California's Devastating Fires Are Man-Caused -- But Not In The Way They Tell Us

No, it's not. The global temps throughout the 1930's were significantly higher than they are today. There were more days over 100 degrees in that ten year period than there has been over the last twenty years combined.
Negro, please!

Yeah, it's called a FACT. Warmers don't seem to do facts. They do computer derived fiction.
Riddle me this...............What do you get when you combine regulations that make it hard for people or companies to clear the land and create fire Breaks.............and fine the living hell out of those trying to make a difference..........not to mention not allowing logging on Federal and State lands who would use the natural resources and thin the tress..................

Lol....the anger, misery and lament of losing.

"Not debatable":laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Unfortunately s0n, the public hasn't been as easily suckered as you on climate change. That's what's not debatable....the scientists still have yet to make the case.
Arguing against climate change, is as stupid as arguing gravity plays no role in plane crashes.

No skeptics is denying climate change exist, they dispute the AGW hypothesis as being credible and that climate models already failed in the short term.

You need to look at historical records... the 1930's were hotter..
Fuck you, you little fossil fuel prick! The last 4 years were the hottest in the last 800,000 years. It is raining in Siberia. Fuck you!

The ignorant little left wing turd has no facts to back up his bull shit.. I on the other hand have all kinds of empirical evidence to support my position.. All the left wing turd has is his feelings....

Come on baby... cry and post up EMPIRICALLY OBSERVED DATA that proves you assertions...

The last 450 thousand years calls you a FUCKING LIAR!

CO2 and Ice Ages.JPG

Come on you ignorant little turd... I dare you to post up facts that prove your assertion...
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The feeble replies of Billo_really in this page alone:

"Arguing against climate change, is as stupid as arguing gravity plays no role in plane crashes."

No one dispute that climate changes.

"Fuck you, you little fossil fuel prick! The last 4 years were the hottest in the last 800,000 years. It is raining in Siberia. Fuck you!"

Another ugly reply with zero evidence to back it up. It was warmer than now early in the interglacial period. Your claim is so absurd.

"Moi, ugly?"

Yes your childish anger greatly dilutes what babble you bring up..

"I'm sorry, I don't buy it."

No counterpoints from you at all, don't by it that you read it let alone you understand it.

"Negro, please! "

Trolling is all you have here.

Not once did you bring up an actual argument in your replies. I think you don't have one which is why you scream instead.
There is nothing to debate. Climate change is real and I have no intention of humoring any of your climate denial bullshit. There is a mountain of evidence proving this fact. Over 95% of the scientific community agrees on this. The only ones denying this fact, are people linked to the fossil fuel industry.

You need to look at historical records... the 1930's were hotter..
Fuck you, you little fossil fuel prick! The last 4 years were the hottest in the last 800,000 years. It is raining in Siberia. Fuck you!

You have to be a truly ignorant twit to make that assertion. C'mon billo, you can't truly be this stupid can you?
The feeble replies of Billo_really in this page alone:

"Arguing against climate change, is as stupid as arguing gravity plays no role in plane crashes."

No one dispute that climate changes.

"Fuck you, you little fossil fuel prick! The last 4 years were the hottest in the last 800,000 years. It is raining in Siberia. Fuck you!"

Another ugly reply with zero evidence to back it up. It was warmer than now early in the interglacial period. Your claim is so absurd.

"Moi, ugly?"

Yes your childish anger greatly dilutes what babble you bring up..

"I'm sorry, I don't buy it."

No counterpoints from you at all, don't by it that you read it let alone you understand it.

"Negro, please! "

Trolling is all you have here.

Not once did you bring up an actual argument in your replies. I think you don't have one which is why you scream instead.
There is nothing to debate. Climate change is real and I have no intention of humoring any of your climate denial bullshit. There is a mountain of evidence proving this fact. Over 95% of the scientific community agrees on this. The only ones denying this fact, are people linked to the fossil fuel industry.

Your so called "mountain of evidence" is ALL derived from computer models. So, riddle us this batman, are computer models data? Yes or no?
Yeah, it's called a FACT. Warmers don't seem to do facts. They do computer derived fiction.
I'm not going to debate your bullshit. This is nuts. It's real. And it's about time you start recognizing this fact.

Yes, climate change is real. Man on the other hand has no influence on it. You make all of these claims but they have NO factual, empirical data to support them. They are all derived from computer models. Computer models are FICTION. They create a result that the designer wants.
No skeptics is denying climate change exist, they dispute the AGW hypothesis as being credible and that climate models already failed in the short term.
This warming is man-made through the use of carbon emissions.

Which has ZERO factual data to support. Mankind is responsible for less than 5% of the entire global yearly budget. Do you understand what that means? Do you?

The ignorant little left wing turd has no facts to back up his bull shit.. I on the other hand have all kinds of empirical evidence to support my position.. All the left wing turd has is his feelings....

Come on baby... cry and post up EMPIRICALLY OBSERVED DATA that proves you assertions...

The last 450 thousand years calls you a FUCKING LIAR!

View attachment 208888

Come on you ignorant little turd... I dare you to post up facts that prove your assertion...
I'm not going to humor your little bullshit graphs.

The ignorant little left wing turd has no facts to back up his bull shit.. I on the other hand have all kinds of empirical evidence to support my position.. All the left wing turd has is his feelings....

Come on baby... cry and post up EMPIRICALLY OBSERVED DATA that proves you assertions...

The last 450 thousand years calls you a FUCKING LIAR!

View attachment 208888

Come on you ignorant little turd... I dare you to post up facts that prove your assertion...
I'm not going to humor your little bullshit graphs.

Why? Because they blow your lies out of the water? Here's the deal billo, science, real science is concerned with real data. Data is that which can be OBSERVED. Do you know what OBSERVED means? You are acting like a spoiled brat three year old. Science doesn't give a shit about your tantrums. Science cares about what we can see and MEASURE. Almost 100% of the climate "studies" you look at are fiction. Computer models are not data.

As far as the "record" temps you are spewing off about. The claims are that the temp increased .004 degrees C. Pretty interesting considering the instrumentation is only accurate to .1 degree C.

Do you understand what that means?

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