Butt Kissing, no. Just kudos to Staff....


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
For busting ass to do all that they did with a SHITLOAD of complaining members..including myself.
I mean, really. Lets give them some applause for being here all day and bringing the smilies, working on the Blind Background, answering questions as fast as possible, etc. I don't know if I woulda had the patience myself.

So come on folks. Post a little wave or a thank you or just a :smiliehug:
500 plus people bombarding them all at once. Oy. I would said Up Yours a long time ago, lol.
I had a vbulletin. And a yuku board. And a proboard. It ain't just pushing buttons. Its a pain in the ass. And with 500 plus people hollering in the background, its even harder.
Everything worked and the conversion went perfectly. We had a couple of issues after the first two hours of going live but all in all I'm super happy with the way it went. A+++
I don't feel so bad now that I see you have the same amount of trophy points as I...
I'll start adding trophies as we move along so everyone can accumulate more of them. There are literally hundreds of different ways to set new ones up. I do have one for every ones birthday. So on your b-day you'll get a trophy and some points.
I'll start adding trophies as we move along so everyone can accumulate more of them. There are literally hundreds of different ways to set new ones up. I do have one for every ones birthday. So on your b-day you'll get a trophy and some points.
Are the conversation in the inbox seen by all that visit your profile? Do we have private messages available?
I'll start adding trophies as we move along so everyone can accumulate more of them. There are literally hundreds of different ways to set new ones up. I do have one for every ones birthday. So on your b-day you'll get a trophy and some points.

Cool, I'll move my birthday to Wednesday, then Thursday, then....
I'll start adding trophies as we move along so everyone can accumulate more of them. There are literally hundreds of different ways to set new ones up. I do have one for every ones birthday. So on your b-day you'll get a trophy and some points.

Fill my trophy with beer on my BD, if I'm not banned... Thanks Mrs. Clever..
Are the conversation in the inbox seen by all that visit your profile? Do we have private messages available?
no they are private. They are threaded and thats why a lot of people think everyone can see them. Rest assured they are totally private just like before. You can add people to your conversations though, which is pretty cool
I agree with the kudos. Very smooth migration of a lot of data. Well done.

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