Cain is a piece of shit

When did Cain admit he had an affair and/or sexually harassed someone?

When did Manson ever admit he killed anyone?
The religous right has 11 commandments.
#11 "thou shall never admit adultery"

lol! Only a half-truth there. The "Religious Right" will likely encourage Cain to fess up and make things right with his family. That's if these accusations are true though. Honesty & forgiveness are a big part of being a Christian. It really is between him,his family,and God. But God has already forgiven him if he did do something wrong.

God will forgive him if he confesses his sins.
But the right wing will forgive him without confessing his sins.
I don't buy it as I am not a rah rah we love ya kind of voter.
I do not wave flags at political candidates.
The religous right has NO credibility with me because they are hypocrits.
Just like the liberals.
They are exactly the same.
1st post
lol! Only a half-truth there. The "Religious Right" will likely encourage Cain to fess up and make things right with his family. That's if these accusations are true though. Honesty & forgiveness are a big part of being a Christian. It really is between him,his family,and God. But God has already forgiven him if he did do something wrong.

See........that's the problem with a lot of Christians today. They think that just because they "accept Jesus" all sins are miraculously taken away.

Unfortunately, they forget that they have to ask God for forgiveness, make ammends to those they've harmed, and then never do it again.

After doing all that? THEN you're forgiven.

Me personally? After watching Cain and his campaign, I don't believe he's got the humility required to ask for forgiveness.

There is zero credible evidence he did anything wrong.

Normally, when one has committed no sin, one need not ask for the forgiveness of sin.

You like to presume guilt.

That's a defect.

Work on that.

Read my post. I gave you credible evidence.
The evidence is MASSIVE.
I gave you all of the evidence.
You choose to keep your head in the sand.
Your blind ideology gives you no other alternative.
Even Cain KNOWS DAMN SURE there is a shit load of evidence.
Respectfully, you know better so quit the BS.
See........that's the problem with a lot of Christians today. They think that just because they "accept Jesus" all sins are miraculously taken away.

Unfortunately, they forget that they have to ask God for forgiveness, make ammends to those they've harmed, and then never do it again.

After doing all that? THEN you're forgiven.

Me personally? After watching Cain and his campaign, I don't believe he's got the humility required to ask for forgiveness.

There is zero credible evidence he did anything wrong.

Normally, when one has committed no sin, one need not ask for the forgiveness of sin.

You like to presume guilt.

That's a defect.

Work on that.

2 settled lawsuits, 2 accusers, and now a woman who says she's had a 13 year affair. There are phone records, and she has also stated places where Cain took her, that could prove it via video quite easily.

However..........Cain told Hannity on his show to "not do any detective work". Why would he say that? Probably because he knows there's evidence.

But, it's not so much that he lied to his wife and sexually harrassed women, it's that the stupid idiot doesn't have a brain in his head when it comes to politics and he really doesn't make much sense.

You are wasting your time. He knows it but Cain can do no wrong. The evidence is MASSIVE.
And ... a "settlement" by the Association to which Mr. Cain was not even a party could not rationally be imputed to Mr. Cain.

I am giving you another pass as you obviously know NOTHING about civil law suits.

Cain was a party to that suit. He was the lead named defendant. He agreed to the settlement because his employer required him to IF his name was dropped and the NRA took the hit.
And you ask why?
The insurance indemnity carrier forNRA REQUIRED THAT as a condition of settlement.
A thorough understanding of the law is required to comment on such matters.
NO PLAINTIFF wants a verdict or judgement against an individual party when there is a corporate entity indemnified post judgement.
And NO insurance company that indemnifies a corporate entity settles with a plaintiff whule letting the alleged defendant off the hook UNLESS THE FACTS SUGGEST NEGLIGENCE.
Been there, done that for 32 years and got the T shirt.
Very troubling that it is okay that a Presidential candidate can get up and lie and say he did not do something when he did.
And you folks condone that.

I don't condone it or condemn it. I don't know if he did any of the things he's accused of or all of them or a hell of a lot worse things.

I do know the amatuerish way he has handled these issues would have disqualified him in my mind for the job, if his ignorance on issues hadn't already done so.
5th post
Clinton didn't get a pass. Not sure what you are talking about in regard to Obama.

Yes, he got a huge pass.

And you wouldn't understand about Obama if I did explain it to you.

The short version is, you had all this crap in his background- Rezko, Ayers, Wright- that the media either downplayed or ignored.

We didn't hear about "God Damn America" in 2004, but we heard all about Jack Ryan getting an ugly divorce from Seven of Nine.

Clinton didn't get a pass..he was a conservative attempt to nullify the vote. And Rezko, Ayers and Wright were fully vetted by the media.

Didn't amount to a hill of beans..but you guys keep bringing it up.

Clinton got a pass from the left.

You know, like you just did, excusing his perjury.
And ... a "settlement" by the Association to which Mr. Cain was not even a party could not rationally be imputed to Mr. Cain.

I am giving you another pass as you obviously know NOTHING about civil law suits.

Cain was a party to that suit. He was the lead named defendant. He agreed to the settlement because his employer required him to IF his name was dropped and the NRA took the hit.
And you ask why?
The insurance indemnity carrier forNRA REQUIRED THAT as a condition of settlement.
A thorough understanding of the law is required to comment on such matters.
NO PLAINTIFF wants a verdict or judgement against an individual party when there is a corporate entity indemnified post judgement.
And NO insurance company that indemnifies a corporate entity settles with a plaintiff whule letting the alleged defendant off the hook UNLESS THE FACTS SUGGEST NEGLIGENCE.
Been there, done that for 32 years and got the T shirt.

The only problem with your theory is that there was no "suit," you stupid dipstick.
Now that's racist.

Oh this is a GREAT read!! :clap2:

I love this quote...

When Cain began to consider running for office, “I didn’t take it very seriously at all,” White said. “But Herman was on the radio, and the more popular he became, the more he talked about the possibility of running for president. Herman really enjoys the spotlight.”

Like I've been saying for the past year, Cain's been talking about it more and more as his popularity grew. All his callers, and even fellow RW radio hosts were constantly pumping him up. Anyone that listened to his radio show knows this. Some poster said his show wasn't that good. I beg to differ, he was popular. I mean, I hated his guts and hated the show, but the rabid RWers were lapping it up as if it were ambrosia.

Here's some more insight into this scum wad.

ut all of a sudden, probably two months before he announced, he said, ‘I think I’m going to run for president.’ I said, ‘You’re running for president? I guess we won’t be friends anymore.’ He said, ‘No, I don’t think so.’ I guess I was wanting to define our friendship: Are we really friends, or is this just a very casual affair? He was pretty much confirming, ‘No, we won’t be friends.’ It just confirmed what I already felt. It wasn’t a love affair. It wasn’t even a friendship, really.”

That MFer really thought he could just leave her and no one would ever find out. The couldn't possibly, after all, she wouldn't tell, COULDN'T because he's Herman Cain. What arrogance! At this point I hope his wife has the courage to leave his sorry A$$ and take him for all he's worth.

Now that's racist.

True. These left-wing turds are such colossal hypocrites. Their vitriol over Cain shows how truly scared they were of him. All Cain's accusers have some connection with David Axelrod, the architect of dirty tricks. The whole thing stinks to high heaven.

Watch how they claim Lakhota's image isn't racist, but this one is:

True. These left-wing turds are such colossal hypocrites. Their vitriol over Cain shows how truly scared they were of him. All Cain's accusers have some connection with David Axelrod, the architect of dirty tricks. The whole thing stinks to high heaven.

Watch how they claim Lakhota's image isn't racist, but this one is:


"Shame?" for what? Is Dave a RACIIIIIST!!!!!?

Oh this is a GREAT read!! :clap2:

I love this quote...

When Cain began to consider running for office, “I didn’t take it very seriously at all,” White said. “But Herman was on the radio, and the more popular he became, the more he talked about the possibility of running for president. Herman really enjoys the spotlight.”

Like I've been saying for the past year, Cain's been talking about it more and more as his popularity grew. All his callers, and even fellow RW radio hosts were constantly pumping him up. Anyone that listened to his radio show knows this. Some poster said his show wasn't that good. I beg to differ, he was popular. I mean, I hated his guts and hated the show, but the rabid RWers were lapping it up as if it were ambrosia.

Here's some more insight into this scum wad.

ut all of a sudden, probably two months before he announced, he said, ‘I think I’m going to run for president.’ I said, ‘You’re running for president? I guess we won’t be friends anymore.’ He said, ‘No, I don’t think so.’ I guess I was wanting to define our friendship: Are we really friends, or is this just a very casual affair? He was pretty much confirming, ‘No, we won’t be friends.’ It just confirmed what I already felt. It wasn’t a love affair. It wasn’t even a friendship, really.”

That MFer really thought he could just leave her and no one would ever find out. The couldn't possibly, after all, she wouldn't tell, COULDN'T because he's Herman Cain. What arrogance! At this point I hope his wife has the courage to leave his sorry A$$ and take him for all he's worth.


Please tell me you know (I've been working other boards I just assumed you knew the truth about this douche bag)

This douche bag is a proven liar and a vicious one to boot. She actually lost a libel suit where this **** actually accused her former business partner of shooting up vet products to win body building contests.

Ginger is a bad girl. And I've barely started on her.

Oh this is a GREAT read!! :clap2:

I love this quote...

When Cain began to consider running for office, “I didn’t take it very seriously at all,” White said. “But Herman was on the radio, and the more popular he became, the more he talked about the possibility of running for president. Herman really enjoys the spotlight.”

Like I've been saying for the past year, Cain's been talking about it more and more as his popularity grew. All his callers, and even fellow RW radio hosts were constantly pumping him up. Anyone that listened to his radio show knows this. Some poster said his show wasn't that good. I beg to differ, he was popular. I mean, I hated his guts and hated the show, but the rabid RWers were lapping it up as if it were ambrosia.

Here's some more insight into this scum wad.

ut all of a sudden, probably two months before he announced, he said, ‘I think I’m going to run for president.’ I said, ‘You’re running for president? I guess we won’t be friends anymore.’ He said, ‘No, I don’t think so.’ I guess I was wanting to define our friendship: Are we really friends, or is this just a very casual affair? He was pretty much confirming, ‘No, we won’t be friends.’ It just confirmed what I already felt. It wasn’t a love affair. It wasn’t even a friendship, really.”

That MFer really thought he could just leave her and no one would ever find out. The couldn't possibly, after all, she wouldn't tell, COULDN'T because he's Herman Cain. What arrogance! At this point I hope his wife has the courage to leave his sorry A$$ and take him for all he's worth.



you aren't black. you been running a game. you aren't black at all. wow. just wow.

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