Can anyone tell me anything positive about this proposed 2 trillion dollar infrastructure deal?

It will send us even further into debt as a nation...and it seems everyone is good with that.
Even if you give this thing the benefit of the doubt and assumed zero pork, it still looks like a 2 trillion dollar pile of who gives a f***. We might as well purchase 2 trillion dollars worth of carnival prizes. Who gives a shit about anything listed there and why should we add 2 trillion dollars to either taxes or debt?

The money people get what they want every time. Rump will start a new war, bet on it.
We must as a national security issue update and secure our grid and was all ignored by the Magic Kenyan....half of this money are dollars we should have been spending on infrastructure during Obama's 8 years.....he fucked us and didn't spend the dollars for what it was intended....remember?...he put Joe in someone ask Joe Biden what they did with the stimulus money....I'd love to hear his answer....
Even if you give this thing the benefit of the doubt and assumed zero pork, it still looks like a 2 trillion dollar pile of who gives a f***. We might as well purchase 2 trillion dollars worth of carnival prizes. Who gives a shit about anything listed there and why should we add 2 trillion dollars to either taxes or debt?
The feds should have nothing to do with infrastructure. That should be a state issue. And all the states have to do to have plenty of money for it is apply the gas tax to what it was initially passed to do. Fix the roads and bridges. Local power companies get their taxes and rates. Fix your own shit. It's stupid we actually think this can't be done locally.
We must as a national security issue update and secure our grid and was all ignored by the Magic Kenyan....half of this money are dollars we should have been spending on infrastructure during Obama's 8 years.....he fucked us and didn't spend the dollars for what it was intended....remember?...he put Joe in someone ask Joe Biden what they did with the stimulus money....I'd love to hear his answer....
More waaaah waaaaah It's Obama's fault bullshit from the can I goose Trump gallery.
I have always been a huge Trump supporter and he has been a great President so far, except WTF? This looks like tax and spend bullshit. Someone please enlighten me as to what I'm overlooking. I admit to looking the other way on, and at times even encouraging, Trump's exorbitant military spending because I believe in national defense and taking care of our troops, except where is the justification for this two trillion dollar bill of goods?
Even if you give this thing the benefit of the doubt and assumed zero pork, it still looks like a 2 trillion dollar pile of who gives a f***. We might as well purchase 2 trillion dollars worth of carnival prizes. Who gives a shit about anything listed there and why should we add 2 trillion dollars to either taxes or debt?

It's needed and will help further stimulate the economy. The down sides are it will drastically increase the national debt and also help get Trump re-elected in 2020 due to a good economy.
im not a supporter at all I dont even know whats in it either
BUT I WOULD HOPE they would use the money to actually fix bridges and roads n tunnels the least

hope and government never really mix to well anyway

its kinda like an oreo dunking a cookie

If ya'll ever knew anything about the Federal Reserve...debt is meaningless. It's one of the few issues no one should care about on either side. The Federal Reserve is pretty much voodoo since it's inception.

The American Armed Forces are the power and confidence behind our debt.
Even if you give this thing the benefit of the doubt and assumed zero pork, it still looks like a 2 trillion dollar pile of who gives a f***. We might as well purchase 2 trillion dollars worth of carnival prizes. Who gives a shit about anything listed there and why should we add 2 trillion dollars to either taxes or debt?

Yes ...

1.) It positively will not stay below 2 trillion.
2.) It positively will not be spent the way it has been allocated.
3.) It positively will be siphoned, grafted, cookie Jarred and pilfered.
4.) It positively will be gone before even ten percent of the promised repairs have been

There you go.....some positive things.

Even if you give this thing the benefit of the doubt and assumed zero pork, it still looks like a 2 trillion dollar pile of who gives a f***. We might as well purchase 2 trillion dollars worth of carnival prizes. Who gives a shit about anything listed there and why should we add 2 trillion dollars to either taxes or debt?
The feds should have nothing to do with infrastructure. That should be a state issue. And all the states have to do to have plenty of money for it is apply the gas tax to what it was initially passed to do. Fix the roads and bridges. Local power companies get their taxes and rates. Fix your own shit. It's stupid we actually think this can't be done locally.
Your a moron our power system is number 2
Not enough details yet. Paying for it (the mechanisms) seem to be the major sticking point.

Someday we may join other nations in having high speed rail. That doesn't seem to be part of the package....:47:
We must as a national security issue update and secure our grid and was all ignored by the Magic Kenyan....half of this money are dollars we should have been spending on infrastructure during Obama's 8 years.....he fucked us and didn't spend the dollars for what it was intended....remember?...he put Joe in someone ask Joe Biden what they did with the stimulus money....I'd love to hear his answer....
Congress has authority over financial and budgetary policy through the enumerated power to "lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States".

Congress is the real problem....

Obama sold the same lie McCain would have
The stimulus money would have been wasted either way....
Why...because we have the same, corrupted,
establishment Congressional politicians

Our infrastructure should be a priority EVERY year...
Not at only the federal level but, with the states as well
Furthermore, it should be the priority at every level
City, suburban, rural, etc...

These mother fuckers spend on shit they shouldn't be
then keep finding ways to raise revenue just to keep shit afloat

For in Chicago

Tax payer funded sports stadiums
A giant metal bean WE DID NOT NEED
Maggie Daley Park
$6 BILLION Waterfront development project
Year round sports complex
To name a few....

Our sewer drainage system doesn't work....
When it rains the streets flood because it's not draining
then pours over onto the sidewalks and front yards

The new 911 call center, up and running since 1995...

Every Chicago phone bill, cell phones too
pay a $4.99, 911 surcharge

So, with a population of 2.7 million people
let's just say 1 million have phones

Every month the city rakes in $5 million dollars
Every year $60 million...over the course of 24 years
If I'm not mistaken, that is 1 BILLION 440 MILLION


There needs to be a change in representation...period
The people need to reassert their authority
And stop blurring passions with fundamental priorities
Even if you give this thing the benefit of the doubt and assumed zero pork, it still looks like a 2 trillion dollar pile of who gives a f***. We might as well purchase 2 trillion dollars worth of carnival prizes. Who gives a shit about anything listed there and why should we add 2 trillion dollars to either taxes or debt?
Lots our your money diverted to contributors in every congressional district.
Here is a good example how the Infrastructure funding could be leveraged to provide a long term revolving fund to address critical needs, such as sewer, water, bridge, airport, flood control, railroad, tunnels, and other types of projects, such as urban renewal. The funds are NOT all grants, but a combination of grants and loans to make the projects viable.

Similarly, there is another option for funding such as "Public-Private-Partnership" where a conglomerate/team of businesses can bid on a project, complete the project, and then sell/lease the project to the government who pays an annual "mortgage" to buy the project from the PPP team. The government saves money by paying a smaller mortgage rather than a big bill for the whole project.

Funding for the infrastructure $2T needs to be via a gas tax, and by raising the top tax rate. I support new taxes, such as a transaction tax on stock sales, a remittance tax on money sent out of the US, and lastly, if needed to balance the Budget, a 3% Federal sales tax. Then they need to use the "fixes" to save Medicare and SS. That should put the US on a fantastic track going forward.
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Let the States handle it. They are on site and know what they need to do and how to do it better the Government ever will.

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