Can anyone explain how Trump's election conspiracy works?


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
If I understand it correctly, state governments across the nation, led by both Republican and Democratic secretaries-of-state and other election officials, coordinated bogus vote counts in multiple states, and the hundreds of individuals, both Republican and Democrat, who counted the votes, as well as the hundreds of individuals, both Republican and Democrat, charged with verifying and confirming those totals, were all complicit in the air-tight deception in which not one of those thousands of public servants, both Republican and Democrat, leaked a hint concerning the vast deceit they had planned and brilliantly engineered.

After nearly four years of national polls, in both private and public surveys, had attested, consistently, to Trump's relentless unpopularity with most Americans, this legion of bumptious bamboozlers made it appear that more folks would vote against him than for him. Go figure!

Curiously, all those thousands of wily and incredibly-secretive naughty people, both Republican and Democrat, in compiling their fraudulent tallies, orchestrated an increase of Republican seats in the House, and Senate results that favored Republicans keeping control of McConnell's upper chamber pot.

For such a monumental, masterful caper, one would imagine that such hyper-partisan masterminds would not be so egregiously negligent.

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"ME! It's all about ME!"

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"Stop making sense! It's all about


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Assuming you are serious, the story is as follows:

Mail-in voting is fraught with opportunities for fraud. Generic ballots (ballots with no unique identifier) are mailed out to every name and address that the voting machine can locate. This includes people who have died, people who have moved, people who have not voted in many, many years. Usually mail in ballots number much more than the voting population. And of course the political parties are ALSO sending out mail-in ballots to their constituents.

Contrast this with "Absentee Ballots," where an individual, registered voter formally requests a ballot from the election authorities because for one reason or another they will not be able to vote in person (working out of state, can't get off work, etc.). These ballots only go out to legally registered voters, and they are uniquely identified with that voter. Usually a witness and a signature are on the Absentee Ballot, so there is little room for fraud.

So what could happen with Mail-in Ballots? People could just fill them out and mail them in with the names of random other people. Political operatives can determine which voters rarely vote, and submit Mail-ins for those people. If it turns out to be a duplicate, who cares? The sender cannot be identified. The election authorities in most cases are told that irregular signatures are NOT a reason to disqualify a ballot, which makes it even easier to commit fraud.

So the question is, if there were some political party or organization that WANTED TO TAKE ADVANTAGE of the much-too-loose controls on Mail-in voting, would they be able to do that? The answer is manifestly, yes.

Then you look at precincts in large inner cities (e.g., Philadelphia) where 100% of the Mail-in ballots are straight-ticket Democrat votes, and unless you are either stupid or compromised yourself, you think, There's something fishy going on here. Black males are voting Republican nationally at a rate of 15-20%, and yet in Philadelphia it is ZERO PERCENT? What. The. Fuck?
Assuming you are serious, the story is as follows:

Mail-in voting is fraught with opportunities for fraud. Generic ballots (ballots with no unique identifier) are mailed out to every name and address that the voting machine can locate. This includes people who have died, people who have moved, people who have not voted in many, many years. Usually mail in ballots number much more than the voting population. And of course the political parties are ALSO sending out mail-in ballots to their constituents.

Contrast this with "Absentee Ballots," where an individual, registered voter formally requests a ballot from the election authorities because for one reason or another they will not be able to vote in person (working out of state, can't get off work, etc.). These ballots only go out to legally registered voters, and they are uniquely identified with that voter. Usually a witness and a signature are on the Absentee Ballot, so there is little room for fraud.

So what could happen with Mail-in Ballots? People could just fill them out and mail them in with the names of random other people. Political operatives can determine which voters rarely vote, and submit Mail-ins for those people. If it turns out to be a duplicate, who cares? The sender cannot be identified. The election authorities in most cases are told that irregular signatures are NOT a reason to disqualify a ballot, which makes it even easier to commit fraud.

So the question is, if there were some political party or organization that WANTED TO TAKE ADVANTAGE of the much-too-loose controls on Mail-in voting, would they be able to do that? The answer is manifestly, yes.

Then you look at precincts in large inner cities (e.g., Philadelphia) where 100% of the Mail-in ballots are straight-ticket Democrat votes, and unless you are either stupid or compromised yourself, you think, There's something fishy going on here. Black males are voting Republican nationally at a rate of 15-20%, and yet in Philadelphia it is ZERO PERCENT? What. The. Fuck?

You need to pretend that elections in Utah and several other states that have conducted mail-in voting for years must be "fraught with opportunities for fraud" despite their records indicating the contrary, whereas flashing an easily-obtained fake ID at a poll nanny is a guarantee of legitimacy.

When Trump whined that millions of illegitimate voters cost him the popular vote in 2016, and his bogus ballot czar Kris K Kobach could find nary a one, how many of those magic, fraudulent votes were by mail?

No, a vast conspiracy that succeeded brilliantly in perverting the will of the electorate concerning your Trump (despite the results being entirely consistent with polling over the years) would not be so slipshod as to enhance the lot of Senate and House Republicans.

Accept reality, even if it is antithetical to your desires. The cult of trumpery has contrived no rational case for crapping on the democratic process. It has conjured up no credible evidence for its delusion.
So, you are unable to explain how such a vast hyper-partisan conspiracy could pervert votes to defeat Trump, but accrue to the benefit of Republicans in the House and Senate.

Neither can I. It makes no sense.
Guess you hadn’t heard.
47 counties in Michigan use the same software. 30 states also use the software. Just over 17,000 votes were cast in that county and 6000 were flipped. In just one county.
to Trump's relentless unpopularity with most Americans
'''' in both private and public surveys, had attested,''''...'''' to Trump's relentless unpopularity with most Americans''''
right there your OP is total bullshit
...he is NOT unpopular with most Americans--the election proves it!!!!!
not ALL Americans voted

....they HATED him and tried everything in the book to get rid of him for 4 years!!!!!!! OF course they would try election fraud
to Trump's relentless unpopularity with most Americans
'''' in both private and public surveys, had attested,''''...'''' to Trump's relentless unpopularity with most Americans''''
right there your OP is total bullshit
...he is NOT unpopular with most Americans--the election proves it!!!!!
not ALL Americans voted

....they HATED him and tried everything in the book to get rid of him for 4 years!!!!!!! OF course they would try election fraud
Trump's fanatical bum kissers can mewl that there is some vast conspiracy to dethrone their failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer while enhancing the power of Republicans in the House and Senate, but it makes them appear very, very silly.

In desperately trying to sell their vast conspiracy confection, they have yet to contrive any credible evidence.

They scream that their deity's political opponents should all be "locked up!", but they ignore the need for evidence under America's system of justice.

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“If this stuff is going on that the president is talking about … it would undercut everything that we believe in in our system. But as a prosecutor, that’s like asking me to indict someone without showing me any evidence,” Christie continued. “If you’re gonna say those things from behind the podium at the White House, it’s his right to do it, it’s his right to pursue legal action, but show us the evidence.”

Christie said “we heard nothing today about any evidence” of the president’s claims.

For anyone who supports the rule of law - and that includes the right of the loser to demand a recount when vote totals are within a specified range - credible evidence is essential.

Raving hysterically is not how justice is achieved.

Since Election Day, the Trump campaign has brought a series of lawsuits around the country in an effort to find a path to reelection, but four judges in different states have now weighed in with striking consistency and similar language -- finding there is no sufficient evidence to back the claims.

This week, judges in Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Michigan have rejected the campaign's efforts to halt the counting process, if only temporarily, or alter it in some way based on shaky allegations of improper or nefarious conduct.

When Trump's lawyers took their complaint about election observers being denied sufficient access to watch the processing of ballots, U.S. District Judge Paul Diamond appeared startled when the lawyers then acknowledged that the observers had, in fact, been permitted within 15 feet of the poll workers.

"I'm sorry, then what's your problem?" said Diamond.

In Georgia this week, a judge rejected the campaign's effort to force Chatham County to separate and account for late-arriving ballots over a concern that the county may be mishandling ballots, an allegation based on an incident involving one out-of-state poll worker involving just 53 ballots. The judge said he saw "no evidence" to back up the claim.

And just hours later, a Michigan judge denied the campaign's effort to halt absentee ballot counting in Macomb County, Michigan, home to Detroit, over allegations that Trump campaign observers were not given "meaningful access" to observe the process.

"Come on now," Michigan Judge Cynthia Stephens said while looking over the evidence presented by the president's lawyers, which alleged a poll watcher had been instructed to back-date late-arriving mail-in ballots to make them count. "What I have, at best, is a hearsay affidavit."

Most recently, a judge in Nevada on Friday night denied an effort to toss out signature-verification machines in Clark County, home to Democrat-stronghold Las Vegas, based on what the campaign said was "lax procedures for authenticating mail ballots." U.S. District Judge Andrew Gordon said he didn't think the Republican Party arrived in court with "sufficient evidence" to support its claims.

As part of the lawsuit, the Nevada GOP also attempted to get closer-up access for observers -- similar to demands in Pennsylvania and Michigan. The party's lawyer argued that observers should be close enough to hear everything poll workers were saying. The judge pushed back, asking what they would do if someone was soft-spoken.

"At what point does this get ridiculous?" the judge asked...

In a nation of law, and not of men, not even Trump's most fawning toadies can take legal action without evidence, no matter how strident the fanatics.

For anyone who supports the rule of law - and that includes the right of the loser to demand a recount when vote totals are within a specified range - credible evidence is essential.

Raving hysterically is not how justice is achieved.

Since Election Day, the Trump campaign has brought a series of lawsuits around the country in an effort to find a path to reelection, but four judges in different states have now weighed in with striking consistency and similar language -- finding there is no sufficient evidence to back the claims.

This week, judges in Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Michigan have rejected the campaign's efforts to halt the counting process, if only temporarily, or alter it in some way based on shaky allegations of improper or nefarious conduct.

When Trump's lawyers took their complaint about election observers being denied sufficient access to watch the processing of ballots, U.S. District Judge Paul Diamond appeared startled when the lawyers then acknowledged that the observers had, in fact, been permitted within 15 feet of the poll workers.

"I'm sorry, then what's your problem?" said Diamond.

In Georgia this week, a judge rejected the campaign's effort to force Chatham County to separate and account for late-arriving ballots over a concern that the county may be mishandling ballots, an allegation based on an incident involving one out-of-state poll worker involving just 53 ballots. The judge said he saw "no evidence" to back up the claim.

And just hours later, a Michigan judge denied the campaign's effort to halt absentee ballot counting in Macomb County, Michigan, home to Detroit, over allegations that Trump campaign observers were not given "meaningful access" to observe the process.

"Come on now," Michigan Judge Cynthia Stephens said while looking over the evidence presented by the president's lawyers, which alleged a poll watcher had been instructed to back-date late-arriving mail-in ballots to make them count. "What I have, at best, is a hearsay affidavit."

Most recently, a judge in Nevada on Friday night denied an effort to toss out signature-verification machines in Clark County, home to Democrat-stronghold Las Vegas, based on what the campaign said was "lax procedures for authenticating mail ballots." U.S. District Judge Andrew Gordon said he didn't think the Republican Party arrived in court with "sufficient evidence" to support its claims.

As part of the lawsuit, the Nevada GOP also attempted to get closer-up access for observers -- similar to demands in Pennsylvania and Michigan. The party's lawyer argued that observers should be close enough to hear everything poll workers were saying. The judge pushed back, asking what they would do if someone was soft-spoken.

"At what point does this get ridiculous?" the judge asked...

In a nation of law, and not of men, not even Trump's most fawning toadies can take legal action without evidence, no matter how strident the fanatics.

.....justice is achieved by stealing/looting/vandalism/unjustified rioting--that's the Dem and BLM rule
So, you are unable to explain how such a vast hyper-partisan conspiracy could pervert votes to defeat Trump, but accrue to the benefit of Republicans in the House and Senate.

Neither can I. It makes no sense.
Guess you hadn’t heard.
47 counties in Michigan use the same software. 30 states also use the software. Just over 17,000 votes were cast in that county and 6000 were flipped. In just one county.
Maybe you haven't heard....

So, you are unable to explain how such a vast hyper-partisan conspiracy could pervert votes to defeat Trump, but accrue to the benefit of Republicans in the House and Senate.

Neither can I. It makes no sense.
Guess you hadn’t heard.
47 counties in Michigan use the same software. 30 states also use the software. Just over 17,000 votes were cast in that county and 6000 were flipped. In just one county.
Maybe you haven't heard....

Maybe you haven’t heard, that was false reporting by the media as to actual circumstances.
So, you are unable to explain how such a vast hyper-partisan conspiracy could pervert votes to defeat Trump, but accrue to the benefit of Republicans in the House and Senate.

Neither can I. It makes no sense.
Guess you hadn’t heard.
47 counties in Michigan use the same software. 30 states also use the software. Just over 17,000 votes were cast in that county and 6000 were flipped. In just one county.
Maybe you haven't heard....

Maybe you haven’t heard, that was false reporting by the media as to actual circumstances.
Really??? How so???
Maybe you haven't heard....
"Whatever the cause, the issue was caught, addressed and fixed by an astute county clerk."

Thanks for the link. It's good to know that election officials are so vigilant and capable, and that Americans can trust the process.

... the clerk did not update software, even though the tabulators counted all the ballots correctly, those accurate results were not combined properly when the clerk reported unofficial results,” the Department of State said.

“Even if the error in the reported unofficial results had not been quickly noticed, it would have been identified during the county canvass,” department officials added.

So we are all agreed on the main point: Trump must produce concrete, incontrovertible evidence of some sort of criminal manipulation. If he can't then fuck him.

But on the other hand, there was a vast Media conspiracy to distort the political realities in the lead-up to this election, and thus discourage Trump voters from coming out. Thankfully, the campaign to discourage such votes was totally unsuccessful. Nevertheless the pundits and pollsters should be shot.
If I understand it correctly, state governments across the nation, led by both Republican and Democratic secretaries-of-state and other election officials, coordinated bogus vote counts in multiple states, and the hundreds of individuals, both Republican and Democrat, who counted the votes, as well as the hundreds of individuals, both Republican and Democrat, charged with verifying and confirming those totals, were all complicit in the air-tight deception in which not one of those thousands of public servants, both Republican and Democrat, leaked a hint concerning the vast deceit they had planned and brilliantly engineered.

After nearly four years of national polls, in both private and public surveys, had attested, consistently, to Trump's relentless unpopularity with most Americans, this legion of bumptious bamboozlers made it appear that more folks would vote against him than for him. Go figure!

Curiously, all those thousands of wily and incredibly-secretive naughty people, both Republican and Democrat, in compiling their fraudulent tallies, orchestrated an increase of Republican seats in the House, and Senate results that favored Republicans keeping control of McConnell's upper chamber pot.

For such a monumental, masterful caper, one would imagine that such hyper-partisan masterminds would not be so egregiously negligent.

View attachment 412506
"ME! It's all about ME!"

View attachment 412507
"Stop making sense! It's all about


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Yea idiots like you are wearing mask to prevent nothing

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