Can anyone tell me anything positive about this proposed 2 trillion dollar infrastructure deal?

We must as a national security issue update and secure our grid and was all ignored by the Magic Kenyan....half of this money are dollars we should have been spending on infrastructure during Obama's 8 years.....he fucked us and didn't spend the dollars for what it was intended....remember?...he put Joe in someone ask Joe Biden what they did with the stimulus money....I'd love to hear his answer....

Updated - The Obameter: Modernize the nation's electricity grid and use "smart grid" practices

You know Obama didn't get a choice on where to spend the money... Do we have to do Government 101 again... Seems like we have to do it daily these days...
Even if you give this thing the benefit of the doubt and assumed zero pork, it still looks like a 2 trillion dollar pile of who gives a f***. We might as well purchase 2 trillion dollars worth of carnival prizes. Who gives a shit about anything listed there and why should we add 2 trillion dollars to either taxes or debt?
Obama is not in charge. Trump gets results. I trust Trump.
If we don't want to start looking like a 3rd world country, we better start to care about infrastructure. This agreement is just talk. we will not get agreement on where the money will come from.
We must as a national security issue update and secure our grid and was all ignored by the Magic Kenyan....half of this money are dollars we should have been spending on infrastructure during Obama's 8 years.....he fucked us and didn't spend the dollars for what it was intended....remember?...he put Joe in someone ask Joe Biden what they did with the stimulus money....I'd love to hear his answer....

Updated - The Obameter: Modernize the nation's electricity grid and use "smart grid" practices

You know Obama didn't get a choice on where to spend the money... Do we have to do Government 101 again... Seems like we have to do it daily these days...
He used the money to prop up public sector unions....and your link is BS because we have not modernized the nations electrical grid one iota.....
Raise the corporate tax back to 70% where it was before Reagan and restore this country above 3rd world status.

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I'm hoping that the infrastructure funding can be used to get the US finances in order. I'd like to see the gas tax raised, the top tax rate raised, a remittance tax on funds sent out of the US, a transaction tax on stocks, a new Federal sales tax, and to implement the fixes for SS & Medicare. That should more than pay for everything.
I think they should use infrastructure money to build institutions where we can dump all the mentally ill leftists that are turning our streets to sewers.

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