Buttigieg - a true Democrat

Democrats lie.

They lied when they said black people weren't really people, they were property that could be bought and sold.

They lie when they say unborn babies aren't really people, they are parasites that can be removed at the mother's whim.
Democrats lie.

They lied when they said black people weren't really people, they were property that could be bought and sold.

They lie when they say unborn babies aren't really people, they are parasites that can be removed at the mother's whim.

Yet, every day in the news, on line, etc. we hear that republicans lie....democrats just misspeak.
A queer leftard presidential candidate with the last name of Buttigieg....the jokes and opportunities for parodies practically write themselves....
Peter, you're having a bit of difficulty with honesty. What a surprise.

Buttigieg brother-in-law accuses 2020 candidate of lying about his family for political gain
When interviewed recently, talking about his marriage to his husband, he said it gave him a maturity to put someone else before himself.
WTH then is he and his collegues putting party and self interest before country and voters interest? Therefore politically Isn't he admitting his party's immaturity as well as his own.
Peter, you're having a bit of difficulty with honesty. What a surprise.

Buttigieg brother-in-law accuses 2020 candidate of lying about his family for political gain
When interviewed recently, talking about his marriage to his husband, he said it gave him a maturity to put someone else before himself.
WTH then is he and his collegues putting party and self interest before country and voters interest? Therefore politically Isn't he admitting his party's immaturity as well as his own.

No doubt, ALL democrat candidates will eventually pull the sympathy card to boost their ratings.
Maybe Buttigieg was just getting his bumbuddies confused?

Shit happens- and there are a lot of homosexuals who have families that don't approve of their behavior. Mr. Buttigieg was probably referring to a married man that he was taking it in the caboose from, whose wife was pissed at him.

Homosexuals tend to live very interesting lives hanging out in gay bars, bathhouses, highway rest stops and public bathrooms. Its tough for most of them to keep all of their sex partners "straight" if you get my drift
You know what guys, one day, openly lesbian same sex marriage advocates, dying of cancer, will Lead Presbyterian Churches, you guys. Not if you guys Can't get over Buttigieg, because let me tell you something, I'm a dolphin.

President Buttigieg?????
....I don't think so.....
Isn't that just selective recognition? And because subjective opinions and news reports lies then how can we trust those figures? Let's say half of those are mistakes as we are only as good as info feed us right CNN lacky? The others being word play narrative changes by opposition claiming a lie through their lie, others being misspeaks, exagerations and then actual lies selected from the Billions of possible mistakes or misspeaks or missinformation or lies that's a damn low percentage to selectively point to and then lie to us by calling them lies and making like it's a large percentage when you yourselves complain he tweets and talks to much= more chances to slip up and be counted.
In conclusion you needed to lie to report about lying, you deflected your own higher percentage lying as wrong without seeing your bigger problem and lack of admission, and then you proved your party doesn't understand simple illusions like selective recognition, exaggeration in humor,
SUBJECTIVE OPINIONS, word play new narratives used by oropagandists that cause those skewed subjective opinions and it's own deflective nature.
In other words you are revealing the party as
Post failed-it was written by someone waving his baton in the front of the line of that moron parade.
You are right, Trump doesn't lie and carefull documentation of 10,000+ instances of him stating falsehoods is just a ruse by someone with too much time on their hands.
The opposition can make a lie out of a pot of beans....now go back and count the number of really bad lies Obama told...Obama didn't lie about a hooker he was with before he was elected or how much money he has earned....Obama lied about things like your healthcare....and fast and furious...
You are right, Trump doesn't lie and carefull documentation of 10,000+ instances of him stating falsehoods is just a ruse by someone with too much time on their hands.
The opposition can make a lie out of a pot of beans....now go back and count the number of really bad lies Obama told...Obama didn't lie about a hooker he was with before he was elected or how much money he has earned....Obama lied about things like your healthcare....and fast and furious...

I'm sure you've got a whole bag of half baked rationalizations, but this is what you sound like:

Isn't that just selective recognition? And because subjective opinions and news reports lies then how can we trust those figures? Let's say half of those are mistakes as we are only as good as info feed us right CNN lacky? The others being word play narrative changes by opposition claiming a lie through their lie, others being misspeaks, exagerations and then actual lies selected from the Billions of possible mistakes or misspeaks or missinformation or lies that's a damn low percentage to selectively point to and then lie to us by calling them lies and making like it's a large percentage when you yourselves complain he tweets and talks to much= more chances to slip up and be counted.
In conclusion you needed to lie to report about lying, you deflected your own higher percentage lying as wrong without seeing your bigger problem and lack of admission, and then you proved your party doesn't understand simple illusions like selective recognition, exaggeration in humor,
SUBJECTIVE OPINIONS, word play new narratives used by oropagandists that cause those skewed subjective opinions and it's own deflective nature.
In other words you are revealing the party as
Post failed-it was written by someone waving his baton in the front of the line of that moron parade.

Trump said that his Tax-Cut bill hurts the rich like himself. He then bragged to Mar-a-lago members about how much richer he has made them.

You are going to tell me that he WASN'T lying his ass off?

How do we go through thousands of BALD FACED LIES?

Do you want to do it one by one like the one above? If you are ready I'm ready.
You are right, Trump doesn't lie and carefull documentation of 10,000+ instances of him stating falsehoods is just a ruse by someone with too much time on their hands.
The opposition can make a lie out of a pot of beans....now go back and count the number of really bad lies Obama told...Obama didn't lie about a hooker he was with before he was elected or how much money he has earned....Obama lied about things like your healthcare....and fast and furious...

I'm sure you've got a whole bag of half baked rationalizations, but this is what you sound like:

If by that juvenile picture you are saying I'm tone death to the cries from the hate Trump jerks...then you are right....as long as he is making America great again I'm with him not the do nothings that shout nonsense from afar.....
You are right, Trump doesn't lie and carefull documentation of 10,000+ instances of him stating falsehoods is just a ruse by someone with too much time on their hands.
The opposition can make a lie out of a pot of beans....now go back and count the number of really bad lies Obama told...Obama didn't lie about a hooker he was with before he was elected or how much money he has earned....Obama lied about things like your healthcare....and fast and furious...

I'm sure you've got a whole bag of half baked rationalizations, but this is what you sound like:

If by that juvenile picture you are saying I'm tone death to the cries from the hate Trump jerks...then you are right....as long as he is making America great again I'm with him not the do nothings that shout nonsense from afar.....

No I'm saying you stick your head in the sand and belive whatever rediculous nonsence you want to belive by refusing to consider the evidence you are given.

It REDICULOUS to think that Trump is not a habitual, shameless liar. You have to deny basic facts to do that.
You are right, Trump doesn't lie and carefull documentation of 10,000+ instances of him stating falsehoods is just a ruse by someone with too much time on their hands.
The opposition can make a lie out of a pot of beans....now go back and count the number of really bad lies Obama told...Obama didn't lie about a hooker he was with before he was elected or how much money he has earned....Obama lied about things like your healthcare....and fast and furious...

I'm sure you've got a whole bag of half baked rationalizations, but this is what you sound like:

If by that juvenile picture you are saying I'm tone death to the cries from the hate Trump jerks...then you are right....as long as he is making America great again I'm with him not the do nothings that shout nonsense from afar.....

No I'm saying you stick your head in the sand and belive whatever rediculous nonsence you want to belive by refusing to consider the evidence you are given.

Yep, we're still waiting for that evidence. Maybe you could have Schiff get off the pot?
You are right, Trump doesn't lie and carefull documentation of 10,000+ instances of him stating falsehoods is just a ruse by someone with too much time on their hands.
The opposition can make a lie out of a pot of beans....now go back and count the number of really bad lies Obama told...Obama didn't lie about a hooker he was with before he was elected or how much money he has earned....Obama lied about things like your healthcare....and fast and furious...

I'm sure you've got a whole bag of half baked rationalizations, but this is what you sound like:

If by that juvenile picture you are saying I'm tone death to the cries from the hate Trump jerks...then you are right....as long as he is making America great again I'm with him not the do nothings that shout nonsense from afar.....

No I'm saying you stick your head in the sand and belive whatever rediculous nonsence you want to belive by refusing to consider the evidence you are given.

Yep, we're still waiting for that evidence. Maybe you could have Schiff get off the pot?

Ok answer this question, before we go to 1000 more:

Trump said that his Tax-Cut bill hurts the rich like himself. He then bragged to Mar-a-lago members about how much richer he has made them with his tax-cuts.

Are you going to tell me that he WASN'T lying his ass off?

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