Calls to Criminalize Questioning Manmade Global Warming Rises


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Because shut up you heretic, they explained.

Calls to punish global warming skepticism as a criminal offense have surged in the aftermath of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, but it hasn’t discouraged climate scientists like Judith Curry.

A retired Georgia Tech professor, she argued on her Climate Etc. website that Irma, which hit Florida as a Category 4 hurricane on Saturday, was fueled in large part by “very weak” wind shear and that the hurricane intensified despite Atlantic Ocean temperatures that weren’t unusually warm.

That is the kind of talk that could get policymakers who heed her research hauled before the justice system, if some of those in the climate change movement have their way.

“Climate change denial should be a crime,” declared the Sept. 1 headline in the Outline. Mark Hertsgaard argued in a Sept. 7 article in the Nation, titled “Climate Denialism Is Literally Killing Us,” that “murder is murder” and “we should punish it as such.”

Climate change activists want punishment for skeptics



Because shut up you heretic, they explained.

Calls to punish global warming skepticism as a criminal offense have surged in the aftermath of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, but it hasn’t discouraged climate scientists like Judith Curry.

A retired Georgia Tech professor, she argued on her Climate Etc. website that Irma, which hit Florida as a Category 4 hurricane on Saturday, was fueled in large part by “very weak” wind shear and that the hurricane intensified despite Atlantic Ocean temperatures that weren’t unusually warm.

That is the kind of talk that could get policymakers who heed her research hauled before the justice system, if some of those in the climate change movement have their way.

“Climate change denial should be a crime,” declared the Sept. 1 headline in the Outline. Mark Hertsgaard argued in a Sept. 7 article in the Nation, titled “Climate Denialism Is Literally Killing Us,” that “murder is murder” and “we should punish it as such.”

Climate change activists want punishment for skeptics
Excellent. This board should serve as an excellent resource for the government when this happens.
Because shut up you heretic, they explained.

Calls to punish global warming skepticism as a criminal offense have surged in the aftermath of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, but it hasn’t discouraged climate scientists like Judith Curry.

A retired Georgia Tech professor, she argued on her Climate Etc. website that Irma, which hit Florida as a Category 4 hurricane on Saturday, was fueled in large part by “very weak” wind shear and that the hurricane intensified despite Atlantic Ocean temperatures that weren’t unusually warm.

That is the kind of talk that could get policymakers who heed her research hauled before the justice system, if some of those in the climate change movement have their way.

“Climate change denial should be a crime,” declared the Sept. 1 headline in the Outline. Mark Hertsgaard argued in a Sept. 7 article in the Nation, titled “Climate Denialism Is Literally Killing Us,” that “murder is murder” and “we should punish it as such.”

Climate change activists want punishment for skeptics
Excellent. This board should serve as an excellent resource for the government when this happens.
If I'm not in the first wave of roundups I will truly be depressed.
Because shut up you heretic, they explained.

Calls to punish global warming skepticism as a criminal offense have surged in the aftermath of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, but it hasn’t discouraged climate scientists like Judith Curry.

A retired Georgia Tech professor, she argued on her Climate Etc. website that Irma, which hit Florida as a Category 4 hurricane on Saturday, was fueled in large part by “very weak” wind shear and that the hurricane intensified despite Atlantic Ocean temperatures that weren’t unusually warm.

That is the kind of talk that could get policymakers who heed her research hauled before the justice system, if some of those in the climate change movement have their way.

“Climate change denial should be a crime,” declared the Sept. 1 headline in the Outline. Mark Hertsgaard argued in a Sept. 7 article in the Nation, titled “Climate Denialism Is Literally Killing Us,” that “murder is murder” and “we should punish it as such.”

Climate change activists want punishment for skeptics
Excellent. This board should serve as an excellent resource for the government when this happens.

It will never happen within our lifetimes. The vast majority of us have not yet been transformed into Europeans.
Because shut up you heretic, they explained.

Calls to punish global warming skepticism as a criminal offense have surged in the aftermath of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, but it hasn’t discouraged climate scientists like Judith Curry.

A retired Georgia Tech professor, she argued on her Climate Etc. website that Irma, which hit Florida as a Category 4 hurricane on Saturday, was fueled in large part by “very weak” wind shear and that the hurricane intensified despite Atlantic Ocean temperatures that weren’t unusually warm.

That is the kind of talk that could get policymakers who heed her research hauled before the justice system, if some of those in the climate change movement have their way.

“Climate change denial should be a crime,” declared the Sept. 1 headline in the Outline. Mark Hertsgaard argued in a Sept. 7 article in the Nation, titled “Climate Denialism Is Literally Killing Us,” that “murder is murder” and “we should punish it as such.”

Climate change activists want punishment for skeptics
Excellent. This board should serve as an excellent resource for the government when this happens.

It will never happen within our lifetimes. The vast majority of us have not yet been transformed into Europeans.
It will never happen within our lifetimes. The vast majority of us have not yet been transformed into Europeans

How many in 1995 thought we'd have homosexuals marrying and forcing Christians to attend their weddings, men in bathrooms with little girls, and Christians forced to fund abortions.
Because shut up you heretic, they explained.

Calls to punish global warming skepticism as a criminal offense have surged in the aftermath of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, but it hasn’t discouraged climate scientists like Judith Curry.

A retired Georgia Tech professor, she argued on her Climate Etc. website that Irma, which hit Florida as a Category 4 hurricane on Saturday, was fueled in large part by “very weak” wind shear and that the hurricane intensified despite Atlantic Ocean temperatures that weren’t unusually warm.

That is the kind of talk that could get policymakers who heed her research hauled before the justice system, if some of those in the climate change movement have their way.

“Climate change denial should be a crime,” declared the Sept. 1 headline in the Outline. Mark Hertsgaard argued in a Sept. 7 article in the Nation, titled “Climate Denialism Is Literally Killing Us,” that “murder is murder” and “we should punish it as such.”

Climate change activists want punishment for skeptics
Excellent. This board should serve as an excellent resource for the government when this happens.

It will never happen within our lifetimes. The vast majority of us have not yet been transformed into Europeans.
It will never happen within our lifetimes. The vast majority of us have not yet been transformed into Europeans

How many in 1995 thought we'd have homosexuals marrying and forcing Christians to attend their weddings, men in bathrooms with little girls, and Christians forced to fund abortions.

Oh, the writing was certainly on the wall. Three of those issues are still in the courts. One deals with equality before the law. Remember, there is no such thing as settled law.

Trump will appoint at least one additional SCOTUS justice in his terms, likely two or three. That will serve to roundfile the criminalization of speech here for at least another generation.

If not, there will be business. :Boom2:
Because shut up you heretic, they explained.

Calls to punish global warming skepticism as a criminal offense have surged in the aftermath of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, but it hasn’t discouraged climate scientists like Judith Curry.

A retired Georgia Tech professor, she argued on her Climate Etc. website that Irma, which hit Florida as a Category 4 hurricane on Saturday, was fueled in large part by “very weak” wind shear and that the hurricane intensified despite Atlantic Ocean temperatures that weren’t unusually warm.

That is the kind of talk that could get policymakers who heed her research hauled before the justice system, if some of those in the climate change movement have their way.

“Climate change denial should be a crime,” declared the Sept. 1 headline in the Outline. Mark Hertsgaard argued in a Sept. 7 article in the Nation, titled “Climate Denialism Is Literally Killing Us,” that “murder is murder” and “we should punish it as such.”

Climate change activists want punishment for skeptics
Excellent. This board should serve as an excellent resource for the government when this happens.

It will never happen within our lifetimes. The vast majority of us have not yet been transformed into Europeans.
It will never happen within our lifetimes. The vast majority of us have not yet been transformed into Europeans

How many in 1995 thought we'd have homosexuals marrying and forcing Christians to attend their weddings, men in bathrooms with little girls, and Christians forced to fund abortions.

Oh, the writing was certainly on the wall. Three of those issues are still in the courts. One deals with equality before the law. Remember, there is no such thing as settled law.

Trump will appoint at least one additional SCOTUS justice in his terms, likely two or three. That will serve to roundfile the criminalization of speech here for at least another generation.

If not, there will be business. :Boom2:
Laws are headed in one distinct direction- towards evil. Pick your topic, in the last 25 years it has gotten worse.

As far as another Justice, I will always remember the star conservative justice grabbing his ankles for Obama.
Because shut up you heretic, they explained.

Calls to punish global warming skepticism as a criminal offense have surged in the aftermath of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, but it hasn’t discouraged climate scientists like Judith Curry.

A retired Georgia Tech professor, she argued on her Climate Etc. website that Irma, which hit Florida as a Category 4 hurricane on Saturday, was fueled in large part by “very weak” wind shear and that the hurricane intensified despite Atlantic Ocean temperatures that weren’t unusually warm.

That is the kind of talk that could get policymakers who heed her research hauled before the justice system, if some of those in the climate change movement have their way.

“Climate change denial should be a crime,” declared the Sept. 1 headline in the Outline. Mark Hertsgaard argued in a Sept. 7 article in the Nation, titled “Climate Denialism Is Literally Killing Us,” that “murder is murder” and “we should punish it as such.”

Climate change activists want punishment for skeptics
Excellent. This board should serve as an excellent resource for the government when this happens.

It will never happen within our lifetimes. The vast majority of us have not yet been transformed into Europeans.
It will never happen within our lifetimes. The vast majority of us have not yet been transformed into Europeans

How many in 1995 thought we'd have homosexuals marrying and forcing Christians to attend their weddings, men in bathrooms with little girls, and Christians forced to fund abortions.

Oh, the writing was certainly on the wall. Three of those issues are still in the courts. One deals with equality before the law. Remember, there is no such thing as settled law.

Trump will appoint at least one additional SCOTUS justice in his terms, likely two or three. That will serve to roundfile the criminalization of speech here for at least another generation.

If not, there will be business. :Boom2:
Keep in mind we now live in a time when children get tickets from cops for selling lemonade in front of their homes, and the citizens don't act.
Because shut up you heretic, they explained.

Calls to punish global warming skepticism as a criminal offense have surged in the aftermath of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, but it hasn’t discouraged climate scientists like Judith Curry.

A retired Georgia Tech professor, she argued on her Climate Etc. website that Irma, which hit Florida as a Category 4 hurricane on Saturday, was fueled in large part by “very weak” wind shear and that the hurricane intensified despite Atlantic Ocean temperatures that weren’t unusually warm.

That is the kind of talk that could get policymakers who heed her research hauled before the justice system, if some of those in the climate change movement have their way.

“Climate change denial should be a crime,” declared the Sept. 1 headline in the Outline. Mark Hertsgaard argued in a Sept. 7 article in the Nation, titled “Climate Denialism Is Literally Killing Us,” that “murder is murder” and “we should punish it as such.”

Climate change activists want punishment for skeptics
Excellent. This board should serve as an excellent resource for the government when this happens.

It will never happen within our lifetimes. The vast majority of us have not yet been transformed into Europeans.
It will never happen within our lifetimes. The vast majority of us have not yet been transformed into Europeans

How many in 1995 thought we'd have homosexuals marrying and forcing Christians to attend their weddings, men in bathrooms with little girls, and Christians forced to fund abortions.

Oh, the writing was certainly on the wall. Three of those issues are still in the courts. One deals with equality before the law. Remember, there is no such thing as settled law.

Trump will appoint at least one additional SCOTUS justice in his terms, likely two or three. That will serve to roundfile the criminalization of speech here for at least another generation.

If not, there will be business. :Boom2:
Laws are headed in one distinct direction- towards evil. Pick your topic, in the last 25 years it has gotten worse.

As far as another Justice, I will always remember the star conservative justice grabbing his ankles for Obama.

Well, I'm a pessoptimist.
Deniers always project their own immoral authoritarian beliefs and actions on to the ethical people, because that's what authoritarian fanatics do.

Federal Agencies Told to Halt External Communications

The Trump administration has put gag orders -- that is, criminalized speech -- on science across the board, including on climate science. Thus, the Trump Stalinists here are going into deflection mode, accusing everyone else of doing what they're so proudly doing themselves.

Trumpflakes, why don't you all move to North Korea, given that you all share the ideology of the North Koreans?

Now, there is a way for you deniers to demonstrate that you're not as authoritarian as you appear to be. Simply condemn the Trump admin for their Stalinist policies. Do it right here.

None of the Trumpfalkes will do that, of course. Their Stalinist cult commands, and they obey. None of them has ever had the brains, guts or ethics to condemn their cult's Stalinist policies before, and that's not about to change now.
Because shut up you heretic, they explained.

Calls to punish global warming skepticism as a criminal offense have surged in the aftermath of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, but it hasn’t discouraged climate scientists like Judith Curry.

A retired Georgia Tech professor, she argued on her Climate Etc. website that Irma, which hit Florida as a Category 4 hurricane on Saturday, was fueled in large part by “very weak” wind shear and that the hurricane intensified despite Atlantic Ocean temperatures that weren’t unusually warm.

That is the kind of talk that could get policymakers who heed her research hauled before the justice system, if some of those in the climate change movement have their way.

“Climate change denial should be a crime,” declared the Sept. 1 headline in the Outline. Mark Hertsgaard argued in a Sept. 7 article in the Nation, titled “Climate Denialism Is Literally Killing Us,” that “murder is murder” and “we should punish it as such.”

Climate change activists want punishment for skeptics
Excellent. This board should serve as an excellent resource for the government when this happens.

It will never happen within our lifetimes. The vast majority of us have not yet been transformed into Europeans.
It will never happen within our lifetimes. The vast majority of us have not yet been transformed into Europeans

How many in 1995 thought we'd have homosexuals marrying and forcing Christians to attend their weddings, men in bathrooms with little girls, and Christians forced to fund abortions.

Oh, the writing was certainly on the wall. Three of those issues are still in the courts. One deals with equality before the law. Remember, there is no such thing as settled law.

Trump will appoint at least one additional SCOTUS justice in his terms, likely two or three. That will serve to roundfile the criminalization of speech here for at least another generation.

If not, there will be business. :Boom2:
Damn, you guys are so good at accusing others of doing what you have done. That fuckup of a prosecuting attorney of Virginia tried to prosecute Micheal Mann for writing a scientific paper. As far as your threat is concerned, zero chance of that. You fucks are too lazy to do anything of the sort for any reason.
Because shut up you heretic, they explained.

Calls to punish global warming skepticism as a criminal offense have surged in the aftermath of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, but it hasn’t discouraged climate scientists like Judith Curry.

A retired Georgia Tech professor, she argued on her Climate Etc. website that Irma, which hit Florida as a Category 4 hurricane on Saturday, was fueled in large part by “very weak” wind shear and that the hurricane intensified despite Atlantic Ocean temperatures that weren’t unusually warm.

That is the kind of talk that could get policymakers who heed her research hauled before the justice system, if some of those in the climate change movement have their way.

“Climate change denial should be a crime,” declared the Sept. 1 headline in the Outline. Mark Hertsgaard argued in a Sept. 7 article in the Nation, titled “Climate Denialism Is Literally Killing Us,” that “murder is murder” and “we should punish it as such.”

Climate change activists want punishment for skeptics
Excellent. This board should serve as an excellent resource for the government when this happens.

That will be hard to do after your Pinochet helicopter ride
Deniers always project their own immoral authoritarian beliefs and actions on to the ethical people, because that's what authoritarian fanatics do.

Federal Agencies Told to Halt External Communications

The Trump administration has put gag orders -- that is, criminalized speech -- on science across the board, including on climate science. Thus, the Trump Stalinists here are going into deflection mode, accusing everyone else of doing what they're so proudly doing themselves.

Trumpflakes, why don't you all move to North Korea, given that you all share the ideology of the North Koreans?

Now, there is a way for you deniers to demonstrate that you're not as authoritarian as you appear to be. Simply condemn the Trump admin for their Stalinist policies. Do it right here.

None of the Trumpfalkes will do that, of course. Their Stalinist cult commands, and they obey. None of them has ever had the brains, guts or ethics to condemn their cult's Stalinist policies before, and that's not about to change now.

Can't address the OP so she pulls the Tu Quoquo But but but Trump!! card
Because shut up you heretic, they explained.

Calls to punish global warming skepticism as a criminal offense have surged in the aftermath of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, but it hasn’t discouraged climate scientists like Judith Curry.

A retired Georgia Tech professor, she argued on her Climate Etc. website that Irma, which hit Florida as a Category 4 hurricane on Saturday, was fueled in large part by “very weak” wind shear and that the hurricane intensified despite Atlantic Ocean temperatures that weren’t unusually warm.

That is the kind of talk that could get policymakers who heed her research hauled before the justice system, if some of those in the climate change movement have their way.

“Climate change denial should be a crime,” declared the Sept. 1 headline in the Outline. Mark Hertsgaard argued in a Sept. 7 article in the Nation, titled “Climate Denialism Is Literally Killing Us,” that “murder is murder” and “we should punish it as such.”

Climate change activists want punishment for skeptics
Excellent. This board should serve as an excellent resource for the government when this happens.

That will be hard to do after your Pinochet helicopter ride
Stop leaving the faucet running in the bathroom, and I'll put in a good word for you Frank.

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