Calls for restraint! My asss


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
So Hamas poked the bear....they had to know what was coming. It won't stop the treaty talks between Israel and won't get them any won't improve relations between Israel and Palestine. All in all the entire thing was remarkably stupid.....but some one somewhere gains from it. Not the Palestinians, not the Israelis, certainly not Hamas....Iran maybe? As expected Israel is going to come down hard and heavy.
This was a forgone conclusion.

As SA and Israel move closer and closer to forming a strong mutual bond Iran sees its regional Hegemony being sunsetted. Is this their attempt to slow that process?

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As expected Israel is going to come down hard and heavy.
While they are settling with Hamas, Hizballah has threatened to enter the war. This proxy war was going to happen, sooner or later and it's time for Israel to get on with it. Their priority should be a decapitation strike on Iran while they are absorbing thousands of dead and wounded from these Iranian proxies. It's time to cut the head off the snake. They should use nuclear bunker busters to hit Iranian leadership in their bunkers and they should do the same for the Hizballah leader who has been in a bunker for over a decade. If the Hamas wants a blood bath, give them a blood bath.
Gaza may become part of Israel.
Israel took possession of Gaza from Egypt in 1967 and held it until they relinquished it in 1993. I thought it was a mistake then as they fought hard for that piece of ground. I think they should line up bulldozers and push every building and person in Gaza into the Mediterranean.
Maybe Iran is very close to finishing their nuclear weapon hence they pinned down Isreal's military.

Iran has been three years away from completing their nuclear weapons program for the past 30 years.

If they ever do develop them (with the gracious assistance of various Democratic administrations) then the first place they use them will probably be on Saudi Arabia or Iraq.
All friggan day they've had leftist liars on TV saying THAT MONEY didn't go to funding this attack.

Absolutely pathetic!
It is pathetic our spoiled pampered media moguls and figure heads live in a very different reality....
Iran knew the money was coming way before we the people did or the world... so of course Biden funded this attack and probably others we haven't seen yet... Iran is a terrorist's state its treasonous to give them money whether its theirs or not...
Israel took possession of Gaza from Egypt in 1967 and held it until they relinquished it in 1993. I thought it was a mistake then as they fought hard for that piece of ground. I think they should line up bulldozers and push every building and person in Gaza into the Mediterranean.
This is not something minor. I do not know if the Hamas have more weapons to use, even with hostages Israel can remove them.
Iran has been three years away from completing their nuclear weapons program for the past 30 years.

If they ever do develop them (with the gracious assistance of various Democratic administrations) then the first place they use them will probably be on Saudi Arabia or Iraq.
That troubles me, they have been days away, for years, what is going on?
You know?... if I give a guy who looks like he is dressed up to rob a store a gun or money to buy a gun and he takes that gun into a store and kills someone aren't I just as guilty as the guy who robbed the store?.... don't let the media white wash Biden's culpability here...
This is not something minor. I do not know if the Hamas have more weapons to use, even with hostages Israel can remove them.
I wasn't trying to diminish the importance and I wasn't kidding when I said that Israel should destroy Gaza, Hamas and the Palestinians in Gaza. They should reoccupy the strip and rebuild new settlements there without ANY of the previous occupants. They have proven they cannot be trusted to tell the truth.

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