Cain Train Goes Off The Rails


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

By Luke Johnson

Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain struggled to answer a question about U.S. foreign policy toward Libya in an interview with the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel editorial board Monday.

"Okay, Libya," said Cain, glancing up. "President Obama supported the uprising, correct? President Obama called for the removal of [Muammar] Gaddafi. Just wanted to make sure we're talking about the same thing before I say, 'Yes, I agreed. No, I didn't agree,'" said Cain.

"I do not agree with the way he handled it for the following reason," Cain started, before cutting himself off. "Nope, that's a different one." Cain shifted in his chair, adjusted his jacket and looked up again.

"I got all this stuff twirling around in my head," he added.

More: Herman Cain Stumbles On Libya Questions (VIDEO) [UPDATED]
Is a democrat going to find that Herman Cain would make an excellent president?


That's all that needs be said. Everything else is superflurous.
Doesn't compare to this:

[ame=]Cain on abortion[/ame]

That shit is fucking epic.
I saw a poll that puts Rick Santorum within points of Romney.
Time for the Lefties here to roll out anti-Santorum threads. No one gave a shit about Cain until he started polling well. Ditto for Bachmann. Ditto for Gingrich. Ditto for Perry.
I saw a poll that puts Rick Santorum within points of Romney.
Time for the Lefties here to roll out anti-Santorum threads. No one gave a shit about Cain until he started polling well. Ditto for Bachmann. Ditto for Gingrich. Ditto for Perry.

You are such a whiner.

These people are doing the damage to themselves. We are simply making fun of them AFTER they screw the pooch.

You must understand......and please believe me when I say....we WANT Cain to win the nomination. Or Perry.........or Bachmann........or Gingrich........or Santorum. Why won't nutters believe us when we say this? We are being 100% truthful.
I saw a poll that puts Rick Santorum within points of Romney.
Time for the Lefties here to roll out anti-Santorum threads.
No one gave a shit about Cain until he started polling well. Ditto for Bachmann. Ditto for Gingrich.
Ditto for Perry.

That's not true. "The T", has supported and believed in him before most of us heard of him...:clap2:

And I have been for a Newt/Cain ticket for months...
In his "months" of studying foreign policy, I don't think he got to the L's yet.

You wouldn't have all that stuff "twirling around in your head" if you weren't forced to "study it for months". How about gradual knowledge of foreign policy accumulated over your adult life?

Shit... I never studied foreign policy once and I know more than Palin and Cain and that's just from being a citizen of the world, and aware of what's been going on around me worldwide. Not like them, only after they have presidential aspirations.
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I saw a poll that puts Rick Santorum within points of Romney.
Time for the Lefties here to roll out anti-Santorum threads.
No one gave a shit about Cain until he started polling well. Ditto for Bachmann. Ditto for Gingrich.
Ditto for Perry.

That's not true. "The T", has supported and believed in him before most of us heard of him...:clap2:

And I have been for a Newt/Cain ticket for months...

be on the lookout for low flying points..........directly overhead.
I saw a poll that puts Rick Santorum within points of Romney.
Time for the Lefties here to roll out anti-Santorum threads.
No one gave a shit about Cain until he started polling well. Ditto for Bachmann. Ditto for Gingrich.
Ditto for Perry.

That's not true. "The T", has supported and believed in him before most of us heard of him...:clap2:

And I have been for a Newt/Cain ticket for months...
No. You missed my point.
THe lefties here feel obligated to knock down whoever the front runner appears to be. When Bachmann was polling well, it was all Bachmann all the time on this site. Prior to that we saw negative threads about Jindal and Barbour. So now it's Cain, only because he's polling well. If Santorum suddenly were doing well, you'd see negative threads on him. Ditto on Huntsman. The same people who are saying they'd vote Huntsman if they were voting GOP will be dissing him (and his daughters) the instant it looks like he has a chance.
I saw a poll that puts Rick Santorum within points of Romney.
Time for the Lefties here to roll out anti-Santorum threads. Ditto for Perry.

That's not true. "The T", has supported and believed in him before most of us heard of him...:clap2:

And I have been for a Newt/Cain ticket for months...
No. You missed my point.
THe lefties here feel obligated to knock down whoever the front runner appears to be. When Bachmann was polling well, it was all Bachmann all the time on this site. Prior to that we saw negative threads about Jindal and Barbour. So now it's Cain, only because he's polling well. If Santorum suddenly were doing well, you'd see negative threads on him. Ditto on Huntsman. The same people who are saying they'd vote Huntsman if they were voting GOP will be dissing him (and his daughters) the instant it looks like he has a chance.

Yep... they know that almost any of the GOP candidates could mop the floor with the punk in the Oval Office.

They are scared shitless about Nov 2012.

Obama is a one termer and is killing the Democratic party. :clap2:

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