so they can make money to support themselves. They work driven by the incentive of making more money and succeeding. In capitalist systems, he who chooses not to work suffers the consequences while he who works receives the incentives, money, which he is working for.

Human nature includes a desire to "do better" and, therefore, make more money or advance in a job. In an attempt to make more money, people are driven naturally work harder and longer, seek further education for themselves, and develop skills which distinguish them as rare talents among that labor which is available as supply. Under true communism, income is completely equal.

When there is nothing to achieve by working harder or longer, people begin to become idle. People begin to work less or not work at all because there is no longer the incentive of making more money or advancing in job. When there are no workers, production drops to nothing. It will then be true that all incomes are equal but this equal income will be zero.

Free will cannot be suppressed: Communism attempts the impossible: to control human individualism by making a society of inherently individual people uniform. Thought is free and independent and, no matter how hard anyone tries, can never be fully controlled.

Communism and socialism depend upon ideological compliance with their theories, yet human nature prompts inevitable dissention from such theories. As a result, communism and socialism may achieve full compliance only through coercion, which in turn translates into communism and socialism's great failure.

This failure led to the disastrous massacres of communism which were often attempts to combat opinions different from the communist governments. Try as it may, socialism and communism has never been able to destroy dissenting free thought and form a universal thought: one accepting of the communist/socialist theory necessary for such a theory to be implemented and succeed. It is simply human nature to ask questions and to look for the new and the alternative.

Every attempt at Communism has either failed or is failing:
Failed Communist and Socialist Societies: Went down with the Berlin Wall, failed due to overthrow by other forces, abandoned by inhabitants.
-Brook Farm and other Utopian Communities
-Soviet Union
-Eastern Bloc
-Sandinista's Nicaragua
Failing Communist and Socialist Societies: Forced to abandon their theories for moderation, pushed to the brink of failure.
-Cuba: all but abandoned socialism due to poverty, has become a dictatorship
-China: seeking capitalist-like reform with an expanded free trade ever since Mao's failures
-North Korea: on the brink of starvation due to disastrous failure.
Hey Tom,have you ever read up on Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals?' Pretty interesting stuff. This President and current Democrats follow his rules with absolute obedience. In fact i believe this President even taught this to college students. Check it out Tom. It really does tell you everything you need to know about this President and current Democrats. Thanks for the replies.
It can be made into a monster if we all pull together as a team .

[ame=]YouTube - Pink Floyd - Have a Cigar[/ame]

Mhmm. That's why Un-employment is still in the Gutter and apparently the Economy is still in the shit hole, but then again Your so full of yourself you actually believe these sites.

Socialism is working quite well in the European Union.


That's why my Home Country (Spain) is doing sooo well with our Socialist President.. :cuckoo:

Save it buster, we've heard that shit before.

The stimulus, if you ever for one second paid attention, had the singular goal of preventing the economy form dying. It accomplished just that, even if by a thread. Without it, it is hard to say where we'd be at now.

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