California measure fails to create green jobs

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
You mean government meddling in the market has failed yet again? Why, I'm shocked, just shocked I tell you.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Three years after California voters passed a ballot measure to raise taxes on corporations and generate clean energy jobs by funding energy-efficiency projects in schools, barely one-tenth of the promised jobs have been created, and the state has no comprehensive list to show how much work has been done or how much energy has been saved.

My Way News - AP EXCLUSIVE California measure fails to create green jobs
Yo, the Puppets in California asked for it!!!

AP EXCLUSIVE: California measure fails to create green jobs

(AP) In this Friday, Aug. 7, 2015 photo, Christos Chrysiliou, director of architectural...
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SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Three years after California voters passed a ballot measure to raise taxes on corporations and generate clean energy jobs by funding energy-efficiency projects in schools, barely one-tenth of the promised jobs have been created, and the state has no comprehensive list to show how much work has been done or how much energy has been saved.

Money is trickling in at a slower-than-anticipated rate, and more than half of the $297 million given to schools so far has gone to consultants and energy auditors. The board created to oversee the project and submit annual progress reports to the Legislature has never met, according to a review by The Associated Press.

Voters in 2012 approved the Clean Energy Jobs Act by a large margin, closing a tax loophole for multistate corporations. The Legislature decided to send half the money to fund clean energy projects in schools, promising to generate more than 11,000 jobs each year.

Instead, only 1,700 jobs have been created in three years, raising concerns about whether the money is accomplishing what voters were promised.

(AP) In this Friday, Aug. 7, 2015 photo, Christos Chrysiliou, right, director of...
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"Accountability boards that are rubber stamps are fairly common, but accountability boards that don't meet at all are a big problem," said Douglas Johnson, a state government expert at Claremont McKenna College in Southern California.

The State Energy Commission, which oversees Proposition 39 spending, could not provide any data about completed projects or calculate energy savings because schools are not required to report the results for up to 15 months after completion, spokeswoman Amber Beck said.

Still, she said she believes the program is on track.

My Way News - AP EXCLUSIVE California measure fails to create green jobs

Well........Spain was the trend setter 10 years ago when the fools tried this green push and lost two jobs for every green job gained. Its well documented. Shit has failed everywhere its been tried.:2up:

Gotta remember here......."costs" don't matter to the modern progressive. To their way of thinking, if the intentions are good, then do it.......fuck the results. Thankfully, most of the world isn't that stoopid.

Jobs & Economic
An investment in wind power is an investment in jobs, including jobs in operations and maintenance, construction, manufacturing and many support sectors. In addition, wind projects produce lease payments for landowners and increase the tax base of communities.
• 2014 direct and indirect jobs supported:
1,001 to 2,000
• Total capital investment: $6.2 billion
• Annual land lease payments: $9.5 million
Wind-Related Manufacturing
The United States has over 500 manufacturing facilities producing products for the wind industry
that range from blade, tower and turbine nacelle assembly facilities to raw component suppliers,
including fiberglass and steel.
• Number of active manufacturing facilities in
the state: 10
Wind Projects
• Installed wind capacity: 3,153 MW
• State rank for installed wind capacity: 6th
• Number of wind turbines: 1,837
• State rank for number of wind turbines: 7th
• Wind projects online: 26
• Wind capacity under construction: 50 MW
Current Wind Generation
In 2014, wind energy provided 12.69% of all in-state electricity production.
• Equivalent number of homes powered by wind: 695,000
Wind Generation Potential
With current technology, wind power is capable of meeting 176 percent of the state’s
current electricity needs.
• Land based wind potential at 80 meters (m) hub height: 27,100 MW (source:
National Renewable Energy Laboratory)

Silly ass, the renewables are now cheaper than dirty coal, both solar and wind. And the coal fired plants are being shut down even as more and more renewables are coming online. Austin, Texas, is installing a 1.2 Gw solar installation as we post.

Jobs & Economic
An investment in wind power is an investment in jobs, including jobs in operations and maintenance, construction, manufacturing and many support sectors. In addition, wind projects produce lease payments for landowners and increase the tax base of communities.
• 2014 direct and indirect jobs supported:
1,001 to 2,000
• Total capital investment: $6.2 billion
• Annual land lease payments: $9.5 million
Wind-Related Manufacturing
The United States has over 500 manufacturing facilities producing products for the wind industry
that range from blade, tower and turbine nacelle assembly facilities to raw component suppliers,
including fiberglass and steel.
• Number of active manufacturing facilities in
the state: 10
Wind Projects
• Installed wind capacity: 3,153 MW
• State rank for installed wind capacity: 6th
• Number of wind turbines: 1,837
• State rank for number of wind turbines: 7th
• Wind projects online: 26
• Wind capacity under construction: 50 MW
Current Wind Generation
In 2014, wind energy provided 12.69% of all in-state electricity production.
• Equivalent number of homes powered by wind: 695,000
Wind Generation Potential
With current technology, wind power is capable of meeting 176 percent of the state’s
current electricity needs.
• Land based wind potential at 80 meters (m) hub height: 27,100 MW (source:
National Renewable Energy Laboratory)

Silly ass, the renewables are now cheaper than dirty coal, both solar and wind. And the coal fired plants are being shut down even as more and more renewables are coming online. Austin, Texas, is installing a 1.2 Gw solar installation as we post.

Not what this failure of a program addresses. Not generation at all. But the measure is another NegaWatt initiative to make consultants rich.. Voters of Cali don't NEED a legislature anymore. They are directly voting on most of the money-spending. And failing spectacularly..

State House only screwed up stuff SLOWER than these damn initiatives.
Are there already other threads on this topic? Not one freaking response other than mine.

This is such bullshit.

...the state has no comprehensive list to show how much work has been done or how much energy has been saved.

^^^ THIS is what is wrong with the whole goddamn "green" energy movement crap. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
If proposed EPA regs are implemented, we are FUCKED.
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So they confiscate $297 million from businesses and fart it all away. Absolutely zero accountability.

This is what Democrats want for our entire country!

Central planners are fucking idiots.

Jobs & Economic
An investment in wind power is an investment in jobs, including jobs in operations and maintenance, construction, manufacturing and many support sectors. In addition, wind projects produce lease payments for landowners and increase the tax base of communities.
• 2014 direct and indirect jobs supported:
1,001 to 2,000
• Total capital investment: $6.2 billion
• Annual land lease payments: $9.5 million
Wind-Related Manufacturing
The United States has over 500 manufacturing facilities producing products for the wind industry
that range from blade, tower and turbine nacelle assembly facilities to raw component suppliers,
including fiberglass and steel.
• Number of active manufacturing facilities in
the state: 10
Wind Projects
• Installed wind capacity: 3,153 MW
• State rank for installed wind capacity: 6th
• Number of wind turbines: 1,837
• State rank for number of wind turbines: 7th
• Wind projects online: 26
• Wind capacity under construction: 50 MW
Current Wind Generation
In 2014, wind energy provided 12.69% of all in-state electricity production.
• Equivalent number of homes powered by wind: 695,000
Wind Generation Potential
With current technology, wind power is capable of meeting 176 percent of the state’s
current electricity needs.
• Land based wind potential at 80 meters (m) hub height: 27,100 MW (source:
National Renewable Energy Laboratory)

Silly ass, the renewables are now cheaper than dirty coal, both solar and wind. And the coal fired plants are being shut down even as more and more renewables are coming online. Austin, Texas, is installing a 1.2 Gw solar installation as we post.


Ray......thats like spiking the football for getting out of your own end zone with a 1 yard running play!!!:2up::bye1::bye1:

Renewables are still a joke. Will be for decades too. Solar is still but 2/10ths of 1% of meeting our electricity needs!! Wind just a little more than that. Those are the facts.

Look......the global warming alarmists oversimplify this to the level of absurd. They conveniently ignore the surcharges placed upon renewable power companies that are of course passed on to the consumer. They conveniently ignore the tremendous costs of transmitting energy from grids over long distances. They conveniently ignore the huge outcry and litigation proceedings from communities that are saying and going to say fuck you to a 230 foot tower in their backyard. They also don't understand markets.....progressives never do.........that lead to rising costs due to growing lack of competition. matters in the real world because consumers don't like leaders who fuck over their wallet and invite job losses......they get their asses voted out due to the fuckery.

To have a better understanding of the renewable energy dynamic, one must see the carnage that has evolved in Germany in the last several years as green energy goals have turned disasterous. Companies that had moved to Germany a decade or more ago are moving BACK to the US because they are getting slaughtered with high energy costs.

Germany s Expensive Gamble on Renewable Energy - WSJ

Lastly......and here is the slam dunk.........if renewables were such a no-brainer, how come Wall Street has not interest in the last few years??:boobies::boobies::boobies::up:

Solar is having a great year except on Wall Street Reuters

Don't be bamboozled by the oversimplification nonsense the alarmists are expert in dishing out.....:spinner:

Every single energy projection out to 2050 has renewables around 10%-11% with coal, oil and natural gas dominating.
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An Astounding 418% From 2010-2014
April 24th, 2014 by Silvio Marcacci

Solar energy’s rapid growth in America is evident – even casual observers will note the proliferation of solar photovoltaics (PV) across the country. But sheer size is usually illustrated best by statistics, and in this case, the stat is 418%

That’s the percentage installed solar energy capacity grew in the U.S. from 2010-2014, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s April 2014 Electricity Monthly Update.

It’s true solar is still a small part of America’s energy mix – even with this growth, solar energy still only makes up just over 1% of total national generation capacity. But quadrupling capacity in just four years is an indisputable testament to the potential for solar to decarbonize our economy and decentralize our power.

US solar capacity 2010-2014 chart via US Energy Information Administration

And, now, Austin, Texas, is adding a 1.2 Gw solar installation, while residential installations are surging.
Lets face it and I will be in our boxes a long, long, long time before anything significant changes in terms of energy production in the world. In the end, costs are always the deciding factor.
Skook, what do you think of the top 3 USA coal companies either recently going bankrupt or losing two-thirds of their stock price?

Is that the source of your bitterness? Did you invest in the big loser called "coal" and lose your shirt?
Lets face it and I will be in our boxes a long, long, long time before anything significant changes in terms of energy production in the world. In the end, costs are always the deciding factor.
There is a very good chance, considering genetics and modern medicine that I will live another 30 years. I expect to see renewables as the generator of at least 80% of our electricity in my lifetime. Yes, costs are exactly the deciding factor. PV solar and wind are already cheaper than dirty coal and natural gas. Grid scale storage, two huge factories of those batteries being built as we post, will make those sources 24/7. And there are no external costs, asthma, lung cancer, ect. to the renewables. The future is here, already.


The Obama EIA!!!!
Nice graph. Absolutely worthless.

Not if the carbon trading market remains DEAD. And right now, it is as dead as a doornail...........and Wall Street knows it too!!! They bank on the future........and the only entity investing in renewables is the US government ( what a surprise ). Wall Street has learned the lessons of the green disasters in Spain and Germany in recent years. Winners go with fossil fuels!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

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