Calling all Obama Fans!

Like JFK, BHO represents both youth and values that matter to America today.

"My parents shared not only an improbable love, they shared an abiding faith in the possibilities of this nation. They would give me an African name, Barack, or blessed, believing that in a tolerant America your name is no barrier to success.

We have an obligation and a responsibility to be investing in our students and our schools. We must make sure that people who have the grades, the desire and the will, but not the money, can still get the best education possible.

The Bush Administration's failure to be consistently involved in helping Israel achieve peace with the Palestinians has been both wrong for our friendship with Israel, as well as badly damaging to our standing in the Arab world.

We worship an awesome God in the Blue States, and we don't like federal agents poking around our libraries in the Red States. We coach Little League in the Blue States and have gay friends in the Red States.

Where the stakes are the highest, in the war on terror, we cannot possibly succeed without extraordinary international cooperation. Effective international police actions require the highest degree of intelligence sharing, planning and collaborative enforcement.

With the changing economy, no one has lifetime employment. But community colleges provide lifetime employability.

You know, my faith is one that admits some doubt."

Barack Obama
Ok, as a Democrat, I would like to hear a few things from my fellow Democrats supporting the Obama campaign for the Democratic nomination.

I need to be "sold" on him, can you sell him?

1. What CHANGE will there be in having Obama as a President verses having Clinton as a President? What exactly is the "CHANGE" you see and chant regarding Obama being the Candidate of Change, that should make me want to have him in as our President verses Clinton?

Obama has a positive attitude and is focusing on improving America not just for the rich but for everyone whereas Hillary is focusing on America’s fears and using tactics IMO not becoming of a presidential candidate. Obama does not want to participate in the politics of the past filled with lies and greed, however, Hillary will do whatever she can to win the nomination. Obama has flaws, as everyone Human being does, however, he has no problem putting himself on the line to prove his sincerity, such as releasing his tax papers, something Hillary did not do. This primary has revealed characteristics that each candidate has and that people should look for in a President, and I think Obama’s positivity outweighs Hillary’s

2. What HOPE is it that you see in Obama that I should see in Obama?

Out of all of the candidates, there is only one who would be willing to put themselves out on a limb for the American people, not for the politicians or the big corporations, but for the people, and that would be Obama. He is showing every child rich or poor, with single parents or both parents, black or white, that they too can be President one day if they strain a head despite adversity.

3. What is it that you know about Obama and his actions and voting record that would make him qualified to be the President of the United States at this time in our History? What are his strengths that would qualify him as our President compared to his weaknesses as president?

-He was a Community Organizer. He was concerned about his area and wanted to bring people together with a common goal in mind. This position has allowed him to work not only for the people but with the people. His campaign has created a social movement by building a base of concerned people, mobilizing community members to act, and developing leadership from and relationships among the people involved.

-He was a civil rights attorney standing up for the rights of Americans

-He was not in favor of the Iraq War.

-He voted in favor of the Flood Insurance Reform and Modernization Act of 2007 (To increase the supply and lower the cost of petroleum)

-He voted in favor of a bill to provide greater transparency in the legislative process.

-He Voted YES on raising the minimum wage to $7.25 rather than $6.25

-He is in favor of taxes being affordable and the tax code being a reflection of the needs of the average American

-Voted against extending the PATRIOT Act's wiretap provision-the Act increases the ability of law enforcement agencies to search telephone, e-mail communications, medical, financial and other records;

-As a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Obama has fought to strengthen America's position in the world by reaching across the aisle in an effort to prevent nuclear terrorism and weapons proliferation, stop the genocide in Darfur, and reduce global poverty

-He was not in favor of Hillary's gas holiday tax; most agreed the idea was a quick fix not a real solution; he earned a lot of respect for this considering the urgency of the issue yet, the holiday was only a temporary relief. Obama wants to invest in a long term solution

-As an Illinois State Senator, he helped pass the state’s first major ethics reform bill in 25 years.

4. What is it that you expect Obama to do as your President, what are your needs and wants that you believe he can bring you or bring to America as President?

I believe Obama will bring about a new type of politics. His attitude and his character thoughout this primary speaks volumes. He was faced with adveristy and drama day after day, however, he over came it all and continued to be successful. I also believe he will really change some of the polices for the better with respect to healthcare and education with the average American in mind.
1. What CHANGE will there be in having Obama as a President verses having Clinton as a President? What exactly is the "CHANGE" you see and chant regarding Obama being the Candidate of Change, that should make me want to have him in as our President verses Clinton?

2. What HOPE is it that you see in Obama that I should see in Obama?

3. What is it that you know about Obama and his actions and voting record that would make him qualified to be the President of the United States at this time in our History? What are his strengths that would qualify him as our President compared to his weaknesses as president?

4. What is it that you expect Obama to do as your President, what are your needs and wants that you believe he can bring you or bring to America as President?


1.Change - Obama represents change in a new system of politics, whereas the old system was heavily influenced by special interest lobbyist (the oil & insurance company for example). He does not accept any donations from Washington lobbyists, therefore his campaign will answer to American people, not the corporations. Also, he is a change in representation of the American people as an American who worked his way to his position. He earned his seat in Congress, and was not spoon fed by his spouse, or father. Therefore, he understands better the issues that the middle class working Americans face today.

Watch the speech "Barack Obama at Wesleyan Commencement Ceremony" on youtube.

Other than the huge endorsement by Ted Kennedy (to have Barack speak on his behalf), Obama in the speech is not talking about anything more than being a good human being, and calling all the students to serve their nation, and proliferating the message that "We need you". Clinton's message, to me, has seemed to be "You need me". That's the difference in the campaign message strategy. Obama speaks honestly to the people, and has the power to unify the country and the world because we believe in his ability to bring about change.

2. Hope - Hope is purely subjective here, (at least because I'm trying to address it from my perspective) but at the common sense level, you have to believe in the candidate. There are those non-rationals that will accuse him of secretly being an Al Queda spy because his middle name is Hussein, or unpatriotic because he doesn't wear a pin, or held his hands at his crotch during the National Anthem, or bring up his pastor is racist, and that he did drugs when he was a teenager, or his pro-amnesty, pro-abortion beliefs.

Do you lose hope because of these things? No, you address all the attacks (as Barack has eloquently done, including all the low blows by Hilary) and then you move on to the issues. You look at the candidates policies and decide if their position really is in the best interest of the nation. That is the hope that I see in this candidate. An honest, sincere reply to the issues articulated in a way that Americans understand.

Ever listen to a George Bush speech and wonder, "who the hell is he talking to?!" Bush didn't make any sense to me, and we lost hope in him because of his lack of connection (plus a lot of other errors and fallacies I won't go into)

3. Past record
-Withdrawal from Iraq
- Energy Act
- Education
- Children's Health Insurance
- Immigration

4. Expectations End war, Strengthen economy and decrease deficit, Implement Universal health care, promote foreign diplomacy
I believe Obama will bring about a new type of politics. His attitude and his character thoughout this primary speaks volumes. He was faced with adveristy and drama day after day, however, he over came it all and continued to be successful. I also believe he will really change some of the polices for the better with respect to healthcare and education with the average American in mind.

What adversity? He wasn't raised in poor America. He had a better upbringing than I ever could have imagined.

His character throughout the primary DOES speak volumes. Three months ago, Reverend Jeremiah Wright was a "father figure." When the public learned of all the disgusting, hateful things Wright had said in his sermons, Obama was quick to dismiss the man as merely a preacher, someone easily removed from his life. Obama knew for 20 years the views Wright had about America, and he sat in that church and ignored those facts. Whether or not he agreed with Wright isn't the issue, but if he so vehemently disagreed, why did he not write Wright off years ago? Why did he wait until the world found out? Furthermore, why would he name his book after one of Wright's speeches?

Six months ago, I respected Barack Obama. Four months ago, I said I'd vote for him if he won over Clinton. Three months ago, I began to question his judgment. Two months ago, I realized he was nothing new to politics. And one month ago, I realized BHO for exactly what he is: a filthy, stinking liar.

You're right, his character spoke volumes during this campaign.
What adversity? He wasn't raised in poor America. He had a better upbringing than I ever could have imagined.

His character throughout the primary DOES speak volumes. Three months ago, Reverend Jeremiah Wright was a "father figure." When the public learned of all the disgusting, hateful things Wright had said in his sermons, Obama was quick to dismiss the man as merely a preacher, someone easily removed from his life. Obama knew for 20 years the views Wright had about America, and he sat in that church and ignored those facts. Whether or not he agreed with Wright isn't the issue, but if he so vehemently disagreed, why did he not write Wright off years ago? Why did he wait until the world found out? Furthermore, why would he name his book after one of Wright's speeches?

Six months ago, I respected Barack Obama. Four months ago, I said I'd vote for him if he won over Clinton. Three months ago, I began to question his judgment. Two months ago, I realized he was nothing new to politics. And one month ago, I realized BHO for exactly what he is: a filthy, stinking liar.

You're right, his character spoke volumes during this campaign.

Barack addresses these very questions in his speech "A More Perfect Union". He said, if you only judge the priest by that one "excerpt", then Barack would make the exact same judgement.

And regarding the actual sermon by Wright, he's actually right in many ways for condemning America in it's current shape. Especially regarding the war.

The portion regarding black race suppression and white supremacy, no one including me, can condone that (probably because I'm not black)...but on the other hand, it's a black church. The priest has to get black folks excited about his sermon and unfortunately that's how it's done.

But at the end of the day, Wright is simply a preacher. No one agrees 100% with what preachers say, and if you do, you're pretty stupid. And I sincerely doubt Obama agrees 100% with what Wright preaches. The man is just too intelligent, and he did what any intelligent, rational man would do, he addressed Wright in the speech, and he moved on to other issues.

I still don't see how we're questioning his character, when he's clearly addressed this issue..?
What adversity? He wasn't raised in poor America. He had a better upbringing than I ever could have imagined.

His character throughout the primary DOES speak volumes. Three months ago, Reverend Jeremiah Wright was a "father figure." When the public learned of all the disgusting, hateful things Wright had said in his sermons, Obama was quick to dismiss the man as merely a preacher, someone easily removed from his life. Obama knew for 20 years the views Wright had about America, and he sat in that church and ignored those facts. Whether or not he agreed with Wright isn't the issue, but if he so vehemently disagreed, why did he not write Wright off years ago? Why did he wait until the world found out? Furthermore, why would he name his book after one of Wright's speeches?

Six months ago, I respected Barack Obama. Four months ago, I said I'd vote for him if he won over Clinton. Three months ago, I began to question his judgment. Two months ago, I realized he was nothing new to politics. And one month ago, I realized BHO for exactly what he is: a filthy, stinking liar.

You're right, his character spoke volumes during this campaign.

So your opinion of him is based off of this Rev. Wright stuff??? So that means we should look at Catholics the same way especially considering how many of their priest have molested children, which is far worse than someone’s views of America. That also means we should question Hillary, she invited Wright to her house after Bill cheated on her oh and her ex-pastor was sentenced for molesting a child. Oh and didn't McCain just denounce the support of San Antonio mega-pastor John Hagee for his outrageous comments? So I think all of the candidates have baggage.

Furthermore, you argue well Obama was a part of his church for year after year, he should have known how Wright felt??! Growing up in a Black church you realize that your pastor and others may have a harsh view of America, but you learn to (separate church and state) differentiate political views from religious views. However, Obama had to denounce him, even though it might have been hard, because his goal is to bring America together, which is contrary to some of the comments made by Wright. By Obama denouncing Wright he showed America that he plans on doing what’s best for America no matter what and how dedicated he is to change, hope and the people who believe in him.
So your opinion of him is based off of this Rev. Wright stuff??? So that means we should look at Catholics the same way especially considering how many of their priest have molested children, which is far worse than someone’s views of America. That also means we should question Hillary, she invited Wright to her house after Bill cheated on her oh and her ex-pastor was sentenced for molesting a child. Oh and didn't McCain just denounce the support of San Antonio mega-pastor John Hagee for his outrageous comments? So I think all of the candidates have baggage.

Furthermore, you argue well Obama was a part of his church for year after year, he should have known how Wright felt??! Growing up in a Black church you realize that your pastor and others may have a harsh view of America, but you learn to (separate church and state) differentiate political views from religious views. However, Obama had to denounce him, even though it might have been hard, because his goal is to bring America together, which is contrary to some of the comments made by Wright. By Obama denouncing Wright he showed America that he plans on doing what’s best for America no matter what and how dedicated he is to change, hope and the people who believe in him.

Bill and Hillary invited HUNDREDS of prominent religious figures to the White House that day. Furthermore, I have not heard of Hillary's pastor being a child molestor. Prove it.

However, having a bad pastor is one thing. Obama referred to Wright as a "father figure," he waved this guy around like he was the best damn thing since sliced bread. This is the man that married him to his crazy wife. This is the man that was going to swear him into office. Suddenly, when the world finds out he's a racist moron, Obama wants nothing to do with him. It's pretty shady, in my opinion.
That's a lie, Wikia. You're either a blatant liar or everything you believe you've been spoon fed without checking the facts.

Posted Feb 29, 2008 @ 05:25 PM
Last update Feb 29, 2008 @ 05:27 PM


When the Rev. William Procanick put his hand on the Bible during his sex-abuse trial in Oneida County Court earlier this year, he swore to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

But as the former Clinton pastor was sentenced Friday to three years in prison for inappropriately touching a 7-year-old girl at his home last March, Judge Michael L. Dwyer said Procanick sacrificed his honesty the day he testified.
Posted Feb 29, 2008 @ 05:25 PM
Last update Feb 29, 2008 @ 05:27 PM


When the Rev. William Procanick put his hand on the Bible during his sex-abuse trial in Oneida County Court earlier this year, he swore to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

But as the former Clinton pastor was sentenced Friday to three years in prison for inappropriately touching a 7-year-old girl at his home last March, Judge Michael L. Dwyer said Procanick sacrificed his honesty the day he testified.

I still can't figure out if you're a blatant liar or a retard that believes everything you're spoon fed without verifying it for truth.

Clinton's the name of the town, asshole.

Obama must be so proud to have your support.
This article was mentioned on several other blogs (CNN, Newsweek, Yahoo groups etc.), when I read it and saw the name Clinton, of course Hillary came to mind. But you may be right, I have no problem admitting I am wrong, so calm down lol no need for cursing :confused:

Be blessed
I still can't figure out if you're a blatant liar or a retard that believes everything you're spoon fed without verifying it for truth.

Clinton's the name of the town, asshole.

Obama must be so proud to have your support.

Holy crap, that's the funniest thing I've ever seen on this forum, ever.
I think that Obama will break the stranglehold lobbyists have over Washington. He'll bring ethics and transparency to the White House and repeal the Patriot Act.

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For a few reasons. I've come to see him as intellectually dishonest. And polarizing, as jsanders pointed out above. I'm also having a difficult time with the concept of letting every vote count unless it counts against Obama. I'd like to think I'd feel the same way if the situation was reversed.

Perceptive ......
I think that Obama will break the stranglehold lobbyists have over Washington. He'll bring ethics and transparency to the White House and repeal the Patriot Act.


Oops! You were wrong! Lol!!! :lol:
I wonder how many voted for him just because of these "promises"...wonder what they think know! Oh, never mind, they still believe he's not at fault for breaking them.

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