California's Devastating Fires Are Man-Caused -- But Not In The Way They Tell Us


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Yet another article showing that these big fires are mostly the fault of bad forestry management by the state and federal governments. Environmentalists and stupid regulations took away methods to maintain the underbrush and crowded trees.


California's Devastating Fires Are Man-Caused -- But Not In The Way They Tell Us

Jul 30, 2018

Chuck Devore


"California is once again on fire. Northern California’s Carr Fire has killed six people, two of them firefighters, and continues to burn out of control, claiming more than 700 homes and about 100,000 acres.

As a citizen-soldier in the California Army National Guard for two decades, I often heard the gallows humor quip that California’s four seasons were: flood, fire, earthquake and riot.

But, what was once an expected part of living in the Golden State is now blamed on larger forces. A crisis, we are told, should never go to waste."

I fought fires near Redding back in 1971, and I remember a week when the temps exceeded 110 every day. It was pretty awful trying to control fires raging through all that manzanita and digger pine.

As far as the fires. today, I don't blame global warming since it was as hot or hotter then. I don't blame environmental practices, either. since the place has always been a tinder box..

I just chalk it up to shit happens, myself.
I fought fires near Redding back in 1971, and I remember a week when the temps exceeded 110 every day. It was pretty awful trying to control fires raging through all that manzanita and digger pine.

As far as the fires. today, I don't blame global warming since it was as hot or hotter then. I don't blame environmental practices, either. since the place has always been a tinder box..

I just chalk it up to shit happens, myself.

No, there has been decades of forest mismanagement. The policy back then was to stop every fire, the problem being the fires clear out the low under brush. Now, after decades of building up, the fires crown and incinerate everything in their path. That's not what they do when they are allowed to naturally burn out the crud.
I fought fires near Redding back in 1971, and I remember a week when the temps exceeded 110 every day. It was pretty awful trying to control fires raging through all that manzanita and digger pine.

As far as the fires. today, I don't blame global warming since it was as hot or hotter then. I don't blame environmental practices, either. since the place has always been a tinder box..

I just chalk it up to shit happens, myself.

No, there has been decades of forest mismanagement. The policy back then was to stop every fire, the problem being the fires clear out the low under brush. Now, after decades of building up, the fires crown and incinerate everything in their path. That's not what they do when they are allowed to naturally burn out the crud.

I wouldn't call the area affected forest, per se, though. It's all digger pine and manzanita until the elevation rises a bit and transitions into ponderosa pine and then sugar pine and silver fir further up.

In any case, I don't blame. Not fighting the fires really wasn't an option back then any more than it is now.
I fought fires near Redding back in 1971, and I remember a week when the temps exceeded 110 every day. It was pretty awful trying to control fires raging through all that manzanita and digger pine.

As far as the fires. today, I don't blame global warming since it was as hot or hotter then. I don't blame environmental practices, either. since the place has always been a tinder box..

I just chalk it up to shit happens, myself.

No, there has been decades of forest mismanagement. The policy back then was to stop every fire, the problem being the fires clear out the low under brush. Now, after decades of building up, the fires crown and incinerate everything in their path. That's not what they do when they are allowed to naturally burn out the crud.

I wouldn't call the area affected forest, per se, though. It's all digger pine and manzanita until the elevation rises a bit and transitions into ponderosa pine and then sugar pine and silver fir further up.

In any case, I don't blame. Not fighting the fires really wasn't an option back then any more than it is now.

Which is true for the most part, but the manzanita is 30 feet tall now! I was a Hot Shot for two years back in the 1960's and the fuel load is orders of magnitude greater than it was back then.

You are correct about the policy back then, we simply didn't understand the impact we were setting up for the future. Now, when it is safe to do so the fires are allowed to burn. As they should be.
I fought fires near Redding back in 1971, and I remember a week when the temps exceeded 110 every day. It was pretty awful trying to control fires raging through all that manzanita and digger pine.

As far as the fires. today, I don't blame global warming since it was as hot or hotter then. I don't blame environmental practices, either. since the place has always been a tinder box..

I just chalk it up to shit happens, myself.

No, there has been decades of forest mismanagement. The policy back then was to stop every fire, the problem being the fires clear out the low under brush. Now, after decades of building up, the fires crown and incinerate everything in their path. That's not what they do when they are allowed to naturally burn out the crud.

I wouldn't call the area affected forest, per se, though. It's all digger pine and manzanita until the elevation rises a bit and transitions into ponderosa pine and then sugar pine and silver fir further up.

In any case, I don't blame. Not fighting the fires really wasn't an option back then any more than it is now.

Which is true for the most part, but the manzanita is 30 feet tall now! I was a Hot Shot for two years back in the 1960's and the fuel load is orders of magnitude greater than it was back then.

You are correct about the policy back then, we simply didn't understand the impact we were setting up for the future. Now, when it is safe to do so the fires are allowed to burn. As they should be.

I never saw manzanita so big back then. Most of it around Whiskytown was maybe 4-8 feet that I remember.

It's been decades since I was there, though.
I fought fires near Redding back in 1971, and I remember a week when the temps exceeded 110 every day. It was pretty awful trying to control fires raging through all that manzanita and digger pine.

As far as the fires. today, I don't blame global warming since it was as hot or hotter then. I don't blame environmental practices, either. since the place has always been a tinder box..

I just chalk it up to shit happens, myself.

No, there has been decades of forest mismanagement. The policy back then was to stop every fire, the problem being the fires clear out the low under brush. Now, after decades of building up, the fires crown and incinerate everything in their path. That's not what they do when they are allowed to naturally burn out the crud.

I wouldn't call the area affected forest, per se, though. It's all digger pine and manzanita until the elevation rises a bit and transitions into ponderosa pine and then sugar pine and silver fir further up.

In any case, I don't blame. Not fighting the fires really wasn't an option back then any more than it is now.

Which is true for the most part, but the manzanita is 30 feet tall now! I was a Hot Shot for two years back in the 1960's and the fuel load is orders of magnitude greater than it was back then.

You are correct about the policy back then, we simply didn't understand the impact we were setting up for the future. Now, when it is safe to do so the fires are allowed to burn. As they should be.

I never saw manzanita so big back then. Most of it around Whiskytown was maybe 4-8 feet that I remember.

It's been decades since I was there, though.

Here's what it looks like now.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure...............

Fires will continue to happen there..........whether started by man or nature..............They must do fire breaks and controlled burns to protect areas.
California's Devastating Fires Are Man-Caused -- But Not In The Way They Tell Us

California is again suffering the decades of environmental mismanagement where it takes 6 years to get a permit to burn off the dry undergrowth that has built up, defeating the natural mechanisms to where now the state is a tinderbox just waiting to happen. Our Leftist Environmentalists strike again, and people die.
Stop ur lyin' ... carbon dioxide caused it to get so hot, the forest spontaneously burst into flames. A scientific consensus will be forthcoming.
Yet another article showing that these big fires are mostly the fault of bad forestry management by the state and federal governments. Environmentalists and stupid regulations took away methods to maintain the underbrush and crowded trees.


California's Devastating Fires Are Man-Caused -- But Not In The Way They Tell Us

Jul 30, 2018

Chuck Devore


"California is once again on fire. Northern California’s Carr Fire has killed six people, two of them firefighters, and continues to burn out of control, claiming more than 700 homes and about 100,000 acres.

As a citizen-soldier in the California Army National Guard for two decades, I often heard the gallows humor quip that California’s four seasons were: flood, fire, earthquake and riot.

But, what was once an expected part of living in the Golden State is now blamed on larger forces. A crisis, we are told, should never go to waste."

This heat wave is a direct result of global warming. We've now had the 4 hottest years since records have been taken. All over the world there are fires going on and it is because of climate change. Global warming is not a debatable issue. It is real. It is happening. And I don't care to hear any of you fossil fuel bitches bullshit. You are fucking scum. You lie through your teeth. And you can go to hell.
Yet another article showing that these big fires are mostly the fault of bad forestry management by the state and federal governments. Environmentalists and stupid regulations took away methods to maintain the underbrush and crowded trees.


California's Devastating Fires Are Man-Caused -- But Not In The Way They Tell Us

Jul 30, 2018

Chuck Devore


"California is once again on fire. Northern California’s Carr Fire has killed six people, two of them firefighters, and continues to burn out of control, claiming more than 700 homes and about 100,000 acres.

As a citizen-soldier in the California Army National Guard for two decades, I often heard the gallows humor quip that California’s four seasons were: flood, fire, earthquake and riot.

But, what was once an expected part of living in the Golden State is now blamed on larger forces. A crisis, we are told, should never go to waste."

This heat wave is a direct result of global warming. We've now had the 4 hottest years since records have been taken. All over the world there are fires going on and it is because of climate change. Global warming is not a debatable issue. It is real. It is happening. And I don't care to hear any of you fossil fuel bitches bullshit. You are fucking scum. You lie through your teeth. And you can go to hell.

Lol....the anger, misery and lament of losing.

"Not debatable":laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Unfortunately s0n, the public hasn't been as easily suckered as you on climate change. That's what's not debatable....the scientists still have yet to make the case.
I fought fires near Redding back in 1971, and I remember a week when the temps exceeded 110 every day. It was pretty awful trying to control fires raging through all that manzanita and digger pine.

As far as the fires. today, I don't blame global warming since it was as hot or hotter then. I don't blame environmental practices, either. since the place has always been a tinder box..

I just chalk it up to shit happens, myself.

No, there has been decades of forest mismanagement. The policy back then was to stop every fire, the problem being the fires clear out the low under brush. Now, after decades of building up, the fires crown and incinerate everything in their path. That's not what they do when they are allowed to naturally burn out the crud.

When fire fuel is low it burns as a ground fire... These burn slow and leave healthy trees while killing insects and invasive species.

When fire fuel is high you get a crown fire and those burn EVERYTHING IN THEIR PATH.

This is what poor forest and land management looks like. When we stopped the little fires before they could clean out the trash we simply allowed more trash to build up...
Yet another article showing that these big fires are mostly the fault of bad forestry management by the state and federal governments. Environmentalists and stupid regulations took away methods to maintain the underbrush and crowded trees.


California's Devastating Fires Are Man-Caused -- But Not In The Way They Tell Us

Jul 30, 2018

Chuck Devore


"California is once again on fire. Northern California’s Carr Fire has killed six people, two of them firefighters, and continues to burn out of control, claiming more than 700 homes and about 100,000 acres.

As a citizen-soldier in the California Army National Guard for two decades, I often heard the gallows humor quip that California’s four seasons were: flood, fire, earthquake and riot.

But, what was once an expected part of living in the Golden State is now blamed on larger forces. A crisis, we are told, should never go to waste."

How odd...this thread comes out just when tiny-handed trump puts out the same talking points.

If you've never lived in CA and experienced Santa Anna conditions....maybe you need to learn a few things before just repeating what tiny-hands says.
Yet another article showing that these big fires are mostly the fault of bad forestry management by the state and federal governments. Environmentalists and stupid regulations took away methods to maintain the underbrush and crowded trees.


California's Devastating Fires Are Man-Caused -- But Not In The Way They Tell Us

Jul 30, 2018

Chuck Devore


"California is once again on fire. Northern California’s Carr Fire has killed six people, two of them firefighters, and continues to burn out of control, claiming more than 700 homes and about 100,000 acres.

As a citizen-soldier in the California Army National Guard for two decades, I often heard the gallows humor quip that California’s four seasons were: flood, fire, earthquake and riot.

But, what was once an expected part of living in the Golden State is now blamed on larger forces. A crisis, we are told, should never go to waste."

How odd...this thread comes out just when tiny-handed trump puts out the same talking points.

If you've never lived in CA and experienced Santa Anna conditions....maybe you need to learn a few things before just repeating what tiny-hands says.
Another lib who doesn't have a clue... About droughts and winds in a cooling world..

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