Can anyone explain Liz Warrens game plan in not attacking Bernie?

Seeing as how her agenda differs very little from his, what is she going to attack him on?

Oh GOD - The list is long. His honeymoon in Russia, his apparent love for socialist autocrats, the fact that in 30 years, about all Bernie's got done is naming a few post offices. Warren's list of accomplishments is WAY more substantive.

Their political philosophy is identical, more central planning and government control over people's lives.
She is pandering for the VP slot
She needs to get out, as do some of the others who aren't doing worth a damn. The only reason Bernie is ahead is because there are too many of them fracturing the votes.
Not sure whether they should get out, but you may be right. I disagree that Bernie ahead due to fracturing the vote. His far left position and style has attracted a very vocal and easily motivated minority of that party in a similar way that trump attracted a vocal minority, that went on to control that party. Sounds dangerous, especially considering hindsight of what became of republican party. I miss their stabilizing influence, may they rest in peace.
So last night she was all over Bloomberg right out of the gate - AGAIN. She's not going to take any votes away from Bloomy. None. Her only chance to take votes comes not from the center lane candidates but rather from one man - Bernie Sanders.

And yet, she hasn't said a word about Bernie, even though the vetting which has finally begun on Bernie is extremely unfavorable. And yet, about all I've heard her say about Bernie is that she thinks she'd make a better president. Well duh, nobody should be in the race at this point if they don't think they'd make a better president than everyone else.

So what's the strategery ? (apologies for the Bushism) because I don't get it - at ALL

She's figured out she has no chance so is hoping for veep.
Black people aren't going to vote for a faggot, and neither are latinos. Democrats need the racist votes of those demographics, so forget Buttplug, he's going nowhere fast, unless the Super delegatessave him, in which case they lose badly against Trump as most of their base stays home or votes for whatever racist crank the Greens run.
She is pandering for the VP slot
She needs to get out, as do some of the others who aren't doing worth a damn. The only reason Bernie is ahead is because there are too many of them fracturing the votes.
No, the reason Bernie is ahead is that he is the only one offering a vision for America. Trump, a political novice, won the 2016 nomination against all odds because he forcefully presented a clear vision of a better America. Bernie is doing the same thing, but none of the others are.
Steyer and Bloomberg can both run as independents if they wanted to. They don't need the DNC for anything. Trump doesn't need the GOP, either, he won without them and they know it
She is pandering for the VP slot
She needs to get out, as do some of the others who aren't doing worth a damn. The only reason Bernie is ahead is because there are too many of them fracturing the votes.
Not sure whether they should get out, but you may be right. I disagree that Bernie ahead due to fracturing the vote. His far left position and style has attracted a very vocal and easily motivated minority of that party in a similar way that trump attracted a vocal minority, that went on to control that party. Sounds dangerous, especially considering hindsight of what became of republican party. I miss their stabilizing influence, may they rest in peace.

Bernie talks really loud and waves his arms around a lot. I felt somewhat of a Bern in 2016 but no mas. He's little other than an old man yelling at clouds. Sort of a populist lefty version of Donald Trump. He wins, I'm afraid it affects the down ballot ... BIGLY, and we get four more years of the Dotard (catastrophic to say the least).

It will be great to see Warren blown out of the water on Super Tuesday. Really looking forward to it, of all the Democrats I think she is the most repugnant of all. She may be hoping for the VP slot but I don't think the other Democrats like her either.
So last night she was all over Bloomberg right out of the gate - AGAIN. She's not going to take any votes away from Bloomy. None. Her only chance to take votes comes not from the center lane candidates but rather from one man - Bernie Sanders.

And yet, she hasn't said a word about Bernie, even though the vetting which has finally begun on Bernie is extremely unfavorable. And yet, about all I've heard her say about Bernie is that she thinks she'd make a better president. Well duh, nobody should be in the race at this point if they don't think they'd make a better president than everyone else.

So what's the strategery ? (apologies for the Bushism) because I don't get it - at ALL
Maybe she wants to be vice president
So last night she was all over Bloomberg right out of the gate - AGAIN. She's not going to take any votes away from Bloomy. None. Her only chance to take votes comes not from the center lane candidates but rather from one man - Bernie Sanders.

And yet, she hasn't said a word about Bernie, even though the vetting which has finally begun on Bernie is extremely unfavorable. And yet, about all I've heard her say about Bernie is that she thinks she'd make a better president. Well duh, nobody should be in the race at this point if they don't think they'd make a better president than everyone else.

So what's the strategery ? (apologies for the Bushism) because I don't get it - at ALL
She's a socialist nutbag like Bernie. Her aim appears to be the last socialist standing.
She is pandering for the VP slot
Yep, being the VP on the dem loser ticket really does make her the front runner for 24. Cynicism knows no bounds. but apparently she did the math, and she's just not going to get centrist votes to derail Bernie.
If she had wanted the centrist vote, she needed to change her belief structure or at least try to convince people she had. She is not as far out there as bernie, but not that far from it.
According to a CNN story back in early January; during a private meeting back in December of 2018 Warren and Sanders agreed "to remain civil and avoid attacking one another, so as not to hurt the progressive movement" if they both ran for the Presidency.

Then Warren came out and claimed that at the same meeting Bernie told her he thought a woman couldn't win the Presidency (which Comrade Sanders denied).

Maybe they're back to being pals again.:dunno:

Bernie Sanders told Elizabeth Warren in private 2018 meeting that a woman can't win, sources say - CNNPolitics
She is pandering for the VP slot
Yep, being the VP on the dem loser ticket really does make her the front runner for 24. Cynicism knows no bounds. but apparently she did the math, and she's just not going to get centrist votes to derail Bernie.
If she had wanted the centrist vote, she needed to change her belief structure or at least try to convince people she had. She is not as far out there as bernie, but not that far from it.
yeah, she ran as Bernielite. She should have run just to the left of Biden, as Gary Hart did. But others tried. In the end, they're a bunch a losers. LOL

I think the dems basic problems were the centrists thought the unifying message should be "I can beat Trump." But the message really needed to be "I can get the Obamacare taxes reinacted and I can show you how to pay for kids' college educations." Biden didn't run on that. Warren was too busy talking about Wall St. Mayor Pete's never really done anything. Kamala Harris and Booker might have done that, but they didn't. To be fair, Obama didn't come up with his stump speech that convinced voters and donors he would win white votes until Iowa. But I'm not sure Harris or Booker ever identified to themselves why they were running. Klobachar is running because the guy who really should be running, Franken, can't.
She is pandering for the VP slot
Yep, being the VP on the dem loser ticket really does make her the front runner for 24. Cynicism knows no bounds. but apparently she did the math, and she's just not going to get centrist votes to derail Bernie.
If she had wanted the centrist vote, she needed to change her belief structure or at least try to convince people she had. She is not as far out there as bernie, but not that far from it.
yeah, she ran as Bernielite. She should have run just to the left of Biden, as Gary Hart did. But others tried. In the end, they're a bunch a losers. LOL

I think the dems basic problems were the centrists thought the unifying message should be "I can beat Trump." But the message really needed to be "I can get the Obamacare taxes reinacted and I can show you how to pay for kids' college educations." Biden didn't run on that. Warren was too busy talking about Wall St. Mayor Pete's never really done anything. Kamala Harris and Booker might have done that, but they didn't. To be fair, Obama didn't come up with his stump speech that convinced voters and donors he would win white votes until Iowa. But I'm not sure Harris or Booker ever identified to themselves why they were running. Klobachar is running because the guy who really should be running, Franken, can't.

I wish that Harris and Booker were still in the race. Sadly, they were victims of the fact that two of the least diverse states in the country got the first two contests. That needs to end, and there should be NO MORE CAUCUSES.
The old crusty dude has two stents in his chest....Pocahontas wants to be his VP...then in the middle of the night she will apply war paint to her face and sneak up on him and scare the life out of him....wallah....she is president....

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