Cable Subscribers Unwittingly Pay Tucker Carlson's Salary


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
I had no idea that at one time, when I was a cable TV subscriber, that I financed Fox News' programming while not a viewer.

"That’s right, only about 3 million Americans watch Fox News on a daily basis yet the nation’s estimated 65 million cable-connected households are forced to fund Fox News, allowing Fox to reap an estimated $1.8 billion in revenue per year in carriage fees."

"It’s true other news outlets — including MSNBC, CNN and others — receive a fee to be carried by cable companies, but those fees are far lower, since Fox News attracts the largest cable news audience."

"Per Sleeping Giants, “a campaign for media, advertising and social platform accountability,” Carlson is so extreme that he has almost no advertisers left, meaning, “Fox News operates his show at a loss when it comes to ad revenue.” But Fox News can pay Carlson and other host big salaries “through carriage fees, which we all pay into through our basic cable packages,” which was confirmed to me by Media Matters President Angelo Carusone."

I do not care to finance those other media outlets either. I "cut" my cable awhile back. Too costly and too many channels that I never viewed. If I had known that my money was financing any of them I would have cut the cable sooner. Especially Rupert Murdoch and his group of idiots on Fox News.

I had no idea that at one time, when I was a cable TV subscriber, that I financed Fox News' programming while not a viewer.

I had no idea that at one time, when I was a cable TV subscriber, that I financed Fox News' programming while not a viewer.

"That’s right, only about 3 million Americans watch Fox News on a daily basis yet the nation’s estimated 65 million cable-connected households are forced to fund Fox News, allowing Fox to reap an estimated $1.8 billion in revenue per year in carriage fees."

"It’s true other news outlets — including MSNBC, CNN and others — receive a fee to be carried by cable companies, but those fees are far lower, since Fox News attracts the largest cable news audience."

"Per Sleeping Giants, “a campaign for media, advertising and social platform accountability,” Carlson is so extreme that he has almost no advertisers left, meaning, “Fox News operates his show at a loss when it comes to ad revenue.” But Fox News can pay Carlson and other host big salaries “through carriage fees, which we all pay into through our basic cable packages,” which was confirmed to me by Media Matters President Angelo Carusone."

I do not care to finance those other media outlets either. I "cut" my cable awhile back. Too costly and too many channels that I never viewed. If I had known that my money was financing any of them I would have cut the cable sooner. Especially Rupert Murdoch and his group of idiots on Fox News.

How stupid are you? Are you incarcerated?

Of course the cable fees are distributed amongst the networks, proportionate to their viewership. Did you think their was a magic squirrel in your Roku app telling the universe that you don't watch Fox News?

Tucker really makes you shit-eating rodents piss your pants.... hmm?
I cut the cable in 2014 and never plan on hooking back up.
"... cable-connected households are forced to fund Fox News, allowing Fox to reap an estimated $1.8 billion in revenue per year in carriage fees."

That is a bunch of crap. If I had my way Murdoch's FCC license would be eliminated due to the amount of BS his shows spew onto the public.
How stupid are you? Are you incarcerated?

Of course the cable fees are distributed amongst the networks, proportionate to their viewership. Did you think their was a magic squirrel in your Roku app telling the universe that you don't watch Fox News?

Tucker really makes you shit-eating rodents piss your pants.... hmm?
Fuck off
"... cable-connected households are forced to fund Fox News, allowing Fox to reap an estimated $1.8 billion in revenue per year in carriage fees."

That is a bunch of crap. If I had my way Murdoch's FCC license would be eliminated due to the amount of BS his shows spew onto the public.
I tired of the programming many years ago and just kept it on for the kids and wife but I got rid of my wife and my kids can watch what they want on computers.
"... cable-connected households are forced to fund Fox News, allowing Fox to reap an estimated $1.8 billion in revenue per year in carriage fees."

That is a bunch of crap. If I had my way Murdoch's FCC license would be eliminated due to the amount of BS his shows spew onto the public.
BS? You still believe the Russia Collusion Bull Shit the Libatards pushed for 6 years and counting. You are full of BS. Now go ride your donorcycle.
I had no idea that at one time, when I was a cable TV subscriber, that I financed Fox News' programming while not a viewer.

"That’s right, only about 3 million Americans watch Fox News on a daily basis yet the nation’s estimated 65 million cable-connected households are forced to fund Fox News, allowing Fox to reap an estimated $1.8 billion in revenue per year in carriage fees."

"It’s true other news outlets — including MSNBC, CNN and others — receive a fee to be carried by cable companies, but those fees are far lower, since Fox News attracts the largest cable news audience."

"Per Sleeping Giants, “a campaign for media, advertising and social platform accountability,” Carlson is so extreme that he has almost no advertisers left, meaning, “Fox News operates his show at a loss when it comes to ad revenue.” But Fox News can pay Carlson and other host big salaries “through carriage fees, which we all pay into through our basic cable packages,” which was confirmed to me by Media Matters President Angelo Carusone."

I do not care to finance those other media outlets either. I "cut" my cable awhile back. Too costly and too many channels that I never viewed. If I had known that my money was financing any of them I would have cut the cable sooner. Especially Rupert Murdoch and his group of idiots on Fox News.

There's a reason why cable packages make you accept useless shit like CNN and MSNBC in order to get access to FNC and other popular channels.

Are you saying this form of socialism bothers you?

"... cable-connected households are forced to fund Fox News, allowing Fox to reap an estimated $1.8 billion in revenue per year in carriage fees."

That is a bunch of crap. If I had my way Murdoch's FCC license would be eliminated due to the amount of BS his shows spew onto the public.
Of course you ignore the fact the your wonderful mainstream media pushed the fake Steele Dossier for years knowing full well it was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC.

A cursory examination of the Steele Dossier should have convinced the CIA or the FBI that it was fake news. Any residual doubt would have vanished after learning that its author, Christopher Steele, was an opposition researcher paid by the Democrats to dig up dirt on Trump. That our most sophisticated government officials acted as if the Dossier were legitimate leads to only one conclusion. They were a knowing and willing part of the Democratic and media smear of a presidential contender, and then president, that paralyzed U.S. politics for three years.

We now know that the Steele Dossier is bogus. Inspector General Michael Horowitz drove the final stake through its heart. He found that the Dossier was compiled from hearsay and third-hand gossip from two low-level sources and that they denied the testimony attributed to them. The only “verified” information that Horowitz found was available from public sources.

Let’s review the story of the Steele Dossier and ask whether clear-thinking unbiased persons in media or government would have taken the charges in the Dossier so seriously as to use it as the roadmap to Russian government officials’ purported alliance with Trump employees and campaign aides to help his election.


First, the overwhelmingly anti-Trump media wanted the Dossier to be true and ignored the obvious signs of fakery.…emphasis added.

In less-partisan times, the winner of the media race to prove or disprove the Dossier would go down in history, adorned with Pulitzers and other accolades. But these are not normal times. Reporters from the New York Times and Washington Post won Pulitzer Prizes for “their deeply sourced” (read: flawed) writing on the Russian affair, while Wall Street Journal opinion writers, above all Kim Strassel, got it right, but no prize.

Second and more disturbing, heads of intelligence services were either grossly incompetent or vested in discrediting a new U.S. President,with whose views they disagreed. Neither explanation is palatable. There may not be a “deep state,” but individual actors seemed to act as if there is such a thing.

Third, there continues to be a curious lack of interest in the “respectable” links between Russian interests and the Washington lobbying elite. The opposition research firm that commissioned the Steele Dossier (Fusion GPS) also represented Russian interests in its most important lobbying endeavor (lifting the Magnitsky sanctions). Were respected Washington firms, headed by retired Democratic and Republican figures, somehow involved in schemes, such as the Steele Dossier, which gave Vladimir Putin his greatest foreign policy achievement – the paralysis of the U.S. government?

He's right....You made a fucking fool of yourself, with your sheer ignorance of how distribution deals work.


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