Can Republicans win with a message of "Let Him Die"?

That speech was not on the 'local effect' of jack shit. It was to the Legislative Conference for National Association of Counties.

Oy, still haven't bothered to read the speech you've deemed to be so significant. So let me help you out a bit:

Thank you, President Valerie Brown [of Sonoma County, Calif.] Don't we all take pride in Valerie Brown recently being named County Official of the Year for her advocacy on behalf of all of America's counties? Thank you, Valerie. Her wealth of experience – as a mayor, a state legislator, and an educator and a county executive - makes her an innovative and effective leader for the future. At this time of great challenges, her understanding of the different needs of NACo's diverse counties is essential.

"I understand many other county officials are here from California. Any Californians to be heard from here? Thank you for coming the distance to Washington and for going the distance for our constituents. And I want to acknowledge all of you who are here.

"I had the privilege last year to acknowledge the work of the Executive Committee of NACo by welcoming them to the Speaker's office in the Capitol. This year, I have the even greater privilege to come to you to speak to all of the members of NACo. [...]

"Nobody knows better than you [county-level officials] the strain on hospitals that never turned a patient away, and health care providers grappling with the challenges of the uninsured and shrinking reimbursement. You know as well as anyone, that our current system is unsustainable. It's unsustainable to individuals and their families. It's unsustainable for small businesses. It's unsustainable for your communities. It's unsustainable for our state, local, and national budgets. [...]

"We have to do this in [federal-state-local] partnership, and I wanted to bring up to date on where we see it from here. The final health care legislation that will soon be passed by Congress will deliver successful reform at the local level. It will offer paid for investments that will improve health care services and coverage for millions more Americans. It will make significant investments in innovation, prevention, wellness and offer robust support for public health infrastructure. It will dramatically expand investments into community health centers. That means a dramatic expansion in the number of patients community health centers can see and ultimately healthier communities. Our bill will significantly reduce uncompensated care for hospitals." [...]

"The challenges we face, the health, the education, the education of our children, the economic well-being of their families, the safety of neighborhoods, all of this, all roads lead to you [counties]. The challenges we all face are too great though for each of us to face them alone. We need to form the partnerships, strengthen partnerships at every level of government and with committed and compassionate leaders to understand that the need to focus on the next generation, we need to focus on the next generation, not the next election.

The GOP has a health reform plan. The fact that you do not like it doesn't negate it's existence.
Repeal and Replace the Job-Destroying Health Care Law - A Pledge to America -

You know, I always prefer to read the legislative text. Can you link us to that? In fact, it's been a year now, I'm sure they've already marked that legislation up--how about a link to the hearings on that health reform legislation?

Let me save you the time. Their "plan" is to come up with a plan. Someday. "On January 20, 2011, the House passed H. Res. 9, a resolution instructing House committees to develop legislation replacing the job-killing health care law."

They have no intention of doing anything about it. Maybe next session, right? Just hold that football steady now...

it is impossible to have a logical debate with someone like you who is intent on parroting whatever their liberal masters tell them, regardless of the facts presented.


Get over yourself. You tried an ill-thought-out cheap shot at a political you leader you don't like based on a speech you never read and a context you apparently don't have the patience to comprehend. If you're trying to impress me you'll have to work a lot harder.

Oh shut the fuck up...

Republicans have plenty of plans for all problematic issues - it's the democrats who pretend they don't.

It's almost like democrats are deaf or literate.

I don't know what the fuck your problem is. If you don't like a plan then say so - however don't pretend like Republicans don't have plans.
That speech was not on the 'local effect' of jack shit. It was to the Legislative Conference for National Association of Counties.

Oy, still haven't bothered to read the speech you've deemed to be so significant. So let me help you out a bit:

Thank you, President Valerie Brown [of Sonoma County, Calif.] Don't we all take pride in Valerie Brown recently being named County Official of the Year for her advocacy on behalf of all of America's counties? Thank you, Valerie. Her wealth of experience – as a mayor, a state legislator, and an educator and a county executive - makes her an innovative and effective leader for the future. At this time of great challenges, her understanding of the different needs of NACo's diverse counties is essential.

"I understand many other county officials are here from California. Any Californians to be heard from here? Thank you for coming the distance to Washington and for going the distance for our constituents. And I want to acknowledge all of you who are here.

"I had the privilege last year to acknowledge the work of the Executive Committee of NACo by welcoming them to the Speaker's office in the Capitol. This year, I have the even greater privilege to come to you to speak to all of the members of NACo. [...]

"Nobody knows better than you [county-level officials] the strain on hospitals that never turned a patient away, and health care providers grappling with the challenges of the uninsured and shrinking reimbursement. You know as well as anyone, that our current system is unsustainable. It's unsustainable to individuals and their families. It's unsustainable for small businesses. It's unsustainable for your communities. It's unsustainable for our state, local, and national budgets. [...]

"We have to do this in [federal-state-local] partnership, and I wanted to bring up to date on where we see it from here. The final health care legislation that will soon be passed by Congress will deliver successful reform at the local level. It will offer paid for investments that will improve health care services and coverage for millions more Americans. It will make significant investments in innovation, prevention, wellness and offer robust support for public health infrastructure. It will dramatically expand investments into community health centers. That means a dramatic expansion in the number of patients community health centers can see and ultimately healthier communities. Our bill will significantly reduce uncompensated care for hospitals." [...]

"The challenges we face, the health, the education, the education of our children, the economic well-being of their families, the safety of neighborhoods, all of this, all roads lead to you [counties]. The challenges we all face are too great though for each of us to face them alone. We need to form the partnerships, strengthen partnerships at every level of government and with committed and compassionate leaders to understand that the need to focus on the next generation, we need to focus on the next generation, not the next election.

The GOP has a health reform plan. The fact that you do not like it doesn't negate it's existence.
Repeal and Replace the Job-Destroying Health Care Law - A Pledge to America -

You know, I always prefer to read the legislative text. Can you link us to that? In fact, it's been a year now, I'm sure they've already marked that legislation up--how about a link to the hearings on that health reform legislation?

Let me save you the time. Their "plan" is to come up with a plan. Someday. "On January 20, 2011, the House passed H. Res. 9, a resolution instructing House committees to develop legislation replacing the job-killing health care law."

They have no intention of doing anything about it. Maybe next session, right? Just hold that football steady now...

it is impossible to have a logical debate with someone like you who is intent on parroting whatever their liberal masters tell them, regardless of the facts presented.


Get over yourself. You tried an ill-thought-out cheap shot at a political you leader you don't like based on a speech you never read and a context you apparently don't have the patience to comprehend. If you're trying to impress me you'll have to work a lot harder.

If you think I am here to impress you, then I believe you are the one who needs to get over themselves :rofl:
Republicans have plenty of plans for all problematic issues - it's the democrats who pretend they don't.

Republicans have position statements they trot out near elections. I'm familiar with what actual policy proposals look like so I'm not quite so easily fooled.

The House has not moved a vehicle for replacing the ACA. And I don't expect them to.
Republicans have plenty of plans for all problematic issues - it's the democrats who pretend they don't.

Republicans have position statements they trot out near elections. I'm familiar with what actual policy proposals look like so I'm not quite so easily fooled.

The House has not moved a vehicle for replacing the ACA. And I don't expect them to.

Right because everyone knows you only need one house of Congress to pass legislation. The House should do an Obama and say, "The President won't help, so we're passing this without him or Reid"
Republicans have plenty of plans for all problematic issues - it's the democrats who pretend they don't.

Republicans have position statements they trot out near elections. I'm familiar with what actual policy proposals look like so I'm not quite so easily fooled.

The House has not moved a vehicle for replacing the ACA. And I don't expect them to.

What the fuck are you talking about??

Republicans have plans, the Senate just rejects them because the democrats are pissed their spending bills and programs are not being funded.

All democrats in the Senate care about is making good on their government payoffs to their government dependents because otherwise they know if the fucking retards don't get their money they will be replaced by someone that will deliver the free money...

I'm not fucking stupid...

Not that I really give a fuck if a state wants to become a "nanny state" - however we shouldn't become a "nanny nation."

If individuals in Illinois for example are fed up with the redistribution of wealth they should be able to move to Wisconsin and let Illinois drown in its own "democratic machine welfare totalitarian state" nonsense..
I really don't know.....maybe you should ask Dr Paul

no ....i am asking quoted what does what you said ...have to do with my comment to Dean?....

Let's go to the video tape...

Rdean quoted Dr Paul as saying the churches should take care of them
You attacked rdean and said he was talking MONETARILY
I responded on the difficulties of churches to pay medical fees

Try to keep up now
oh you were commenting on what Dean said using my quote......gotcha....:rolleyes:.....and i ATTACKED Dean?.....seriously?......Gee i hope i did not hurt him....:lol:......
How many churches have the finances to take care of one person in a coma for over six months? That is over a million dollars. Will they pay up for an atheist the same as someone in their congregation? What happens when they are paying for someone in a coma and another person gets seriously ill shortly after?

Churches are stopgap measures and do not have nearly the resources to take care of the seriously ill

How many religious (church) based hospitals are there that take care of the sick regardless of ability to pay?

I asked Dean the question, he didn't answer.

Will you?
How many churches have the finances to take care of one person in a coma for over six months? That is over a million dollars. Will they pay up for an atheist the same as someone in their congregation? What happens when they are paying for someone in a coma and another person gets seriously ill shortly after?

Churches are stopgap measures and do not have nearly the resources to take care of the seriously ill

How many religious (church) based hospitals are there that take care of the sick regardless of ability to pay?

I asked Dean the question, he didn't answer.

Will you?

Ummm beats the hell out of me

Let me guess..........Ummm. Four?
The three most popular phrases that came out of the Republican Presidential Debates:

"Let Him Die".

"Corporations are People, my friend".

"End Obamacare".

Runner up's:

"Get rid of the EPA"
"Save Marriage"

Obviously, the Republicans aren't going for the "Middle Class", so who are they making the pitch for?

They can win. Especially if their "voter suppression" isn't taken seriously.

But what is the message?

What is the plan?

Is "end health care for millions of Americans" a real plan? Who pays when they get sick? And they will get sick. "Let him die" seems too far outside the mainstream. But is it? Is that a message Americans want to hear?

I don't think see the wingnuts here are already getting to the point of wanting to riot. Lousy fags.
How many churches have the finances to take care of one person in a coma for over six months? That is over a million dollars. Will they pay up for an atheist the same as someone in their congregation? What happens when they are paying for someone in a coma and another person gets seriously ill shortly after?

Churches are stopgap measures and do not have nearly the resources to take care of the seriously ill

How many religious (church) based hospitals are there that take care of the sick regardless of ability to pay?

I asked Dean the question, he didn't answer.

Will you?

Ummm beats the hell out of me

Let me guess..........Ummm. Four?

I will take that as a 'no'.
The war against the middle class began with Ronald Reagan. He was able to sell it as the "Trickle Down" theory. All the statistics show that the middle class began to lose ground with the wealthy and ultra-rich, during this period. That is why all of the GOP use his name in such reverence.
Amazing, Rdean got to attend one Republican rally and we never hear the end of it

Thaaaaaank you
Replace it with something that addresses the cost of HC.

The cost, which is the real problem, isn't addressed in Obamacare at all.

That is not a replacement. That is an addition. I would like to see Republicans put forth a plan to reduce costs. What are they waiting for?

The last thing the GObP/pubs want is to reduce costs. They are firmly in the pockets of the insurance and drug companies which is why they hate ObamaCare - because it DOES reduce costs. That was (PARTLY) the source of our premium refund.


And Barry didn't make deals with big Pharma??

Educate yourself idiot.
Replace it with something that addresses the cost of HC.

The cost, which is the real problem, isn't addressed in Obamacare at all.

That is not a replacement. That is an addition. I would like to see Republicans put forth a plan to reduce costs. What are they waiting for?

The last thing the GObP/pubs want is to reduce costs. They are firmly in the pockets of the insurance and drug companies which is why they hate ObamaCare - because it DOES reduce costs. That was (PARTLY) the source of our premium refund.



this is where refunds like yours (if you even got one) come from...
BCBSNC's Premium Refunds Show the Perils of ObamaCare | Michael F. Cannon | Cato Institute: Commentary

But BlueCross BlueShield of North Carolina's announcement that it will refund $156 million to policyholders shows that ObamaCare is replacing badly needed consumer protections with price controls that imperil access to care for the seriously ill.
In 2014, however, ObamaCare will eliminate BCBSNC's "guaranteed renewable" plans. The law will also require insurers to charge everyone in a given age group the same premium, regardless of risk.

Since BCBSNC now only needs enough to cover their sick policyholders for three more years, they refunded policyholders an average of $725. Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius praised the refunds as evidence of ObamaCare's benevolence.

Sebelius has it entirely backward. Guaranteed renewability protects consumers by enabling insurers to profit from covering the sick. ObamaCare is replacing that protection with government price controls that will reduce access to care for the seriously ill by turning the sick into a losing proposition for insurers.
BCBSNC's refunds show that ObamaCare is leaving seriously ill patients with less protection, not more. Health insurance was hardly perfect before ObamaCare, but BCBSNC's policyholders had insurance that had pre-funded many of their future medical bills.

Now, ObamaCare has effectively transferred those reserves from the sick to the healthy. Seriously ill policyholders now have less protection against BCBSNC reneging on its commitments to them. Competition used to discourage skimping; ObamaCare rewards it.

YAY Obamacare! :rolleyes:
Sebelius has it entirely backward. Guaranteed renewability protects consumers by enabling insurers to profit from covering the sick. ObamaCare is replacing that protection with government price controls that will reduce access to care for the seriously ill by turning the sick into a losing proposition for insurers.

YAY Obamacare! :rolleyes:

Learn something about the relevant policy issues: Risk Adjustment

Or continue to embrace any half-baked analysis that validates your world view. Your choice.
How many churches have the finances to take care of one person in a coma for over six months? That is over a million dollars. Will they pay up for an atheist the same as someone in their congregation? What happens when they are paying for someone in a coma and another person gets seriously ill shortly after?

Churches are stopgap measures and do not have nearly the resources to take care of the seriously ill

How many religious (church) based hospitals are there that take care of the sick regardless of ability to pay?

I asked Dean the question, he didn't answer.

Will you?

Ummm beats the hell out of me

Let me guess..........Ummm. Four?

I have to admit, that's pretty damn funny.

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