Can Any Rightwinger Give Me A Solid Argument Why Private Industry Instead Of Government Should Run..

the government does not run a thing, effectively.

They suck at immigration, never mind the not enforcing the laws, but talk to anyone who is trying to get a visa and you find out its a mess. Took me 4 years to get a Visa for my wife, went through the process twice, first time the Government completely screwed up everything and would never admit there mistakes.

Go to a Government run hospital, and you will find yourself in a bad situation, sure if you have a life threatening emergency they will help. Anything else and they run you through the ringer.

Go to any post office and tell me you don't wonder how in the hell selling stamps takes so long.
Go to any government ran office, nothing but lines, waits, and if your lucky no government mistakes.
My postman can not even deliver my mail.
I send a package through the post office and they lose it, I pay extra for a tracking number and they tell me that is no good when they do not know where the package went.

The Government is a parasite on society.
Yes obviously there is a cap on how much these corporations want to charge for these services however they are aware that because of rising income inequality, the biggest money makers are the wealthy and middle class. Yes they have expensive costs, but that doesn't mean they don't want to make a good profit. They don't give a shit that poor people can't afford their services. That isn't where the big business comes from. That is WHY our system is flawed.

How are you people still not getting this?

More of your mindless liberal rhetoric. [STOPPED READING AFTER THIS FIRST SENTENCE] If we are going to have a free enterprise, free market capitalist system in America, the actuality of that will be a constant and consistent income inequality. The rich get richer because they know how to make money. The poor remain poor because they don't know how to make money. There is no way to make this not happen without destroying free market capitalism and replacing it with Communism.

We do not have "classes" in America. We are a free nation where every man is created equal and endowed with the same rights of liberty. It is in your communist and socialist nations where you find "classes" of people who are imprisoned to their lot in life with no hope of escape. In America, you are free to become as wealthy as you please, and many people do just that.

You have been brainwashed by Marxist Communist Socialists who want to destroy what we have in this nation. They've convinced you that we have a serious problem and all the wealth and power is held by a few. You don't understand that wealth is fluid, it comes and goes, new wealth is created. In a free market system, you are free to go out there and make as much money as you like. It's not easy or everyone would do it. It's very difficult, but it can be done and it is done, every single day.

If you want to post an argument that is credible and worth reading, I suggest you not open your opinion as you did. You may have something intelligent to offer, but your opening belies it.
Enron! A prime example of why Private and unregulated business should never run our system of health care.

Do you even understand what Enron was all about? They were not a private unregulated business, they were a public corporation who was highly regulated and they cooked their books and broke the law. People were sent to prison for that. Why you idiots run to Enron as your go-to example of evil capitalism is beyond me. [STRAW MAN] There is no system known to man which eliminates any possibility someone will break the law... except for your commie Marxist socialist system where the tyrant IS the law. In our system, there are whistle-blowers who disclose the wrong-doing and a judicial system that brings the criminals to justice. Under commie rule, the whistle-blower gets his head blown off and you never hear about the wrong-doing.

and AGAIN... for the mentally slow... Private business has been running health care for all of it's existence. We do have an example of government-run health care, it's called the VA! Go ask one of our veterans who are waiting in their wheelchair OUTSIDE a VA hospital for care, just how fucking great the government-run system is!

The above post is an example of a bigot, and one who actually believes, and has been brain washed to believe, the RED SCARE rhetoric. Maybe there is a grain of truth in some of his rants, but they are so well hidden by the hate and fear message, they are lost.
Enron! A prime example of why Private and unregulated business should never run our system of health care.

Do you even understand what Enron was all about? They were not a private unregulated business, they were a public corporation who was highly regulated and they cooked their books and broke the law. People were sent to prison for that. Why you idiots run to Enron as your go-to example of evil capitalism is beyond me. [STRAW MAN] There is no system known to man which eliminates any possibility someone will break the law... except for your commie Marxist socialist system where the tyrant IS the law. In our system, there are whistle-blowers who disclose the wrong-doing and a judicial system that brings the criminals to justice. Under commie rule, the whistle-blower gets his head blown off and you never hear about the wrong-doing.

and AGAIN... for the mentally slow... Private business has been running health care for all of it's existence. We do have an example of government-run health care, it's called the VA! Go ask one of our veterans who are waiting in their wheelchair OUTSIDE a VA hospital for care, just how fucking great the government-run system is!

The above post is an example of a bigot, and one who actually believes, and has been brain washed to believe, the RED SCARE rhetoric. Maybe there is a grain of truth in some of his rants, but they are so well hidden by the hate and fear message, they are lost.

As for his claim of Enron being regulated, yes, but too late. Employees suffered greivous losses and the scofflaws who perputrated this scam also were engaged in using the California Initiative process to engage in illegal activity:

California s Disaster With Electrical Deregulation
California electricity crisis - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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The above post is an example of a bigot, and one who actually believes, and has been brain washed to believe, the RED SCARE rhetoric. Maybe there is a grain of truth in some of his rants, but they are so well hidden by the hate and fear message, they are lost.

I don't hate or fear you, moron. I feel sorry for you. You are an uneducated fool who has spent too much time around communist propagandists. Everything I've posted is the truth, that's why you can't refute any of it and instead, stick your fingers in your ears because you got your feelings hurt.
The above post is an example of a bigot, and one who actually believes, and has been brain washed to believe, the RED SCARE rhetoric. Maybe there is a grain of truth in some of his rants, but they are so well hidden by the hate and fear message, they are lost.

I don't hate or fear you, moron. I feel sorry for you. You are an uneducated fool who has spent too much time around communist propagandists. Everything I've posted is the truth, that's why you can't refute any of it and instead, stick your fingers in your ears because you got your feelings hurt.

Apparently you have nothing to offer, beyond hate (of liberals and anyone who thinks outside the box of extreme conservative dogma) and the fear of Communism, a theoretical political theory which has never existed except in name.

Russia (the Soviet Union) and China are both very conservative countries - as are all so called Socialist Republics - which are totalitarian/authoritarian; as such they are not a threat to Western Democracies, which have the ability to evolve.

Of course a small disaffected population will always gravitate to the fringe, but the vast majority of voting Americans understand the distinction between economic policy and despotic rule.

Your inclination to label anyone a moron is telling, and is typical of those who lack the ability to offer a cogent and concise argument vis a vis one presented which conflicts with the box where your thinking is ensconsed.

I find your diatribes at best silly, and in many cases seditious as well hate hate filled and paranoid. In short, you're one sick puppy. But don't feel bad, there is an entire echo chamber much like you.
The above post is an example of a bigot, and one who actually believes, and has been brain washed to believe, the RED SCARE rhetoric. Maybe there is a grain of truth in some of his rants, but they are so well hidden by the hate and fear message, they are lost.

I don't hate or fear you, moron. I feel sorry for you. You are an uneducated fool who has spent too much time around communist propagandists. Everything I've posted is the truth, that's why you can't refute any of it and instead, stick your fingers in your ears because you got your feelings hurt.

Apparently you have nothing to offer, beyond hate (of liberals and anyone who thinks outside the box of extreme conservative dogma) and the fear of Communism, a theoretical political theory which has never existed except in name.

Russia (the Soviet Union) and China are both very conservative countries - as are all so called Socialist Republics - which are totalitarian/authoritarian; as such they are not a threat to Western Democracies, which have the ability to evolve.

Of course a small disaffected population will always gravitate to the fringe, but the vast majority of voting Americans understand the distinction between economic policy and despotic rule.

Your inclination to label anyone a moron is telling, and is typical of those who lack the ability to offer a cogent and concise argument vis a vis one presented which conflicts with the box where your thinking is ensconsed.

I find your diatribes at best silly, and in many cases seditious as well hate hate filled and paranoid. In short, you're one sick puppy. But don't feel bad, there is an entire echo chamber much like you.
You spew ignorance and insults every day on this board. The only thing you've never spewed is an intelligent argument based on fact. Whenever you are shown to be the worthless ignorant pissant you are, you deflect to calling people names.
The above post is an example of a bigot, and one who actually believes, and has been brain washed to believe, the RED SCARE rhetoric. Maybe there is a grain of truth in some of his rants, but they are so well hidden by the hate and fear message, they are lost.

I don't hate or fear you, moron. I feel sorry for you. You are an uneducated fool who has spent too much time around communist propagandists. Everything I've posted is the truth, that's why you can't refute any of it and instead, stick your fingers in your ears because you got your feelings hurt.

Apparently you have nothing to offer, beyond hate (of liberals and anyone who thinks outside the box of extreme conservative dogma) and the fear of Communism, a theoretical political theory which has never existed except in name.

Russia (the Soviet Union) and China are both very conservative countries - as are all so called Socialist Republics - which are totalitarian/authoritarian; as such they are not a threat to Western Democracies, which have the ability to evolve.

Of course a small disaffected population will always gravitate to the fringe, but the vast majority of voting Americans understand the distinction between economic policy and despotic rule.

Your inclination to label anyone a moron is telling, and is typical of those who lack the ability to offer a cogent and concise argument vis a vis one presented which conflicts with the box where your thinking is ensconsed.

I find your diatribes at best silly, and in many cases seditious as well hate hate filled and paranoid. In short, you're one sick puppy. But don't feel bad, there is an entire echo chamber much like you.
You spew ignorance and insults every day on this board. The only thing you've never spewed is an intelligent argument based on fact. Whenever you are shown to be the worthless ignorant pissant you are, you deflect to calling people names.

LOL, Rabbit, you might have been insightful for the first time in your life. You described yourself to a "T"; you're one of the parrots I referred to when I referenced the Echo Chamber.

But thanks so much for proving a point about yourself; I'm sure I'm not the only one to laugh at your faux pas.
The above post is an example of a bigot, and one who actually believes, and has been brain washed to believe, the RED SCARE rhetoric. Maybe there is a grain of truth in some of his rants, but they are so well hidden by the hate and fear message, they are lost.

I don't hate or fear you, moron. I feel sorry for you. You are an uneducated fool who has spent too much time around communist propagandists. Everything I've posted is the truth, that's why you can't refute any of it and instead, stick your fingers in your ears because you got your feelings hurt.

Apparently you have nothing to offer, beyond hate (of liberals and anyone who thinks outside the box of extreme conservative dogma) and the fear of Communism, a theoretical political theory which has never existed except in name.

Russia (the Soviet Union) and China are both very conservative countries - as are all so called Socialist Republics - which are totalitarian/authoritarian; as such they are not a threat to Western Democracies, which have the ability to evolve.

Of course a small disaffected population will always gravitate to the fringe, but the vast majority of voting Americans understand the distinction between economic policy and despotic rule.

Your inclination to label anyone a moron is telling, and is typical of those who lack the ability to offer a cogent and concise argument vis a vis one presented which conflicts with the box where your thinking is ensconsed.

I find your diatribes at best silly, and in many cases seditious as well hate hate filled and paranoid. In short, you're one sick puppy. But don't feel bad, there is an entire echo chamber much like you.

I have no problem with people thinking outside the box. Liberals such as yourself do not think outside the box, you don't even think inside the box. You simply parrot Marxist propaganda and insist you are right while everyone who isn't a liberal is wrong. You don't even have the capacity to explain why you think you're right or someone else is wrong, they are simply labeled haters, bigots, racists or whatever, and you just continue repeating the Marxist claptrap.
As for his claim of Enron being regulated, yes, but too late. Employees suffered greivous losses and the scofflaws who perputrated this scam also were engaged in using the California Initiative process to engage in illegal activity:

California s Disaster With Electrical Deregulation
California electricity crisis - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Enron was regulated long before their accountants cooked the books and defrauded people of their pensions. You see, regulations, laws, rules, mandates, oversight... none of that really matters when you have people willing to risk going to prison by breaking the law. There will always be people like that, even in a Marxist Utopian world you'd cream your panties over. The difference is, in an open and free society like ours, we find out about it and prosecute them.

You fucktards are amazing... you sit here and swear you're not communists, laugh at me for calling you Marxists, claim I am being ridiculously paranoid... yet here you are defending Marxist socialism and communism and attacking free market capitalism with every breath. For someone who's not that, you sure have a knee-jerk inclination to defend it and justify it.
The above post is an example of a bigot, and one who actually believes, and has been brain washed to believe, the RED SCARE rhetoric. Maybe there is a grain of truth in some of his rants, but they are so well hidden by the hate and fear message, they are lost.

I don't hate or fear you, moron. I feel sorry for you. You are an uneducated fool who has spent too much time around communist propagandists. Everything I've posted is the truth, that's why you can't refute any of it and instead, stick your fingers in your ears because you got your feelings hurt.

Apparently you have nothing to offer, beyond hate (of liberals and anyone who thinks outside the box of extreme conservative dogma) and the fear of Communism, a theoretical political theory which has never existed except in name.

Russia (the Soviet Union) and China are both very conservative countries - as are all so called Socialist Republics - which are totalitarian/authoritarian; as such they are not a threat to Western Democracies, which have the ability to evolve.

Of course a small disaffected population will always gravitate to the fringe, but the vast majority of voting Americans understand the distinction between economic policy and despotic rule.

Your inclination to label anyone a moron is telling, and is typical of those who lack the ability to offer a cogent and concise argument vis a vis one presented which conflicts with the box where your thinking is ensconsed.

I find your diatribes at best silly, and in many cases seditious as well hate hate filled and paranoid. In short, you're one sick puppy. But don't feel bad, there is an entire echo chamber much like you.

I have no problem with people thinking outside the box. Liberals such as yourself do not think outside the box, you don't even think inside the box. You simply parrot Marxist propaganda and insist you are right while everyone who isn't a liberal is wrong. You don't even have the capacity to explain why you think you're right or someone else is wrong, they are simply labeled haters, bigots, racists or whatever, and you just continue repeating the Marxist claptrap.

You keep repeating the same bull shit. Post one phrase which you believe I posted which is "Marxist claptrap"; stating I do is probative evidence you are the one poorly educated.

I'm correct because I posit a Western Democracy cannot flourish when upword mobility is stiffled; when banks of all sorts, insurance companies, stock and bond brokerages and financial advisers are able to lobby the Congress to their advantage, and a Supreme Court - well the five conservatives - allow unlimited and anonymous 'donations' (read bribes) to influence puplic officals.

History suggests as the disparity in wealth between the rich minority and the vast majority increases serious cultural and political changes occur, none of which benefit the many. Guess what happens then?
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You keep repeating the same bull shit. Post one phrase which you believe I posted which is "Marxist claptrap"; stating I do is probative evidence you are the one poorly educated.

I'm correct because I posit a Western Democracy cannot flourish when upword mobility is stiffled; when banks of all sorts, insurance companies, stock and bond brokerages and financial advisers are able to lobby the Congress to their advantage, and a Supreme Court - well the five conservatives - allow unlimited and anonymous 'donations' (read bribes) to influence puplic officals.

There is no bribery going on, if you know of any, report it to the FEC. The SCOTUS ruled in a case brought by Citizen's United that corporations have freedom of political speech. We've had lobbyists in Washington since the inception of the nation, that's nothing new or out of the ordinary. In fact, it is protected under the Constitution.

Upward mobility is being stifled by anti-capitalist socialist policies YOU are advocating more of. The more government mandates and regulations you heap on capitalists, the more you stifle upward mobility of individuals.
You keep repeating the same bull shit. Post one phrase which you believe I posted which is "Marxist claptrap"; stating I do is probative evidence you are the one poorly educated.

I'm correct because I posit a Western Democracy cannot flourish when upword mobility is stiffled; when banks of all sorts, insurance companies, stock and bond brokerages and financial advisers are able to lobby the Congress to their advantage, and a Supreme Court - well the five conservatives - allow unlimited and anonymous 'donations' (read bribes) to influence puplic officals.

There is no bribery going on, if you know of any, report it to the FEC. The SCOTUS ruled in a case brought by Citizen's United that corporations have freedom of political speech. We've had lobbyists in Washington since the inception of the nation, that's nothing new or out of the ordinary. In fact, it is protected under the Constitution.

Upward mobility is being stifled by anti-capitalist socialist policies YOU are advocating more of. The more government mandates and regulations you heap on capitalists, the more you stifle upward mobility of individuals.

What "anti-capitalist socialist polices" do I advocate?

I'm of the firm opinion that government [which we the people can change every two years if we disaprove of the nations direction, and are smart enough to see through the propaganda of the power elite) is what protects capitalism from the capitalists.
It looks like Boss is another iteration of Rabbi(t), able to make allegations without evidence and when confronted, both cut and run. Another likeness, both are either totally ignorant or liars - to deny bribery exists in our system today is beyond belief.
Here's a few reasons

The government spent over $1 Billion to develop the only website on the planet that can't tell you when someone bought your product

The government runs public housing, the Post Office and the DMV
Okay so your basic, simple minded point is that sometimes gov fails. Well I can give you countless examples of private industry failing. Does that mean we should abolish capitalism? No of course not.
IN the private sector, there is CHOICE...
Participation in government programs( paying for them) is mandated.
If a private sector company or entity fails to provide a good or service, we as consumers move along to the next one.We are not obligated to give them our money
There is only one federal government. When govt enacts something, we are required by law to pay for it. We are in a captive market.
Huge difference.
Try again
It looks like Boss is another iteration of Rabbi(t), able to make allegations without evidence and when confronted, both cut and run. Another likeness, both are either totally ignorant or liars - to deny bribery exists in our system today is beyond belief.

Rabbi(t), Boss, Where are you???

Probably off earning a living so the libs on the board can collect their welfare.
It looks like Boss is another iteration of Rabbi(t), able to make allegations without evidence and when confronted, both cut and run. Another likeness, both are either totally ignorant or liars - to deny bribery exists in our system today is beyond belief.

Rabbi(t), Boss, Where are you???

Probably off earning a living so the libs on the board can collect their welfare.
The more you post, the dumber you appear.
It looks like Boss is another iteration of Rabbi(t), able to make allegations without evidence and when confronted, both cut and run. Another likeness, both are either totally ignorant or liars - to deny bribery exists in our system today is beyond belief.
Rabbi(t), Boss, Where are you???

I'm here, pissant. I don't monitor these boards 24/7 in hopes you'll make a coherent point, I have a life. I honestly don't know what you want me to tell you. I can't prove a negative (that bribery isn't happening). You made the wild accusation and failed to back it up, now you want me to prove you wrong. That's what is beyond belief. If you know of any politician who has accepted money for their vote, you have a duty to report it to the authorities with your evidence. If you have no such evidence, you sound like a conspiratorial nut case.

It's becoming clear that you've simply lost faith in our form of government and this has prompted you to become a Marxist. You've lost faith in free market capitalism and have turned Commie. I don't know what you expect me to do about that, you're a lost cause. You'll stubbornly sit here and spew the same regurgitated rhetoric about the Koch brothers and Walmart until someone pulls the plug on your Internet.
It looks like Boss is another iteration of Rabbi(t), able to make allegations without evidence and when confronted, both cut and run. Another likeness, both are either totally ignorant or liars - to deny bribery exists in our system today is beyond belief.

Rabbi(t), Boss, Where are you???

Probably off earning a living so the libs on the board can collect their welfare.
The more you post, the dumber you appear.

How ironic!

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