California Governor Jerry Brown admits Trump was right about the cause of the fires

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Of course Trump is right, but go and challenge them to undo the regulations and then watch judges jump into action to deny them the right of re-writing them!

California Gov. Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown, after denouncing the president as an environmental doofus, has, in recent days, quietly pushed state lawmakers to loosen restrictions on logging regulations that were put in place to satisfy raging environmentalists — “a move that appears to have confirmed that President Trump’s recent critiques of state logging practices” and lousy forest management “was correct.”

In August, The Santa Cruz Sentinel reported that Brown, one of the most environmental wacko governors currently in office, proposed that lawmakers change current rules to allow for some thinning of state-controlled forest lands...

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The State has approved 1 Billion to do just that over the next 5 years.............

Now they will be challenged by the same enviro nuts that have stopped other attempts in the past........

The enviro groups will sue him..........for not maintaining the old positions........which are burning the state to the ground.

It took people dying to force this change.
Of course Trump is right, but go and challenge them to undo the regulations and then watch judges jump into action to deny them the right of re-writing them!

California Gov. Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown, after denouncing the president as an environmental doofus, has, in recent days, quietly pushed state lawmakers to loosen restrictions on logging regulations that were put in place to satisfy raging environmentalists — “a move that appears to have confirmed that President Trump’s recent critiques of state logging practices” and lousy forest management “was correct.”

In August, The Santa Cruz Sentinel reported that Brown, one of the most environmental wacko governors currently in office, proposed that lawmakers change current rules to allow for some thinning of state-controlled forest lands...

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Jerry Brown has been a cancer on California since before I moved there in the 70s. He and his father, whom I met once.
He will never admit that Trump was right.
And currently Jerry Brown is in deep trouble because of all of the deaths his regulations have caused.
Voters are holding him personally responsible.
i think that old man 'jerry' is almost dead , he has already made his mark and his money and retirement .
i think that old man 'jerry' is almost dead , he has already made his mark and his money and retirement .
The people have turned on him for the deadly fires.

The enviro groups will turn on him for his new policies.

He's stuck in the middle with no where to run.

The State has approved 1 Billion to do just that over the next 5 years.............

Now they will be challenged by the same enviro nuts that have stopped other attempts in the past........

The enviro groups will sue him..........for not maintaining the old positions........which are burning the state to the ground.

It took people dying to force this change.
The enviro wackos probably rejoice every time there is a fire, as that land is now cleared of humans, no matter they are killed.
Jerry Brown deserves any, and all backlash from this issue. If there ever was a politician that deserves to be TARRED, and FEATHERED it is him.
The State has approved 1 Billion to do just that over the next 5 years.............

Now they will be challenged by the same enviro nuts that have stopped other attempts in the past........

The enviro groups will sue him..........for not maintaining the old positions........which are burning the state to the ground.

It took people dying to force this change.
Western United States land managers are conducting fuel reduction and forest restoration treatments in forests with altered structural conditions. As part of the National Fire and Fire Surrogate (FFS) study, thinning and burning treatments were evaluated for changing forest structure. Shifts between pretreatment and posttreatment diameter distributions at seven western FFS study sites were determined by assessing live tree diameter frequency distributions and the 10th and 90th percentile and mean diameter. Diameter distributions were based on 31,517 live trees within 76 pretreatment units and 25,061 live trees within 85 posttreatment units. Cross-site comparisons were made using meta-analysis. Values for l0th-percentile diameter increased at two sites, values for 90th-percentile diameter increased at six sites, and values for mean diameter increased at five sites (P < 0.05) after active treatments (thin, burn, or thin + burn) compared with control sites. Across the seven western FFS study sites, the overall effect size of the thin treatment increased for 90th percentile and mean diameter; the overall effect size of the burn treatment increased for 10th percentile, 90th percentile, and mean diameter; and the overall effect size of the thin + burn treatment increased for l0th percentile, 90th percentile, and mean diameter. This work indicates that although each of the active treatments was effective in shifting diameter distributions toward larger trees, no single treatment or entry will probably mitigate nearly a century of fire exclusion and fuel accumulation in dry coniferous forests of the Western United States.

Get a clue.
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Jerry Brown deserves any, and all backlash from this issue. If there ever was a politician that deserves to be TARRED, and FEATHERED it is him.
Stop being stupid.
Western United States land managers are conducting fuel reduction and forest restoration treatments in forests with altered structural conditions. As part of the National Fire and Fire Surrogate (FFS) study, thinning and burning treatments were evaluated for changing forest structure. Shifts between pretreatment and posttreatment diameter distributions at seven western FFS study sites were determined by assessing live tree diameter frequency distributions and the 10th and 90th percentile and mean diameter. Diameter distributions were based on 31,517 live trees within 76 pretreatment units and 25,061 live trees within 85 posttreatment units. Cross-site comparisons were made using meta-analysis. Values for l0th-percentile diameter increased at two sites, values for 90th-percentile diameter increased at six sites, and values for mean diameter increased at five sites (P < 0.05) after active treatments (thin, burn, or thin + burn) compared with control sites. Across the seven western FFS study sites, the overall effect size of the thin treatment increased for 90th percentile and mean diameter; the overall effect size of the burn treatment increased for 10th percentile, 90th percentile, and mean diameter; and the overall effect size of the thin + burn treatment increased for l0th percentile, 90th percentile, and mean diameter. This work indicates that although each of the active treatments was effective in shifting diameter distributions toward larger trees, no single treatment or entry will probably mitigate nearly a century of fire exclusion and fuel accumulation in dry coniferous forests of the Western United States.

Has nothing whatsoever to do with Jerry Brown.

Do you understand the biological influences associated with burning conifers in the west? No!

Thinning a forest lightens the fuel load, for a short period of time, while almost immediately "succession of a forest" takes control, sometimes making things more combustible. Depending on whether you know what that means? Thinning for a very short period of time can help. But right after that, it can actually be worse. You need to know vegetation, weather, climate, Biomes, terrain, and have a key understanding of biological succession to formulate an intelligent conclusion. You have not done any of that. All you can do is create an idiotic post about Jerry Brown.
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The State has approved 1 Billion to do just that over the next 5 years.............

Now they will be challenged by the same enviro nuts that have stopped other attempts in the past........

The enviro groups will sue him..........for not maintaining the old positions........which are burning the state to the ground.

It took people dying to force this change.
The enviro wackos probably rejoice every time there is a fire, as that land is now cleared of humans, no matter they are killed.
You folks are so unbelievably ignorant.
yeah , i'm no EXPURT like you i suppose but clean up of the woods of dead wood and debris on the ground is simple common sense . Plus then selective logging for profit and thinning to make the forest healthy BWK .
Of course Trump is right, but go and challenge them to undo the regulations and then watch judges jump into action to deny them the right of re-writing them!

California Gov. Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown, after denouncing the president as an environmental doofus, has, in recent days, quietly pushed state lawmakers to loosen restrictions on logging regulations that were put in place to satisfy raging environmentalists — “a move that appears to have confirmed that President Trump’s recent critiques of state logging practices” and lousy forest management “was correct.”

In August, The Santa Cruz Sentinel reported that Brown, one of the most environmental wacko governors currently in office, proposed that lawmakers change current rules to allow for some thinning of state-controlled forest lands...

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Every person who had a hand in writing the regulations should be arrested and charged with arson and manslaughter.
In So California, they have controlled burns. Why not up North?

------------------------------ it MAY be part of the plan for REWILDING 'n. kalifornia' . N.kali has relatively few people . Burn them out and then they might not be able to afford or allowed by government regulations to rebuild Geaux .
i think that old man 'jerry' is almost dead , he has already made his mark and his money and retirement .
And you are an ignoramus who knows nothing about forest protection.
My dear, who ever you are, sock or not, really need to study more. With the Santa Ana winds they get yearly, forest protection is not leaving fuel to burn, when it is dry.
fire or the 'spotted owl; works pretty good for depopulating an area . See 'HAPPY CAMP' in northern kalifornia . It was once a nice little logging and tourist town were President Teddy Roosevelt used to visit . The tiny town was put out of business by the Spotted OWL and the enviro nazis BWK .

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