Can Natural Gas Solve U.S. Energy Problems?


Trump/Vance Ticket-- Too Big to Rig
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
Central Coast
According to T. Boone Pickens, it can and he has long been frustrated as to the refusal of our leaders, ( ? ) to "go for it."

Financier T. Boone Pickens thinks natural gas makes sense. In his “Pickens Plan” television commercials he states, “natural gas is cleaner, cheaper, abundant, and it’s ours.“

From article:

"Recoverable reserves in the three state area — stretching from West Virginia through Pennsylvania to New York — could be as much as 500 trillion cubic feet. This would double the known shale reserves and boost total U.S. recoverable reserves to more than 2,500 trillion cubic feet.

"No energy source is completely free of environmental side effects, as evidenced in this case by local concerns about water quality where natural gas drilling is occurring. Care must be taken to safeguard water resources in gas-producing areas."

"Is it ours? Compared to America’s domestic oil reserves, which stand at a three-year supply, the United States has at least a 110-year supply of natural gas within its own borders. We are not dependent on anybody else, anywhere, for any of this."

"So it appears that T. Boone Pickens’ claims are true. Natural gas is cleaner, cheaper, abundant, and it’s ours.

"Considering the benefits to U.S. national security and the environment, U.S. energy policy should increase focus on natural gas. It may not be “the” solution to America’s energy problems, but it’s part of the solution."

David Baumann is a research associate at the American Institute for Economic Research, 250 Division St., Great Barrington, Mass.

Can natural gas solve U.S. energy problems?
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New York effectively shut down drilling in that state by placing a moratorium on hyrdaulic fracturing.
Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania, a boom is bringing in a flood of cash, thousands of jobs, and billions of c/f natural gas.
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Natural gas is a good source of energy. BUT, it's not as good as coal, oil, hydro and nuclear. I don't know what Pickens is thinking.
Natural gas is a good source of energy. BUT, it's not as good as coal, oil, hydro and nuclear. I don't know what Pickens is thinking.
The left like to say the T. Boone is an advocate for wind and solar power (as long as there's gov't subsidies in it) but what they leave out is that he also said we need to drill for domestic oil and gas as well as mine coal and build nuclear power plants.

He said Wind and Solar just aren't enough.
ExxonMobil seems to think it will supply demand. They recently just became the largest Natural Gas company in the world again last year.
I don't know if they can "solve" our energy problem but it sure can go a long way towards to supplying demand. We have an ocean of gas, and we should be converting towards gas away from more conventional sources. Someone told me this, and I don't know if it is true or not, but if you convert all trucks in this country to gas, it would reduce our oil demand for transportation by half.

Its nuts that we give money for oil to people who want to kill us. We have to diversify away from oil.
Natural gas is a good source of energy. BUT, it's not as good as coal, oil, hydro and nuclear. I don't know what Pickens is thinking.
The left like to say the T. Boone is an advocate for wind and solar power (as long as there's gov't subsidies in it) but what they leave out is that he also said we need to drill for domestic oil and gas as well as mine coal and build nuclear power plants.

He said Wind and Solar just aren't enough.
There is that.
I don't know if they can "solve" our energy problem but it sure can go a long way towards to supplying demand. We have an ocean of gas, and we should be converting towards gas away from more conventional sources. Someone told me this, and I don't know if it is true or not, but if you convert all trucks in this country to gas, it would reduce our oil demand for transportation by half.

Its nuts that we give money for oil to people who want to kill us. We have to diversify away from oil.
Railroads have been experimenting with LPG for a long time now. It has it's problems, mostly in the form of large scale fueling and the freakout about transporting it. It's dangerous stuff and the fact that it's pressurized makes it all the worse to handle.

BUT, it is a necessary resource we need to look at exploiting better instead of running away from as the namby pamby greens and NIMBY freaks do.
I met T. Bone about 15 years ago at a conference during which he gave a pep talk re: natural gas vehicles. Also toured a Denver facility that retrofitted buses and fleet vehicles. Fascinating. :thup:
Reading the title my first response is Natural Gas cannot solve our energy problem because our energy problem is only politicians. As long as the politician make policy at a whim we will have energy problems.
Pickins again? He proposed the borderline crazy notion that America should create a line of windmills from the Mexican border to Canada just before the last presidential election. He is either a self appointed presidential election buster or he needs a CAT scan.
Natural gas can play a much larger part of the overal energy picture in America.

What the heck has happened to the natural gas pipeline that Palin said god told her to build?

Why aren't the TP'ers pushing for that?
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Natural gas use is always increasing and the price has dropped, we are doing okay but we still have the tryrannical restrictions of politicians and bueacrites that drive up the cost of all forms of energy.
New York effectively shut down drilling in that state by placing a moratorium on hyrdaulic fracturing.
Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania, a boom is bringing in a flood of cash, thousands of jobs, and billions of c/f natural gas.

I wonder how much of that gas is used to generate electricity for NY?
Natural gas can play a much larger part of the overal energy picture in America.

What the heck has happened to the natural gas pipeline that Palin said god told her to build?

Why aren't the TP'ers pushing for that?


....the new Lib-boogiemonster
The Pickins Plan was to take the existing gas that is being used to create electricity & replace it with wind power. Then divert that gas from the grid to run the trucks & buses. This should not be a problem considering the wind blows 25% of the time so we could actually get 20% of our electricity from wind.

I just watched the movie "Gas Land" & I hope that water contamination is not as wide spread as they lead you to believe. They show it killing all the animals in the stream & the ones that drink from it. It is making people sick & killed many. Once the ground water is contaminated you cant even shower in it or you will get sick. Residence are forced to get all their water delivered from then on. Animals & wildlife are screwed.

They claim if NY allows fracking near or above the Catskills that it will contaminate the water supply to 15 million people plus countless animals & pets. So ramping up even more gas production may meet serious headwinds soon.
The Pickins Plan was to take the existing gas that is being used to create electricity & replace it with wind power. Then divert that gas from the grid to run the trucks & buses. This should not be a problem considering the wind blows 25% of the time so we could actually get 20% of our electricity from wind.

I just watched the movie "Gas Land" & I hope that water contamination is not as wide spread as they lead you to believe. They show it killing all the animals in the stream & the ones that drink from it. It is making people sick & killed many. Once the ground water is contaminated you cant even shower in it or you will get sick. Residence are forced to get all their water delivered from then on. Animals & wildlife are screwed.

They claim if NY allows fracking near or above the Catskills that it will contaminate the water supply to 15 million people plus countless animals & pets. So ramping up even more gas production may meet serious headwinds soon.
Gasland? Yeah, that couldn't be an anti-fracking propaganda piece at all. I can even smell that from the IMDB entry.
According to T. Boone Pickens, it can and he has long been frustrated as to the refusal of our leaders, ( ? ) to "go for it."

Financier T. Boone Pickens thinks natural gas makes sense. In his “Pickens Plan” television commercials he states, “natural gas is cleaner, cheaper, abundant, and it’s ours.“

From article:

"Recoverable reserves in the three state area — stretching from West Virginia through Pennsylvania to New York — could be as much as 500 trillion cubic feet. This would double the known shale reserves and boost total U.S. recoverable reserves to more than 2,500 trillion cubic feet.

"No energy source is completely free of environmental side effects, as evidenced in this case by local concerns about water quality where natural gas drilling is occurring. Care must be taken to safeguard water resources in gas-producing areas."

"Is it ours? Compared to America’s domestic oil reserves, which stand at a three-year supply, the United States has at least a 110-year supply of natural gas within its own borders. We are not dependent on anybody else, anywhere, for any of this."

"So it appears that T. Boone Pickens’ claims are true. Natural gas is cleaner, cheaper, abundant, and it’s ours.

"Considering the benefits to U.S. national security and the environment, U.S. energy policy should increase focus on natural gas. It may not be “the” solution to America’s energy problems, but it’s part of the solution."

David Baumann is a research associate at the American Institute for Economic Research, 250 Division St., Great Barrington, Mass.

Can natural gas solve U.S. energy problems?

Not if Obama has his way, In January 2008 he said he wanted to make Oil, natural Gas and coal to expensive to use.
(1) That we have a crisis: America as a nation is blessed with some of the largest deposits of coal, natural gas, OIL, rivers for hydro and uranium for nuclear!

(2) We don't have Oil: HUGE LIE! First, even with the environazis allowing us to only drill in a few places, we still provide 50% of our oil consumption needs. Second, we have the largest (maybe second to Russia) oil reserves in the world. Take the oil scales, AWAR, in the Gulf, offshore and deep sea we could be an oil exporting country! Drill baby drill is not a just a slogan it's the truth!!!
Green River Formation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Place.................Barrels in the Millions ....... Weight in Million of Tons
(1) Green River Formation USA......... 1,466,000....................213,000
(2) Phosphoria Formation USA............250,000......................35,775
(3) Eastern Devonian USA...................189,000..................... .27,000
(4) Heath Formation USA....................180,000.................... ..25,578
And coming in (5) and (6)
(5) Russia..........................................16 7,715.....................24,000
(6) Congo...........................................10 0,000....................14,310

Russia has less oil scales then our 4th largest and they are utilizing this source and making a killing off it. To date, the Environazis won't allow us to use any of this black gold!

(3) We don't have an energy source problem, we have a FOREIGN OIL problem: Coal and Natural Gas aren't fueling our cars. Drill Baby Drill and pushing and improving the electric car is the answer. I know 1 Leaf owner and 2 Volt owners, all three say the cars have their downsides (the Leaf owner especially, says the car gets more like 80 miles vs 100), but all three are very satisfied and say they aren't going back to gas cars.

(4) The Picketts Plan calls for Wind Power and Natural Gas run cars: First, it's impossible to change over all the car to natural gas any time soon. Second, if we did we would only delay the inevitable. Third, win power is great in theory, but not good enough for our needs.

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