California’s new solar power plant is actually a death ray that’s incinerating birds mid-flight

Now they want to put giant floating wind turbine towers hundreds of feet high off the coast of California. Can anyone imagine the maintenance costs per year? That alone would dwarf any benefit. Not to mention if one broke loose and washed ashore taking out some starlets beach house.

I hear those are real bad, they are killing farm animals too, They will keep shoving this under the rug , calling it a conspiracy because once again the big stock holding pricks will pay off people etc, etc ..........
I mean common sense would tell most people it unbalances the natural occurrences of everything .......

Some people even claim seizures, some ended up with heart issues. I'll see if I can find that video.
Giant floating wind turbines are killing fam animals?


You folks crack me up.

You would happily dine on roasted bald eagle if you had a chance to shoot it, and have no problem with the birds killed by power lines, or left over lead shot, or automobiles- or by habitat destruction of strip coal mining- but if a bird gets killed by an 'alternate' energy- you cry crocodile ears.

Let me know when you express concern for the vast majority of birds who die due to other man made causes- and then maybe I will take your 'concern' seriously.
First, I would not dine on eagles, they are no doubt way too tough. I do see my share of raptors, etc, killed by aircraft. But those numbers are minuscule compared to wind farm avian fatalities. What bothers me is the hypocrisy of those who view the death of a raptor by any means other than "green" to be an environmental disaster. If these animals die as a result of "green" energy (solar or wind), they should be viewed as acceptable casualties to save the planet.

who mentioned aircraft?

What are the leading causes of raptors?

Not going to look it up again but as I recall they are:

Lead poisoning
Automobile collisions
Electrocution by power lines

Wind generation plants deaths don't even hit the top five

I am fine with fixing the technology to reduce the impact from energy production- and that is happening with wind turbines right now.

My only point is these threads are invariably started by people who only appear to 'care' about raptors when they are killed by solar or wind power.

The rest of the time they would happily use them for target practice.
I power my (small) homestead with wind/solar power. I do not incinerate or club wildlife to death. But I am small and localized. I see the problems arise when the attempt is made to power large, metropolitan areas using these methods. I'd love to see so many of the libtard idiots lead the way, save the planet, by depleting the number of human animals sucking up resources. Alas, they are cowards, elitists (who think they deserve to live), and absolutely ignorant about how things work.
Agent Smith: I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure.

Actually beavers are mammals and also alter their environment to suit themslves just like man. They enter into a stream valley, clear the valley of trees, and damn the streams creating ponds. Hope you enjoyed your time here on this planet, and I'm sorry you never saw a beaver. They are really fascinating rodents.
I wish I could see a beaver...but out in the wild. No worries about them being whipped into a stew from monster blades. Oh. Wait. I'm sure something can be done to rectify that since the dam might be in the way of progress for humans.
Uh fellow, beavers don't fly. And their dams, in the appropriate areas, are a boon to man and most other species.

Had you read Gracie's post, you would have seen the claim that humans are there I was merely p
Agent Smith: I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure.

Actually beavers are mammals and also alter their environment to suit themslves just like man. They enter into a stream valley, clear the valley of trees, and damn the streams creating ponds. Hope you enjoyed your time here on this planet, and I'm sorry you never saw a beaver. They are really fascinating rodents.
I wish I could see a beaver...but out in the wild. No worries about them being whipped into a stew from monster blades. Oh. Wait. I'm sure something can be done to rectify that since the dam might be in the way of progress for humans.
I've seen loads of beavers, and their dams. They are fascinating and their geoengineering has mostly beneficial effects. It's when they decide to set up shop in human inhabited areas that their efforts are unappreciated. They can flood a subdivision in no time flat.
There was on lake we used to fish in using tubes. It wasn't unusual to have a beaver approach, slap the water with its tail, and then dive down between your legs while they were trying to determine whether you were a threat. Way coool!

Yea, they are way kewl. They often slap their tails as a danger alert.
I've seen it often.
Now they want to put giant floating wind turbine towers hundreds of feet high off the coast of California. Can anyone imagine the maintenance costs per year? That alone would dwarf any benefit. Not to mention if one broke loose and washed ashore taking out some starlets beach house.

I hear those are real bad, they are killing farm animals too, They will keep shoving this under the rug , calling it a conspiracy because once again the big stock holding pricks will pay off people etc, etc ..........
I mean common sense would tell most people it unbalances the natural occurrences of everything .......

Some people even claim seizures, some ended up with heart issues. I'll see if I can find that video.
Giant floating wind turbines are killing fam animals?


You folks crack me up.

You would happily dine on roasted bald eagle if you had a chance to shoot it, and have no problem with the birds killed by power lines, or left over lead shot, or automobiles- or by habitat destruction of strip coal mining- but if a bird gets killed by an 'alternate' energy- you cry crocodile ears.

Let me know when you express concern for the vast majority of birds who die due to other man made causes- and then maybe I will take your 'concern' seriously.
First, I would not dine on eagles, they are no doubt way too tough. I do see my share of raptors, etc, killed by aircraft. But those numbers are minuscule compared to wind farm avian fatalities. What bothers me is the hypocrisy of those who view the death of a raptor by any means other than "green" to be an environmental disaster. If these animals die as a result of "green" energy (solar or wind), they should be viewed as acceptable casualties to save the planet.

who mentioned aircraft?

What are the leading causes of raptors?

Not going to look it up again but as I recall they are:

Lead poisoning
Automobile collisions
Electrocution by power lines

Wind generation plants deaths don't even hit the top five

I am fine with fixing the technology to reduce the impact from energy production- and that is happening with wind turbines right now.

My only point is these threads are invariably started by people who only appear to 'care' about raptors when they are killed by solar or wind power.

The rest of the time they would happily use them for target practice.
I power my (small) homestead with wind/solar power. I do not incinerate or club wildlife to death. But I am small and localized. I see the problems arise when the attempt is made to power large, metropolitan areas using these methods. I'd love to see so many of the libtard idiots lead the way, save the planet, by depleting the number of human animals sucking up resources. Alas, they are cowards, elitists (who think they deserve to live), and absolutely ignorant about how things work.

So you want liberals to go out there and start killing people?

Large metropolitan areas get powered one way or another- by dirty coal plants, cleaner natural gas plants, nuclear power plants, hydroelectric power plants, solar plants(rare), or wind power(becoming much more common).

All of them have trade offs.

Cowards like you just want to blame others.
I hear those are real bad, they are killing farm animals too, They will keep shoving this under the rug , calling it a conspiracy because once again the big stock holding pricks will pay off people etc, etc ..........
I mean common sense would tell most people it unbalances the natural occurrences of everything .......

Some people even claim seizures, some ended up with heart issues. I'll see if I can find that video.
Giant floating wind turbines are killing fam animals?


You folks crack me up.

You would happily dine on roasted bald eagle if you had a chance to shoot it, and have no problem with the birds killed by power lines, or left over lead shot, or automobiles- or by habitat destruction of strip coal mining- but if a bird gets killed by an 'alternate' energy- you cry crocodile ears.

Let me know when you express concern for the vast majority of birds who die due to other man made causes- and then maybe I will take your 'concern' seriously.
First, I would not dine on eagles, they are no doubt way too tough. I do see my share of raptors, etc, killed by aircraft. But those numbers are minuscule compared to wind farm avian fatalities. What bothers me is the hypocrisy of those who view the death of a raptor by any means other than "green" to be an environmental disaster. If these animals die as a result of "green" energy (solar or wind), they should be viewed as acceptable casualties to save the planet.

who mentioned aircraft?

What are the leading causes of raptors?

Not going to look it up again but as I recall they are:

Lead poisoning
Automobile collisions
Electrocution by power lines

Wind generation plants deaths don't even hit the top five

I am fine with fixing the technology to reduce the impact from energy production- and that is happening with wind turbines right now.

My only point is these threads are invariably started by people who only appear to 'care' about raptors when they are killed by solar or wind power.

The rest of the time they would happily use them for target practice.
I power my (small) homestead with wind/solar power. I do not incinerate or club wildlife to death. But I am small and localized. I see the problems arise when the attempt is made to power large, metropolitan areas using these methods. I'd love to see so many of the libtard idiots lead the way, save the planet, by depleting the number of human animals sucking up resources. Alas, they are cowards, elitists (who think they deserve to live), and absolutely ignorant about how things work.

So you want liberals to go out there and start killing people?

Large metropolitan areas get powered one way or another- by dirty coal plants, cleaner natural gas plants, nuclear power plants, hydroelectric power plants, solar plants(rare), or wind power(becoming much more common).

All of them have trade offs.

Cowards like you just want to blame others.
First, I am anything but a coward. The cowards are those who vehemently rail against human impact on the planet and the environment but they are too chicken to make the ultimate commitment to saving this planet by decreasing the number of humans who make that making the ultimate personal commitment. No, I don't advocate they kill others, I challenge them to remove themselves from the harmful population.
California's new solar power plant is actually a death ray that's incinerating birds mid-flight - ExtremeTech
What spans 1,600 hectares, cost $2.2 billion to build, and potentially fries hundreds of thousands of birds per year? The new BrightSource solar power plant in California’s Mojave Dessert. The plant, which uses some 350,000 garage-door-sized mirrors to focus sunlight on three boiler towers, also acts as a death ray, instantly igniting and killing any wildlife that happen to fly through the intense beam of light. Wildlife officials are concerned that this concentrated solar power plant, and others like it, could turn into “mega-trap” that decimates the ecosystem — first attracting insects, and then attracting birds that eat insects. BrightSource, in the mean time, is forging ahead with an even larger solar power plant that officials say could kill four times as many birds. Won’t somebody stop these not-so-green nature-killing maniacs?


Oh look the brainy scientist are so smart, using some bs based of money ,and oh those millionaires wouldn't want to tell you it's a fk up because imagine how the billions they'd lose in stocks. That money is more important than the health of their peasants.

Science is never wrong they know everything .
they don't know everything,

but they are problem solvers....

And it seems like they could create some sort of bird whistle like a deer whistle that surrounds the plant or some kind of invisible electrical fence that could steer the birds away from the frying area???

Different standards. Like the rapture kills from wind turbines. The Govt is actually issuing waivers and permits for Eagle kills at wind farms. These green toys need to be held to the same RIDICULOUSLY rigorous standards.

Well there I agree with you.

Of course there are more deaths due to electrocution on high power lines........should the power companies be held to the same ridiculously high standards for power lines too?

It's hard to fry a bird on a power line. Because there's no electricity flow on a single wire. But what deaths there are -- are usually birds looking for warmth on switching stations and transformer farms. The bigger comparison is bird deaths due to holding ponds either from oil extraction or coal ash.

And in the same year that eagle kill permits for wind farms started to get issued, there were several judgements against energy companies for $Mills...

This CSP or death ray form of solar is an oddity. One that hasn't been perfected yet. And maybe never will because of cost/maintenance issues. And is only applicable in about 20% of American territory as a realistic implementation. It's perfectly OK to test and research this.. Just NOT OK to waive enviro scrutiny on it..



Tech. that will be used on us sooner or later lol
California's new solar power plant is actually a death ray that's incinerating birds mid-flight - ExtremeTech
What spans 1,600 hectares, cost $2.2 billion to build, and potentially fries hundreds of thousands of birds per year? The new BrightSource solar power plant in California’s Mojave Dessert. The plant, which uses some 350,000 garage-door-sized mirrors to focus sunlight on three boiler towers, also acts as a death ray, instantly igniting and killing any wildlife that happen to fly through the intense beam of light. Wildlife officials are concerned that this concentrated solar power plant, and others like it, could turn into “mega-trap” that decimates the ecosystem — first attracting insects, and then attracting birds that eat insects. BrightSource, in the mean time, is forging ahead with an even larger solar power plant that officials say could kill four times as many birds. Won’t somebody stop these not-so-green nature-killing maniacs?


Oh look the brainy scientist are so smart, using some bs based of money ,and oh those millionaires wouldn't want to tell you it's a fk up because imagine how the billions they'd lose in stocks. That money is more important than the health of their peasants.

Science is never wrong they know everything .
they don't know everything,

but they are problem solvers....

And it seems like they could create some sort of bird whistle like a deer whistle that surrounds the plant or some kind of invisible electrical fence that could steer the birds away from the frying area???

Different standards. Like the rapture kills from wind turbines. The Govt is actually issuing waivers and permits for Eagle kills at wind farms. These green toys need to be held to the same RIDICULOUSLY rigorous standards.

Well there I agree with you.

Of course there are more deaths due to electrocution on high power lines........should the power companies be held to the same ridiculously high standards for power lines too?

It's hard to fry a bird on a power line. Because there's no electricity flow on a single wire. But what deaths there are -- are usually birds looking for warmth on switching stations and transformer farms. The bigger comparison is bird deaths due to holding ponds either from oil extraction or coal ash.

And in the same year that eagle kill permits for wind farms started to get issued, there were several judgements against energy companies for $Mills...

This CSP or death ray form of solar is an oddity. One that hasn't been perfected yet. And maybe never will because of cost/maintenance issues. And is only applicable in about 20% of American territory as a realistic implementation. It's perfectly OK to test and research this.. Just NOT OK to waive enviro scrutiny on it..

Small birds yes. Big birds, not so much.
California's new solar power plant is actually a death ray that's incinerating birds mid-flight - ExtremeTech
What spans 1,600 hectares, cost $2.2 billion to build, and potentially fries hundreds of thousands of birds per year? The new BrightSource solar power plant in California’s Mojave Dessert. The plant, which uses some 350,000 garage-door-sized mirrors to focus sunlight on three boiler towers, also acts as a death ray, instantly igniting and killing any wildlife that happen to fly through the intense beam of light. Wildlife officials are concerned that this concentrated solar power plant, and others like it, could turn into “mega-trap” that decimates the ecosystem — first attracting insects, and then attracting birds that eat insects. BrightSource, in the mean time, is forging ahead with an even larger solar power plant that officials say could kill four times as many birds. Won’t somebody stop these not-so-green nature-killing maniacs?


Oh look the brainy scientist are so smart, using some bs based of money ,and oh those millionaires wouldn't want to tell you it's a fk up because imagine how the billions they'd lose in stocks. That money is more important than the health of their peasants.

Science is never wrong they know everything .
they don't know everything,

but they are problem solvers....

And it seems like they could create some sort of bird whistle like a deer whistle that surrounds the plant or some kind of invisible electrical fence that could steer the birds away from the frying area???

Different standards. Like the rapture kills from wind turbines. The Govt is actually issuing waivers and permits for Eagle kills at wind farms. These green toys need to be held to the same RIDICULOUSLY rigorous standards.

Well there I agree with you.

Of course there are more deaths due to electrocution on high power lines........should the power companies be held to the same ridiculously high standards for power lines too?

It's hard to fry a bird on a power line. Because there's no electricity flow on a single wire. But what deaths there are -- are usually birds looking for warmth ..

I saw a Bald eagle fry on a power line once- not a pretty thing.
4 Things That Kill More Birds Than Wind Farms | Care2 Causes
2. Electrocution: According to researchers at Vanderbilt University, electrocution is among the top five causes of bald eagle, golden eagle and raptor deaths. These fatalities occur when the large birds land on power lines, and their wings or feet accidentally touch two lines and form a circuit. Bald eagles may also fly directly into power lines that are not visible in poor weather conditions. Both situations kill the bird instantly.
Giant floating wind turbines are killing fam animals?


You folks crack me up.

You would happily dine on roasted bald eagle if you had a chance to shoot it, and have no problem with the birds killed by power lines, or left over lead shot, or automobiles- or by habitat destruction of strip coal mining- but if a bird gets killed by an 'alternate' energy- you cry crocodile ears.

Let me know when you express concern for the vast majority of birds who die due to other man made causes- and then maybe I will take your 'concern' seriously.
First, I would not dine on eagles, they are no doubt way too tough. I do see my share of raptors, etc, killed by aircraft. But those numbers are minuscule compared to wind farm avian fatalities. What bothers me is the hypocrisy of those who view the death of a raptor by any means other than "green" to be an environmental disaster. If these animals die as a result of "green" energy (solar or wind), they should be viewed as acceptable casualties to save the planet.

who mentioned aircraft?

What are the leading causes of raptors?

Not going to look it up again but as I recall they are:

Lead poisoning
Automobile collisions
Electrocution by power lines

Wind generation plants deaths don't even hit the top five

I am fine with fixing the technology to reduce the impact from energy production- and that is happening with wind turbines right now.

My only point is these threads are invariably started by people who only appear to 'care' about raptors when they are killed by solar or wind power.

The rest of the time they would happily use them for target practice.
I power my (small) homestead with wind/solar power. I do not incinerate or club wildlife to death. But I am small and localized. I see the problems arise when the attempt is made to power large, metropolitan areas using these methods. I'd love to see so many of the libtard idiots lead the way, save the planet, by depleting the number of human animals sucking up resources. Alas, they are cowards, elitists (who think they deserve to live), and absolutely ignorant about how things work.

So you want liberals to go out there and start killing people?

Large metropolitan areas get powered one way or another- by dirty coal plants, cleaner natural gas plants, nuclear power plants, hydroelectric power plants, solar plants(rare), or wind power(becoming much more common).

All of them have trade offs.

Cowards like you just want to blame others.
First, I am anything but a coward. The cowards are those who vehemently rail against human impact on the planet and the environment but they are too chicken to make the ultimate commitment to saving this planet by decreasing the number of humans who make that making the ultimate personal commitment. No, I don't advocate they kill others, I challenge them to remove themselves from the harmful population.

So you think that anyone who cares about the planet should commit suicide.

Which means that you must not care about the planet.
This CSP or death ray form of solar is an oddity. One that hasn't been perfected yet. And maybe never will because of cost/maintenance issues. And is only applicable in about 20% of American territory as a realistic implementation. It's perfectly OK to test and research this.. Just NOT OK to waive enviro scrutiny on it..

I agree- environmental scrutiny shouldn't be waived- on this or any other energy project.

And that includes coal mining, and fracking, and hydro-electric. And nuclear too.

Calling something a death ray doesn't encourage 'scrutiny' though- no more than calling coal power plants "Death Gas Machines" encourages real discussion on energy.
First, I would not dine on eagles, they are no doubt way too tough. I do see my share of raptors, etc, killed by aircraft. But those numbers are minuscule compared to wind farm avian fatalities. What bothers me is the hypocrisy of those who view the death of a raptor by any means other than "green" to be an environmental disaster. If these animals die as a result of "green" energy (solar or wind), they should be viewed as acceptable casualties to save the planet.

who mentioned aircraft?

What are the leading causes of raptors?

Not going to look it up again but as I recall they are:

Lead poisoning
Automobile collisions
Electrocution by power lines

Wind generation plants deaths don't even hit the top five

I am fine with fixing the technology to reduce the impact from energy production- and that is happening with wind turbines right now.

My only point is these threads are invariably started by people who only appear to 'care' about raptors when they are killed by solar or wind power.

The rest of the time they would happily use them for target practice.
I power my (small) homestead with wind/solar power. I do not incinerate or club wildlife to death. But I am small and localized. I see the problems arise when the attempt is made to power large, metropolitan areas using these methods. I'd love to see so many of the libtard idiots lead the way, save the planet, by depleting the number of human animals sucking up resources. Alas, they are cowards, elitists (who think they deserve to live), and absolutely ignorant about how things work.

So you want liberals to go out there and start killing people?

Large metropolitan areas get powered one way or another- by dirty coal plants, cleaner natural gas plants, nuclear power plants, hydroelectric power plants, solar plants(rare), or wind power(becoming much more common).

All of them have trade offs.

Cowards like you just want to blame others.
First, I am anything but a coward. The cowards are those who vehemently rail against human impact on the planet and the environment but they are too chicken to make the ultimate commitment to saving this planet by decreasing the number of humans who make that making the ultimate personal commitment. No, I don't advocate they kill others, I challenge them to remove themselves from the harmful population.

So you think that anyone who cares about the planet should commit suicide.

Which means that you must not care about the planet.
How do you figure?
Do you believe that people are the primary cause of gorbal warming? Or pollution? Or depletion of natural resources?

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