Bye Bye Chinese American Votes, Democrats

If you really want to know about socialism and communism, search YouTube for either one. You will come away sick when you see what it's really like. Watching first hand videos of it is the closest you can get and still turn and run.
It is very amusing. Many immigrants who come (legally) to the U.S. do so to escape dysfunctional or oppressive aspects of their country of origin. The Progs adopting those very same dysfunctions and oppression aren't going to win hearts and minds.
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It is very amusing. Many immigrants who come (legally) to the U.S. do so escape dysfunctional or oppressive aspects of their country of origin. The Progs adopting those very same dysfunctions and oppression aren't going to win hearts and minds.

Doesn't Guadamala have the size government bathtub conservatives love?
It is very amusing. Many immigrants who come (legally) to the U.S. do so escape dysfunctional or oppressive aspects of their country of origin. The Progs adopting those very same dysfunctions and oppression aren't going to win hearts and minds.

Doesn't Guadamala have the size government bathtub conservatives love?

What a silly question. No, it doesn't.

Any other things that confuse you that we can clear up?
And just because many people won't publicly express they political leanings doesn't mean they don't lean. Nowadays, lots of people hesitate to be public about they politics for fear of the violence they might inspire in the opposition. Hell, I know tons of people who won't even put a bumper sticker on their car because the other side has taken to keying cars and spray painting stickers they don't like. You have one guess to figure out which side is vandalizing cars and yard signs...
It is very amusing. Many immigrants who come (legally) to the U.S. do so escape dysfunctional or oppressive aspects of their country of origin. The Progs adopting those very same dysfunctions and oppression aren't going to win hearts and minds.

Doesn't Guadamala have the size government bathtub conservatives love?

What a silly question. No, it doesn't.

Any other things that confuse you that we can clear up?

I sure that it does. How else to you achieve such a gap between rich and poor with a small government unable to provide basic education and security.
It is very amusing. Many immigrants who come (legally) to the U.S. do so escape dysfunctional or oppressive aspects of their country of origin. The Progs adopting those very same dysfunctions and oppression aren't going to win hearts and minds.

Doesn't Guadamala have the size government bathtub conservatives love?

What a silly question. No, it doesn't.

Any other things that confuse you that we can clear up?

I sure that it does. How else to you achieve such a gap between rich and poor with a small government unable to provide basic education and security.

The gulf between rich and poor has more to do with corruption than the relative size of the government...although the moral hazard of Big Government does attract those with low ethics.

Does anyone at the washington examier know the difference between Chinese Communism and Sosialism?

I'm thinking not.
Tell us the difference between Communism and Socialism.
Communism is a community type of rule. Never been done in the history of the world. Socialism is where republicans degrade progressive people and make them slaves.
communism retarded.png
Democrats are losing Chinese, Jews and lost whites already. Who else will run?

What Jews have they lost? The midterms showed they most certainly haven't lost whites. As far as losing Asians, color me skeptical. I'll believe it when I see it.
Bush won the White House by 537 votes.

Stay tuned on the Jewish vote swing.

Does anyone at the washington examier know the difference between Chinese Communism and Sosialism?

I'm thinking not.
Tell us the difference between Communism and Socialism.
Yeah, I can’t tell the difference between communism and socialism either. Or how the Democrats differ.

Does anyone at the washington examier know the difference between Chinese Communism and Sosialism?

I'm thinking not.
Tell us the difference between Communism and Socialism.

Communism is Socialism once it has finally eliminated its opposition.

Damn dude.. I just can't up with the drama going on in slicing and dicing the Dem constituencies... Seems like all those separate baskets of "special groups" are suddenly looking like the Star Trek tribble problem to the DNC...

I just posted on another thread that the Dems were bleeding loyalists from the black, Jewish, labor, and even hispanic constituencies and NOW --- you hit me with THIS news... :badgrin:

Gonna need an RSS feed to keep up... Makes sense. A lot of immigrants we shelter come from communist and socialist regimes.. Having a 12 candidate circus trying to out-socialist each other scares THEM even more than me...

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This poll was taken BEFORE the election and the lurch left to a slate of ever increasing socialists running for President.. No longer valid... All this BAD news came weeks after the election when the whackadoodle contingent freshman Dems arrived in D.C and folks started to declare to run in 2020....

You just keep telling yourself what you need it.

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