Bye bye Braverman ?

I don't know that having to sit in a pointless class alone as opposed to with others is an advantage, but either way, unless there is a showing that she tried to coerce someone into letting her as opposed to just asking if it was possible, I still do not see an issue here even if she is a piece of shit.
She shoulf not be asking public servants to sort out her private issues. They arent her servants.
If her issue was a security concern then that is an issue for her aids, not a private issue.
It seems like Sunak thinks it is an issue. He is trying to cleanse the tories of the sleaze of the johnson regime. so that is one reason. The other is that braverman is openly challenging him in public.

She thinks she is bomb proof but I doubt her friends will follow her over the top on this one. Its too close to the election andthe risk is that many of them will be out of work soon. Unity is their only chance.

It wont mean the end of Braverman. She will continue to conspire from the back benches as the leader in waiting. I hope she gets the leadership. It will kill the tories completely.

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