California Girl's examples of liberal media agenda


Anti-Tea Party Member
Sep 7, 2008
New York, NY
Hi California Girl. Just in case you forgot, I'm making a new thread just for you to post your examples of where ABC, NBC or CBS has deliberately falsified a story, or manipulated the truth in order to promote a liberal agenda. Please post your video clips here along with related documentation of where this was a deliberate attempt on behalf of the liberal media.

I don't post you tube clips, except in the music threads.

I don't link to the media - because they are incapable of distinguishing fact from opinion.

You form your own opinions, based on whatever bullshit you want. Doesn't bother me. I will maintain my opinions, based on hard, factual evidence.

I do not waste my time on forum wars. They bore me.... and I'm doing a real job. For which I get paid. You want me to work for you, pay me.
I don't post you tube clips, except in the music threads.

I don't link to the media - because they are incapable of distinguishing fact from opinion.

You form your own opinions, based on whatever bullshit you want. Doesn't bother me. I will maintain my opinions, based on hard, factual evidence.

I do not waste my time on forum wars. They bore me.... and I'm doing a real job. For which I get paid. You want me to work for you, pay me.

Well if you live in California, it would be difficult to have you work for me.

I have asked you, several times, to show me this hard, factual evidence. You have declined to. Since I don't believe your name is mentioned in the Bible, I can't believe in you without evidence.
I don't post you tube clips, except in the music threads.

I don't link to the media - because they are incapable of distinguishing fact from opinion.

You form your own opinions, based on whatever bullshit you want. Doesn't bother me. I will maintain my opinions, based on hard, factual evidence.

I do not waste my time on forum wars. They bore me.... and I'm doing a real job. For which I get paid. You want me to work for you, pay me.

Well if you live in California, it would be difficult to have you work for me.

I have asked you, several times, to show me this hard, factual evidence. You have declined to. Since I don't believe your name is mentioned in the Bible, I can't believe in you without evidence.

calidyke has enough of a false following, she won't be truthful about anything. She get's her needs met in other ways:eusa_whistle:
Hi California Girl. Just in case you forgot, I'm making a new thread just for you to post your examples of where ABC, NBC or CBS has deliberately falsified a story, or manipulated the truth in order to promote a liberal agenda. Please post your video clips here along with related documentation of where this was a deliberate attempt on behalf of the liberal media.


I'll play David, here's one for you I'll get some more for you if you would like me to. Too easy.
Greta Van Susteren Scolds Howard Kurtz for Bad Report on Fox's Coverage of News Corp Scandal |
One person's name will suffice for one example, by CBS. Dan Rather. If it doesn't ring a bell, Google it yourself.

What did Dan Rather do that would in any way distort or lie about a news story that was politically motivated?
I don't post you tube clips, except in the music threads.

I don't link to the media - because they are incapable of distinguishing fact from opinion.

You form your own opinions, based on whatever bullshit you want. Doesn't bother me. I will maintain my opinions, based on hard, factual evidence.

I do not waste my time on forum wars. They bore me.... and I'm doing a real job. For which I get paid. You want me to work for you, pay me.

And there you have it folks.

Evidence that CG got her A$$ PWN3D!!!


:lol: :lol: :lol:
Hi California Girl. Just in case you forgot, I'm making a new thread just for you to post your examples of where ABC, NBC or CBS has deliberately falsified a story, or manipulated the truth in order to promote a liberal agenda. Please post your video clips here along with related documentation of where this was a deliberate attempt on behalf of the liberal media.


I'll play David, here's one for you I'll get some more for you if you would like me to. Too easy.
Greta Van Susteren Scolds Howard Kurtz for Bad Report on Fox's Coverage of News Corp Scandal |

Wait, wait, wait, wait. This isn't what I'm talking about. OF COURSE Fox News' competition is piling on all of the news stories about the hacking scandal. It's not politically motivated, rather it's motivated by money. It's Time Warner vs. News Corp. Time Warner and News Corporation compete on almost every level, whether it's newspapers, magazines, television, radio.. so on and so forth. So if there's a chance to gain market share by using CNN as a vehicle to do that, Time Warner is going to take that opportunity.
One person's name will suffice for one example, by CBS. Dan Rather. If it doesn't ring a bell, Google it yourself.

What did Dan Rather do that would in any way distort or lie about a news story that was politically motivated?

Are you really that dumb?

For christ sakes, we have enough new far left kook douchebags, we don't need any old, recycled ones......
DavidS I located your latest homemade YouTube video. :lol:

[ame=]‪Surprise Blow-Up Doll‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
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I don't post you tube clips, except in the music threads.

I don't link to the media - because they are incapable of distinguishing fact from opinion.

You form your own opinions, based on whatever bullshit you want. Doesn't bother me. I will maintain my opinions, based on hard, factual evidence.

I do not waste my time on forum wars. They bore me.... and I'm doing a real job. For which I get paid. You want me to work for you, pay me.

don't you ever get tired of your own bullshit?

or at least get bored?

or ashamed?
I don't post you tube clips, except in the music threads.

I don't link to the media - because they are incapable of distinguishing fact from opinion.

You form your own opinions, based on whatever bullshit you want. Doesn't bother me. I will maintain my opinions, based on hard, factual evidence.

I do not waste my time on forum wars. They bore me.... and I'm doing a real job. For which I get paid. You want me to work for you, pay me.

don't you ever get tired of your own bullshit?

or at least get bored?

or ashamed?
Nope...none of the above.

She's a rabid RW nutjob hack.

It's just not in their vocabularies.
This is whack.

bitches whine all the time that CG's an attention whore, but then you fuck heads start thread after thread about her.

Then bitch like babies when she doesn't play along.

damn, some of you never left the sandbox.

And here you're quoting Andrew Breitbart for something who has knowingly and admittedly edited videos and manipulated stories to further his political agenda.

Come on Rambo. You know exactly what I was asking for.

Give me a full video clip of broadcast from NBC, CBS or ABC or even CNN where they have reported a story that was either fake or manipulated to further a liberal agenda. Then I need documentation to prove that the story was faked and/or manipulated to further a political agenda.

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