Can Hillary be stopped?

Hearing today that Kerry and Algore are in a pissing match with it likely that BOTH will take on Hillary and Fauxahontas at the convention.

Interesting outcome would be whether it would be an Algore/Kerry ticket or a Kerry/Algore ticket. Ain't no way, nohow that would ever be a Hillary/Fauxahontas one.
Algore has to be still smarting from not being able to carry his own state.
Hearing today that Kerry and Algore are in a pissing match with it likely that BOTH will take on Hillary and Fauxahontas at the convention.

Interesting outcome would be whether it would be an Algore/Kerry ticket or a Kerry/Algore ticket. Ain't no way, nohow that would ever be a Hillary/Fauxahontas one.



Can Hillary Clinton be stopped?

God, I hope so.

And, I think that some of our first-page posters are probably right...

In all likelihood, she's gonna stop herself...

Or, most likely, already has...

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