But How Will It Be Funded?

I guess my theory was right. Nothing but trolls on this forum.

This coming from a troll. So Howey lets reverse your question you and the other lefties are so concerned about where the money going to what you describe as corporate welfare will come from yet when it comes to funding new or increasing funding old social programs you have no such concerns over how to fund that why?

Welfare is welfare. Whether it is food stamps or tax expenditures, everyone else has to pay for it. Or it has to be borrowed, adding to the national debt.

Simple as that.

And tax expenditures add up to $1.2 trillion every year. That's a lot of fucking welfare payments!
Steve Benen gets it right...as usual.

It’s a dynamic so familiar, it’s practically a cliche, but let’s go ahead and make the point anyway: congressional Republicans pretend to care deeply about the deficit, right up until tax cuts are on the table, at which point their deeply held principles fly out the window.

It’s a simple rule: if Democrats want to invest in the public, the deficit is paramount. When Republicans want to pass a tax break, the deficit is irrelevant.

Of course, the larger context makes the policy move look worse, at least for those paying attention. The Republicans who say $3.4 billion for the border crisis is too much are literally the same Republicans who have no problem approving tax breaks that cost 84 times as much money.

It’s about priorities, I guess.
Does anyone remember that special mayor? You know. The one who drove whites out? He was like Nagin but without a hurricane. I know his name. Do you?
Did the Founding Fathers believe farmers should get a tax break on their farming equipment?

Didn't think so.

Welfare is welfare.
I guess my theory was right. Nothing but trolls on this forum.

This coming from a troll. So Howey lets reverse your question you and the other lefties are so concerned about where the money going to what you describe as corporate welfare will come from yet when it comes to funding new or increasing funding old social programs you have no such concerns over how to fund that why?

Welfare is welfare. Whether it is food stamps or tax expenditures, everyone else has to pay for it. Or it has to be borrowed, adding to the national debt.

Simple as that.

And tax expenditures add up to $1.2 trillion every year. That's a lot of fucking welfare payments!
Well here is a idea cut it all social and corporate until you get the nations financial house in some kind of order if not then everyone just admit you have no interest in cutting the national debt and getting the nation in any kind of fiscal order and wait for it to all come crashing down.
Steve Benen gets it right...as usual.

It’s a dynamic so familiar, it’s practically a cliche, but let’s go ahead and make the point anyway: congressional Republicans pretend to care deeply about the deficit, right up until tax cuts are on the table, at which point their deeply held principles fly out the window.

It’s a simple rule: if Democrats want to invest in the public, the deficit is paramount. When Republicans want to pass a tax break, the deficit is irrelevant.

Of course, the larger context makes the policy move look worse, at least for those paying attention. The Republicans who say $3.4 billion for the border crisis is too much are literally the same Republicans who have no problem approving tax breaks that cost 84 times as much money.

It’s about priorities, I guess.

Keep spending China's money I guess. You just keep on spending their cash. One day the Chinese are going to turn on you though.
Did the Founding Fathers believe farmers should get a tax break on their farming equipment?

Didn't think so.

Welfare is welfare.

Same with churches. Taking away their tax exempt status will save billions.
Did the Founding Fathers believe farmers should get a tax break on their farming equipment?

Didn't think so.

Welfare is welfare.

So you equate some trailer park trash getting fucked over and over and spawning 5 kids and snorting coke to farmers getting a break?

Oh you are one special bitch G5000. Get a grip girl.
Look at this bullshit from G5000. Welfare is welfare.

Farmers are now the same as douchebags on the dole. I know a whole batch of farmers who would smack the shit out of you right now you asswipe.
Did the Founding Fathers believe farmers should get a tax break on their farming equipment?

Didn't think so.

Welfare is welfare.

So you equate some trailer park trash getting fucked over and over and spawning 5 kids and snorting coke to farmers getting a break?

Oh you are one special bitch G5000. Get a grip girl.

I believe you left the word "white" out of that.
From what I gather the OP hates farmers and churches....so far.

Does that mean the OP doesn't like to eat, and does not ascribe to tolerance for all Americans?

I have a good friend of mine who is a farmer. He is also a multi-millionaire. He thinks farmers are getting too much financial help from the government.
His thought are mirrored by this article, it's like he almost wrote this piece.

Taxpayers Turn U.S. Farmers Into Fat Cats With Subsidies
Taxpayers Turn U.S. Farmers Into Fat Cats With Subsidies - Bloomberg

But enough about farmers. I'm not on a farmer attack mode. In the real world, one can be assured that they would receive a very small portion of this legislation's pie. The Big Corporations would realize a huge portion because they are that, huge.
What I'd like to see is legislation that helps the working middle class and the working poor class. Corporate America is swimming in money while the working middle class and the working poor are treading water through no fault of their own.
This bit of legislation looks like plutocracy, while the largest segment of the population of America continues to flounder with flat wage growth and low paying jobs.
It's easy to see who's the sugar-daddies of the authors and supporters of this legislation.
Everything that comes before the Republicans in the House comes with it the caveat: It must be funded, usually by cutting welfare, school lunches, elderly care or other pesky matters.

But what about when the bill is something they want to please their corporate masters???

No problemo, they don't care if it's funded!

Good grief man or woman or whatever you are howey. Anything that can quickly move a business forward in this day and age quickly is a good thing.

Holy shit I accidently repped Howey. LOL

Allowing businesses to retain what is theirs in the first place is hardly "costly" to the government.

So the federal subsidizing of the oil companies doesn't cost anything? Gosh, that's great news.

Fossil Fuel Subsidies: Overview | Oil Change International
What are the estimates of fossil fuel subsidies in the United States?
As of July 2014, Oil Change International estimates the total value of U.S. subsidies to the fossil fuel industry at $37.5 billion annually, including international finance. This does not include military, health, climate, or local pollution costs. These subsidies have increased dramatically as U.S. oil and gas production has increased.""
Good grief man or woman or whatever you are howey. Anything that can quickly move a business forward in this day and age quickly is a good thing.

Holy shit I accidently repped Howey. LOL

Allowing businesses to retain what is theirs in the first place is hardly "costly" to the government.

So the federal subsidizing of the oil companies doesn't cost anything? Gosh, that's great news.

Fossil Fuel Subsidies: Overview | Oil Change International
What are the estimates of fossil fuel subsidies in the United States?
As of July 2014, Oil Change International estimates the total value of U.S. subsidies to the fossil fuel industry at $37.5 billion annually, including international finance. This does not include military, health, climate, or local pollution costs. These subsidies have increased dramatically as U.S. oil and gas production has increased.""

That horse shit has been laid to rest. Now go take a nap, bitch. :slap:
Look at how Howey thinks. This bill will help the average farmer with new equipment. Howey thinks a farmer is a corporate master.

How fucked up is Howey? A woman in an apartment. This is Howey.

And that's exactly why Progressives turn everything they touch into Detroit


Detroits problem is the tax base is too small to afford government.
1. Little in the way of police, so you have gangs running all over.
2. Schools are turning to shit as they can't afford teachers.
3. Infrastructure, forget about it!

You see, Detroit has far to little government.
^ one of the dumbest statements ever posted at USMB
Look at how Howey thinks. This bill will help the average farmer with new equipment. Howey thinks a farmer is a corporate master.

How fucked up is Howey? A woman in an apartment. This is Howey.

And that's exactly why Progressives turn everything they touch into Detroit


Detroits problem is the tax base is too small to afford government.
1. Little in the way of police, so you have gangs running all over.
2. Schools are turning to shit as they can't afford teachers.
3. Infrastructure, forget about it!

You see, Detroit has far to little government.

The problem with Detroit is that the Government slit the golden goose. Detroit can't maintain its infrastructure because Public Employee Unions have raped it for excessive pensions.

The problem is Too Much Government, which is a temporary problem until the society collapses.

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