Can the Media be Biased Against Trump?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Well, it seems to make sense that amounts donated to the Clinton campaign should indicate a preference for her over her opponent. So, who donated what?


Carlos Slim (Mexicaan national)

Chairman & CEO of Telmex, largest New York Times shareholder

James Murdoch

Chief Operating Officer of 21st Century Fox

Newsmax Media

Florida-based conservative media network

Thomson Reuters

Owner of the Reuters news service



News Corporation Foundation

Philanthropic arm of former Fox News parent company


Houghton Mifflin Harcourt


Richard Mellon Scaife

Owner of Pittsburgh Tribune-Review


Abigail Disney

Documentary filmmaker

Bloomberg Philanthropies

Howard Stringer

Former CBS, CBS News and Sony executive

Intermountain West Communications Company

Local television affiliate owner (formerly Sunbelt Communications)


Bloomberg L.P.

Discovery Communications Inc.

George Stephanopoulos

ABC News chief anchor and chief political correspondent

Mort Zuckerman

Owner of New York Daily News and U.S. News & World Report

Time Warner Inc.

Owner of CNN parent company Turner Broadcasting




Hollywood Foreign Press Association

Presenters of the Golden Globe Awards



Knight Foundation

Non-profit foundation dedicated to supporting journalism

Public Radio International

Turner Broadcasting

Parent company of CNN




Parent copmany of NBCUniversal

NBC Universal

Parent company of NBC News, MSNBC and CNBC

Public Broadcasting Service

Story with links @ Solid Evidence That The Media Is Biased Against Donald Trump
The media has been too soft on Trump

No other candidate would get away with what Trump does
MSM has been captured by the Establishment. Only media that still acts as a watch dog to corruption in govt are the smaller outlets
The media has been too soft on Trump

No other candidate would get away with what Trump does

Have you had one of Shrillary's "short circuits?"
The difference is that Hillary has run a conventional campaign and has stuck to the issues. That is what the press has been reporting

They have also reported on Trumps bizarre claims, half truths and lied

That is not unbalanced reporting
Well, it seems to make sense that amounts donated to the Clinton campaign should indicate a preference for her over her opponent. So, who donated what?


Carlos Slim (Mexicaan national)

Chairman & CEO of Telmex, largest New York Times shareholder

James Murdoch

Chief Operating Officer of 21st Century Fox

Newsmax Media

Florida-based conservative media network

Thomson Reuters

Owner of the Reuters news service



News Corporation Foundation

Philanthropic arm of former Fox News parent company


Houghton Mifflin Harcourt


Richard Mellon Scaife

Owner of Pittsburgh Tribune-Review


Abigail Disney

Documentary filmmaker

Bloomberg Philanthropies

Howard Stringer

Former CBS, CBS News and Sony executive

Intermountain West Communications Company

Local television affiliate owner (formerly Sunbelt Communications)


Bloomberg L.P.

Discovery Communications Inc.

George Stephanopoulos

ABC News chief anchor and chief political correspondent

Mort Zuckerman

Owner of New York Daily News and U.S. News & World Report

Time Warner Inc.

Owner of CNN parent company Turner Broadcasting




Hollywood Foreign Press Association

Presenters of the Golden Globe Awards



Knight Foundation

Non-profit foundation dedicated to supporting journalism

Public Radio International

Turner Broadcasting

Parent company of CNN




Parent copmany of NBCUniversal

NBC Universal

Parent company of NBC News, MSNBC and CNBC

Public Broadcasting Service

Story with links @ Solid Evidence That The Media Is Biased Against Donald Trump

Nothing shocking about this for anybody who can be remotely subjective when watching news shows.
Trump is getting a free ride from the press

Any other candidate saying the same things would be laughed out of town
Last edited:
Well, it seems to make sense that amounts donated to the Clinton campaign should indicate a preference for her over her opponent. So, who donated what?


Carlos Slim (Mexicaan national)

Chairman & CEO of Telmex, largest New York Times shareholder

James Murdoch

Chief Operating Officer of 21st Century Fox

Newsmax Media

Florida-based conservative media network

Thomson Reuters

Owner of the Reuters news service



News Corporation Foundation

Philanthropic arm of former Fox News parent company


Houghton Mifflin Harcourt


Richard Mellon Scaife

Owner of Pittsburgh Tribune-Review


Abigail Disney

Documentary filmmaker

Bloomberg Philanthropies

Howard Stringer

Former CBS, CBS News and Sony executive

Intermountain West Communications Company

Local television affiliate owner (formerly Sunbelt Communications)


Bloomberg L.P.

Discovery Communications Inc.

George Stephanopoulos

ABC News chief anchor and chief political correspondent

Mort Zuckerman

Owner of New York Daily News and U.S. News & World Report

Time Warner Inc.

Owner of CNN parent company Turner Broadcasting




Hollywood Foreign Press Association

Presenters of the Golden Globe Awards



Knight Foundation

Non-profit foundation dedicated to supporting journalism

Public Radio International

Turner Broadcasting

Parent company of CNN




Parent copmany of NBCUniversal

NBC Universal

Parent company of NBC News, MSNBC and CNBC

Public Broadcasting Service

Story with links @ Solid Evidence That The Media Is Biased Against Donald Trump

What's really shameful is what the Clinton Foundation spends that money on - like wiping out malaria.

Don't get me wrong. I really do feel sorry for Drumpf. He gets blamed for ALMOST every lie he tells.

BTWd, where's Duh Donuld's tax returns? Hillary's are available on line going back to the 90s. What is he hiding?

Tax Return Shows Hillary Clinton Donated 100 Times More Money To Charity Than Trump

By Jason Easley on Fri, Aug 12th, 2016 at 2:20 pm

Hillary Clinton has released her and her husband's 2015 tax return, and it shows that they donated 9.8% of the gross income to charity. In contrast, reporters have been unable to find no individual donations that Trump made out of his own pocket to charity.
The media has been too soft on Trump

No other candidate would get away with what Trump does

Have you had one of Shrillary's "short circuits?"
The difference is that Hillary has run a conventional campaign and has stuck to the issues. That is what the press has been reporting

They have also reported on Trumps bizarre claims, half truths and lied

That is not unbalanced reporting

Compare the amount of free press Drumpf has gotten with the free press the other Rs or the Ds have gotten.

Trumpery's trumpery has gotten a free ride and what we've all heard in return is constant whining - from him and from his gullible fans, like the OP.

I wish they'd man up but it ain't gonna happen because, the RWNJs never take responsibility for themselves, their words or their actions. Drumpf is a whiny, entitled, spoiled little rich kid.
Meanwhile, Drumpf gets a pass for soliciting money from foreign sources - which is illegal.

And, eventually, we will learn that the millions given to Manafort were for Putin for Drumpf's campaign. (It was not a coincidence that he suddenly had the money to start running ads ...)
Let's face it

The press needs to say...

Mr Trump....that is not true
Mr Trump that did not happen
Mr Trump, that is an outright lie

Instead they let him get away with it
Well, it seems to make sense that amounts donated to the Clinton campaign should indicate a preference for her over her opponent. So, who donated what?


Carlos Slim (Mexicaan national)

Chairman & CEO of Telmex, largest New York Times shareholder

James Murdoch

Chief Operating Officer of 21st Century Fox

Newsmax Media

Florida-based conservative media network

Thomson Reuters

Owner of the Reuters news service



News Corporation Foundation

Philanthropic arm of former Fox News parent company


Houghton Mifflin Harcourt


Richard Mellon Scaife

Owner of Pittsburgh Tribune-Review


Abigail Disney

Documentary filmmaker

Bloomberg Philanthropies

Howard Stringer

Former CBS, CBS News and Sony executive

Intermountain West Communications Company

Local television affiliate owner (formerly Sunbelt Communications)


Bloomberg L.P.

Discovery Communications Inc.

George Stephanopoulos

ABC News chief anchor and chief political correspondent

Mort Zuckerman

Owner of New York Daily News and U.S. News & World Report

Time Warner Inc.

Owner of CNN parent company Turner Broadcasting




Hollywood Foreign Press Association

Presenters of the Golden Globe Awards



Knight Foundation

Non-profit foundation dedicated to supporting journalism

Public Radio International

Turner Broadcasting

Parent company of CNN




Parent copmany of NBCUniversal

NBC Universal

Parent company of NBC News, MSNBC and CNBC

Public Broadcasting Service

Story with links @ Solid Evidence That The Media Is Biased Against Donald Trump

Solid evidence the Media is Biased for Donald Trump

- Former head of Fox Broadcasting- now part of Trump's campaign
- Current head of Breitbart- now in charge of Trump's campaign.

Now all they need is the loon from WND being part of Trump's campaign for the Trifecta.
Don't kid yourselves. MSM is the crony Establishment as much as the puppet pols

Sent from my azpen using Tapatalk
Well, it seems to make sense that amounts donated to the Clinton campaign should indicate a preference for her over her opponent. So, who donated what?


Carlos Slim (Mexicaan national)

Chairman & CEO of Telmex, largest New York Times shareholder


Of course the c-nt Slim is anti-Trump; Slim's entire banking and telecom empire/monopoly is built upon the remittances sent and calls made home on cell phones by illegals living in the US. As the defacto owner of the NYT - an event that should never have been allowed as foreign ownership of the news media is antithetical to the national interest - he has enormous sway over the positions of the editorial board, and it shows over the past decade how the rag has moved from an almost neutral position to one of complete subservience to Slim's wishes of open borders/amnesty.
The difference is that Hillary has run a conventional campaign and has stuck to the issues. That is what the press has been reporting They have also reported on Trumps bizarre claims, half truths and lied That is not unbalanced reporting

"Stuck to the issues?" As in how come her illegal use of a private mail server for classified information is not front and center? How is it that the masthead and lead articles for the past 3 months in the NYT have ALL been anti-Trump bile? Check it out today, its no different than it has been for months. No sane adult can claim that the media is not strenuously working to discredit Trump.
The difference is that Hillary has run a conventional campaign and has stuck to the issues. That is what the press has been reporting They have also reported on Trumps bizarre claims, half truths and lied That is not unbalanced reporting

"Stuck to the issues?" As in how come her illegal use of a private mail server for classified information is not front and center? How is it that the masthead and lead articles for the past 3 months in the NYT have ALL been anti-Trump bile? Check it out today, its no different than it has been for months. No sane adult can claim that the media is not strenuously working to discredit Trump.
Hillary's private use of an email server has been reported for four years. It was investigated and no violations worthy of prosecuting were found. Sometimes you just gotta stop beating a dead horse

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