Can We All Agree California is a Lost Cause?


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Pelosi, Waters, Crimestien, Brown, etc......

Why does that state allow the political abuse of The Constitution?

Leftist Ruling-Class Elitists always think they're above The Law.

When you've got an entire state full of Sheeple swilling the Leftist Kool-Aid, it becomes problematic.

Time to begin the political conflict.

Starting with the US Justice Department issuing warrants and charging the Governor with obstruction of justice and conspiracy to circumvent US immigration law.

Seeing the Governor being brought down the Capitol steps in handcuffs, with US Marshals on each arm, should make for great late-night comedy that week.

And it would be a great first step in dissolving the People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Kalipornia, and reestablishing California, as it was before the Leftists ruined it.
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Yup I was thinking about getting a petition together to kick California out of the United States .
Leftist Ruling-Class Elitists always think they're above The Law.

When you've got an entire state full of Sheeple swilling the Leftist Kool-Aid, it becomes problematic.

Time to begin the political conflict.

Starting with the US Justice Department issuing warrants and charging the Governor with obstruction of justice and conspiracy to circumvent US immigration law.

Seeing the Governor being brought down the Capitol steps in handcuffs, with US Marshals on each arm, should make for great late-night comedy that week.

And it would be a great first step in dissolving the People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Kalipornia, and reestablishing California, as it was before the Leftists ruined it.

Don't forget treason.
Yes cons, California is The Shining City on the Hill that you can't tear down like every other institution in the country. You should secede from California and go start your own 3rd world country. Fakejesusistan, where you can practice your fake religion.
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Pelosi, Waters, Crimestien, Brown, etc......

Why does that state allow the political abuse of The Constitution?

A wonderful place to live....except for the know, because so many people want to visit and live here.

Name them? I put California in the same class as Mississippi, Rhode island , Massachusetts, Detroit area, Ohio, Iowa, kanasa ...i am not moving there no matter how much you pay me ..
Pelosi, Waters, Crimestien, Brown, etc......

Why does that state allow the political abuse of The Constitution?

A wonderful place to live....except for the know, because so many people want to visit and live here.

Leaving California? After slowing, the trend intensifies

Given its iconic hold on the American imagination, the idea that more Americans are leaving California than coming breaches our own sense of uniqueness and promise. Yet, even as the economy has recovered, notably in the Bay Area and in pockets along the coast, the latest U.S. Census Bureau estimates show that domestic migrants continue to leave the state more rapidly than they enter it.

First, the good news. People may be leaving California, but, overall, the rate of leaving is about three-quarters less than that experienced in the first decade of the millennium. In the core, booming San Francisco metropolitan area, there was even a shift toward net domestic migration after 2010, something rarely seen since the 1980s.

Outmigration dropped with the initial economic slowdown of the last recession, particularly as housing prices in some areas, notably the Inland Empire and the Sacramento area, drifted toward the national norm of three times incomes by 2010, having been twice that high or more in the boom times. The initial recovery after 2010 may also have encouraged people to stay as well.

Back to mounting outmigration
The San Francisco Bay Area lost more than 600,000 net domestic migrants between 2000 and 2009 before experiencing a five-year respite. Now, sadly, the story seems to be changing again. Housing prices, first in the Bay Area and later in other metropolitan areas, have surged mightily, and are now as high as over nine times household incomes. In 2016, some 26,000 more people left the Bay Area than arrived. San Francisco net migration went from a high of 16,000 positive in 2013 to 12,000 negative three years later.

Similar patterns have occurred across the state. Between 2010 and 2015, California had cut its average annual migration losses annually from 160,000 to 50,000, but that number surged last year to nearly 110,000. Losses in the Los Angeles-Orange County area have gone from 42,000 in 2011 to 88,000 this year. San Diego, where domestic migration turned positive in 2011 and 2012, is now losing around 8,000 net migrants annually.

Leaving California? After slowing, the trend intensifies – Orange County Register

California politicians are defying federal law. They are over ran with illegals. Taxes are sky high. Housing is sky high. Business is leaving as fast as they can. Yes it's great place to leave.
California politicians are defying federal law. They are over ran with illegals. Taxes are sky high. Housing is sky high. Business is leaving as fast as they can. Yes it's great place to leave.

They cater to the Mexicans for whatever reason. They cram 25 people in a house. Park their cars in yards and clog the street. Don't know if anyone notices, but the wetbacks are very dirty people They love to litter, change oil in auto store parking lots, piss all over the landscaping in front of Home Depot and Lowes. They totally ransack stores as items are opened, and then put back on the shelves

Man I don't miss that crap hole whatsoever.

Meanwhile, this Californian is looking at rentals in upper Arizona, Wyoming and Colorado. Maybe Washington. Even Alaska is being contemplated.
Stupid people. Without California supporting red states, the country would go under.

What are you libtards going to do when we cut off the food and water supply to your coastal cities in California? Republicans grow all your food fool, get this lib ^^^ making threats hilarious. :laugh:
Yes cons, California is The Shining City on the Hill that you can't tear down like every other institution in the country. You should secede from California and go start your own 3rd world country. Fakejesusistan, where you can practice your fake religion.

California is where the dreams of dog and pony shows, complete with balloons and cry rooms, are the cutting edge

California: The Ultimate Nanny State

In California, a 15-year-old girl can abort a viable baby without telling her parents, but starting now a married 20-year-old with a job and kids can’t buy a pack of cigarettes. Or get a drink. That same 15-year-old girl is banned from getting an indoor tan, and a woman must obtain, and give, “affirmative consent” before kissing someone during her college years.

No one can use foam takeout containers or plastic carryout bags or play online poker. This is a state that wanted to ban you from eating the livers of waterfowl. If the state discovers you’ve purchased raw milk, a confiscation team may visit your home to impound the supply. The sale of caffeinated beer is forbidden. E-cigarettes are now treated as if they were tobacco, even if they are not.

In San Francisco, where it’s illegal to light your own fireplace during Christmas, if you fail to recycle your trash correctly you can be fined up to $500, but you can’t get a toy with your Happy Meal because they’re banned. In Los Angeles, you have to wear a condom to make a porno, but you can have unprotected sex in Caligula-style orgies as long as you don’t film it.

Soon enough, rich Californians will again punish poor ones for engaging in habits they disapprove of by tagging cigarettes with an additional $2 tax. The state already has a sin tax on alcohol.

Rich Californians will again punish poor ones for engaging in habits they disapprove of by tagging cigarettes with an additional $2 tax.
California needs to the Supreme Court to tell it that regulating the content of video games is against the First Amendment, but its governor still believes forcing religious people to promote abortions is a-ok. And fear not, California was the first state in the nation to ban schools from using the term “Redskins” as a team name or mascot. It also banned the Confederate flag. Just in the nick of time, no doubt.

California: The Ultimate Nanny State

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