“BUT BLACKS COMMIT MORE CRIMES”: Scholars discuss conservative logic


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“BUT BLACKS COMMIT MORE CRIMES”: Scholars discuss conservative logic​

Todd Beer on July 25, 2016

"Since 2014 there has been renewed interest, concern, and protest regarding the police use of deadly force against unarmed Blacks. Various conservative commentators and publications, as well as comments on other posts to this blog, have implied that the reason so many Blacks are killed by police is that Blacks are more likely to be involved in violent crime. For example, in an article in the National Review, David French writes, “Moreover, racial disparities in the use of force are largely explained by racial disparities in criminality. Different American demographics commit crimes at different rates, so it stands to reason that those who commit more crimes will confront the police more often.”

Below is the transcript of a conversation regarding this issue I had with three scholars, all of whom have studied the interaction of police and the African American community."

The scholars are:

RASHAWN RAY, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland.

CODY ROSS, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Davis

DON TOMASKOVIC-DEVEY, Department of Sociology, University of Massachusetts-Amherst.


"So if we are focusing in on unarmed deaths, the first question is why should ANY of them happen? Why should there be ANY unarmed deaths of African Americans, White, Hispanic…anyone? To me that points to a fundamental failure of police training and policing.​

When we see the videos of these events, what I am seeing is police behaving, seemingly irrationally, … I see two kinds of behaviors, a really gigantic fear response form the police officers involved or a kind of testosterone response where they are exerting their dominance and because it is not being respected and they lash out in one way or another. In that sense, it should never happen. In other high income countries, this never happens. This is a US phenomenon."

You shouldn't hold your breath waiting for another race to replace Blacks as the biggest murdering race any more than you should wait for Whites to replace Blacks as the greatest athletic race or for Whites to replace Asians as the world's greatest mathematicians. Sometimes you need to accept shit for what it is.
What "scholars," exactly? How do you define "scholar"?

The articles mentioned say nothing about UNARMED Blacks being killed - a phenomenon the incidence of which can easily be counted on two hands per decade, and almost invariably involve (a) astoundingly stupid conduct by the Black deceased person, and (b) furtive or otherwise suspicious movements in the presence of police officers who are known to be armed.

The higher incidence of Blacks dying at the hands of police IS DEFINITELY explained by Black criminality, to wit, six percent (6%) of the American population - Black males - are responsible for fifty percent (50%) of violent crime.

I truly think American Blacks ought to focus their outrage on other Blacks who keep mocking, with their behavior, the expression, "Black lives matter." Manifestly, they do not, to other Blacks.

Anyone care to keep score on the number of Police who are shot by Blacks when compared to Blacks shot by Police?

This seems not to be a concern for Norwegian Americans. Curious, isn't it?
I am going to use the FBI Uniform Crime Report violent crime offender data for 2020 to make my point. According to the 2020 Uniform Crime Report there were 7,173,072 crime offenders in the United States. 3,642,932 whites, 2,122,038 blacks. Clearly the numbers show that 1.5 million more whites were offenders than blacks. Whites were 51 percent of the criminal offenders in 2020. Blacks were 30 percent.

The argument coming from the right is that since blacks are 13 percent of the population, blacks should be committing 13 percent of the crime. The problem with this claim is that percentages come attached with real numbers and when you use those real numbers the 13 percent excuse has no merit as an argument.

Let’s return to the 2020 Uniform Crime Report Crime data I just presented. Again, in 2020, there were 7,173,072, crime offenders in the United States. That 7.1 million is 100 percent of the offenders in America. In 2020 according to the census, the U.S. population was 331,449,281.31 That number is 100 percent of the U.S. population. Out of 331,449,281 citizens, 7,173,072, people or 2.16 percent of the American population were criminal offenders. The 3,642,932 white offenders were 1.09 percent of the American population. The 2,122,038 black offenders were 0.006 percent of the American population. This is where the 13 percent excuse fails. Simple math shows the misuse of percentages. The 13 percent excuse uses the percentage of blacks committing a crime against the percentage of the black population instead of it being used to reflect the percentage of blacks that are committing a specific violation. The numbers here show that crime is not committed by 13 percent of the overall American population, much less blacks. Furthermore, they show that 1 percent of the population commits 51 percent of the crime, and they are not black.

You have been told this countless times. Blacks are less than 13% of the Population and yet commit over 53% of all murders. There is no way to make those numbers looks good. Put another way, statistically blacks are 300% more likely to commit murder than whites.

I know you appear to not understand basic math, but those are the facts. That is unless you think math is racist? :D

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I am going to use the FBI Uniform Crime Report violent crime offender data for 2020 to make my point. According to the 2020 Uniform Crime Report there were 7,173,072 crime offenders in the United States. 3,642,932 whites, 2,122,038 blacks. Clearly the numbers show that 1.5 million more whites were offenders than blacks. Whites were 51 percent of the criminal offenders in 2020. Blacks were 30 percent.

The argument coming from the right is that since blacks are 13 percent of the population, blacks should be committing 13 percent of the crime. The problem with this claim is that percentages come attached with real numbers and when you use those real numbers the 13 percent excuse has no merit as an argument.

Let’s return to the 2020 Uniform Crime Report Crime data I just presented. Again, in 2020, there were 7,173,072, crime offenders in the United States. That 7.1 million is 100 percent of the offenders in America. In 2020 according to the census, the U.S. population was 331,449,281.31 That number is 100 percent of the U.S. population. Out of 331,449,281 citizens, 7,173,072, people or 2.16 percent of the American population were criminal offenders. The 3,642,932 white offenders were 1.09 percent of the American population. The 2,122,038 black offenders were 0.006 percent of the American population. This is where the 13 percent excuse fails. Simple math shows the misuse of percentages. The 13 percent excuse uses the percentage of blacks committing a crime against the percentage of the black population instead of it being used to reflect the percentage of blacks that are committing a specific violation. The numbers here show that crime is not committed by 13 percent of the overall American population, much less blacks. Furthermore, they show that 1 percent of the population commits 51 percent of the crime, and they are not black.

You know, I think I am going to take pity on you because you do not understand basic 7th grade math. :lol: Per the numbers you cited there were 7,173,072 crimes were committed in America in the reporting year, blacks committed 2,122,038 of those offenses. Those are your numbers.

So here is the calculation. Blacks are 12.8% of the U.S. Population. Now this is tricky, because it involves multiplication, okay? :lol:

7,173, 072 total crimes comitted....right? And blacks are 12.8% of the population. So.....(drum roll)

7,172,072 crimes X .128 (black population) = 918,153 crimes committed. And yet, per your numbers, Blacks actually committed 2,122,038 crimes, or 231% more crime than they should have statistically.

And look, I am not trying to embarrass you. It is okay if you are an idiot and do not understand basic math, But please, stop humiliating yourself by posting the same stupid shit over and over.

Thank You.
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You have been told this countless times. Blacks are less than 13% of the Population and yet commit over 53% of all murders. There is no way to make those numbers looks good. Put another way, statistically blacks are 300% more likely to commit murder than whites.

I know you appear to not understand basic math, but those are the facts. That is unless you think math is racist? :D

Murder is one crime. The UCR lists 30 crimes. You have not presented any facts and it's you who doesn't understand math. The claim was blacks are 13 percent of the population and commit 50 percent OF THE CRIME.

This is from the 2020 UCR, Offenders by Race

by Offense Category, 2020
Offense CategoryTotal
WhiteBlack or
Indian or

or Other
Crimes Against Persons2,082,6721,134,914769,95525,87319,8646,161125,905
Assault Offenses1,916,0071,037,246722,34023,94818,0075,697108,769
Homicide Offenses13,1694,9456,28514280341,683
Human Trafficking1,52666661113317198
Sex Offenses120,29874,25729,4481,2741,43427213,613
Crimes Against Property3,536,8091,491,218913,64134,74126,6566,6671,063,886
Burglary/Breaking & Entering352,844145,27876,1223,0862,062495125,801
Fraud Offenses344,021129,46568,1022,6674,019468139,300
Larceny/Theft Offenses1,556,452670,506388,83915,50810,7752,772468,052
Motor Vehicle Theft256,851102,74553,5143,1231,58563795,247
Stolen Property Offenses89,16451,72828,7021,6251,1625045,443
Crimes Against Society1,553,5911,016,800438,44222,54711,5432,56361,696
Animal Cruelty10,4146,4422,46876117251,286
Drug/Narcotic Offenses1,295,689896,430327,34320,5728,8441,86140,639
Gambling Offenses2,12292544213304210228
Pornography/Obscene Material21,13713,4693,723118271293,527
Prostitution Offenses8,9984,7223,3505653242296
Weapon Law Violations215,23194,812101,1161,7121,47539615,720

I'm not the one with the math problem. 6,285 blacks are not 13 percent of the population.

The argument coming from the right is that since blacks are 13 percent of the population, blacks should be committing 13 percent of the crime. The problem with this claim is that percentages come attached with real numbers and when you use those real numbers the 13 percent excuse has no merit as an argument.

Let’s return to the 2020 Uniform Crime Report Crime data I just presented. Again, in 2020, there were 7,173,072, crime offenders in the United States. That 7.1 million is 100 percent of the offenders in America. In 2020 according to the census, the U.S. population was 331,449,281.31 That number is 100 percent of the U.S. population. Out of 331,449,281 citizens, 7,173,072, people or 2.16 percent of the American population were criminal offenders. The 3,642,932 white offenders were 1.09 percent of the American population. The 2,122,038 black offenders were 0.006 percent of the American population. This is where the 13 percent excuse fails. Simple math shows the misuse of percentages. The 13 percent excuse uses the percentage of blacks committing a crime against the percentage of the black population instead of it being used to reflect the percentage of blacks that are committing a specific violation. The numbers here show that crime is not committed by 13 percent of the overall American population, much less blacks. Furthermore, they show that 1 percent of the population commits 51 percent of the crime, and they are not black.

Blacks get all the blame for crime and it is not justified. In 2020, Whites were 51 percent of the offenders for all crimes committed in America. 54 percent of the crimes against persons was committed by a white offender. Whites committed most of the property crime (42%) and crimes against society (65%). Seven out of every 10 arrests for crimes in America is on someone white. Whites have a history of criminal behavior that started at the very beginning of this country. Whites have elected numerous criminals to make laws in this country. Whites organized crime and made it a corporate business. Whites control the manufacturing, shipment, and distribution of drugs in this country. Whites made the two of most destructive drugs legal creating millions of addicted citizens, I am talking about alcohol and nicotine. Whites have embezzled and scammed people out of life savings to the tune of trillions in the years America has been a country. Whites control the manufacturing, shipping, sales, and distribution of deadly weapons in this country.

These are the facts. Facts you can't face.

“BUT BLACKS COMMIT MORE CRIMES”: Scholars discuss conservative logic​

Todd Beer on July 25, 2016

"Since 2014 there has been renewed interest, concern, and protest regarding the police use of deadly force against unarmed Blacks. Various conservative commentators and publications, as well as comments on other posts to this blog, have implied that the reason so many Blacks are killed by police is that Blacks are more likely to be involved in violent crime. For example, in an article in the National Review, David French writes, “Moreover, racial disparities in the use of force are largely explained by racial disparities in criminality. Different American demographics commit crimes at different rates, so it stands to reason that those who commit more crimes will confront the police more often.”

Below is the transcript of a conversation regarding this issue I had with three scholars, all of whom have studied the interaction of police and the African American community."

The scholars are:

RASHAWN RAY, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland.

CODY ROSS, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Davis

DON TOMASKOVIC-DEVEY, Department of Sociology, University of Massachusetts-Amherst.

For such a small percentage of the population they sure do ....

Should we lie about it instead ?

You know, I think I am going to take pity on you because you do not understand basic 7th grade math. :lol: Per the numbers you cited there were 7,173,072 crimes were committed in America in the reporting year, blacks committed 2,122,038 of those offenses. Those are your numbers.

So here is the calculation. Blacks are 12.8% of the U.S. Population. Now this is tricky, because it involves multiplication, okay? :lol:

7,173, 072 total crimes comitted....right? And blacks are 12.8% of the population. So.....(drum roll)

7,172,072 crimes X .128 (black population) = 918,153 crimes committed. And yet, per your numbers, Blacks actually committed 2,122,038 crimes, or 231% more crime than they should have statistically.

And look, I am not trying to embarrass you. It is okay if you are an idiot and do not understand basic math, But please, stop humiliating yourself by posting the same stupid shit over and over.

Thank You.
Actually those were the number of offenders. Your math is wrong. Lets do some real math.

2,122,038 black people were criminal offenders. The US population in 2020 was 331,449,281 people.

2,122,038/331,449,281=the percentage of the population who are black criminal offenders.

0.0064023008093356 percent. There is no 12.8 percent to multiply because the entire black population were not criminal offenders. You're a fucking idiot in a white racist forum posting ignorance that you get away with because others here are as dumb as you.

Overall, crime was committed by 2 percent of the American population. 0.0064023008093356 percent was committed by blacks. Entire populations don't commit crimes idiot. The only accurate way to measure this is the number of people of each race committing a crime against the overall American population. Your math was erroneous as you conflated number of offenders with number of crimes then tried multiplying it against the overall percentage of blacks in the population.

You failed.
Murder is one crime. The UCR lists 30 crimes. You have not presented any facts and it's you who doesn't understand math. The claim was blacks are 13 percent of the population and commit 50 percent OF THE CRIME.

This is from the 2020 UCR, Offenders by Race

by Offense Category, 2020
Offense CategoryTotal
WhiteBlack or
Indian or
or Other
Crimes Against Persons2,082,6721,134,914769,95525,87319,8646,161125,905
Assault Offenses1,916,0071,037,246722,34023,94818,0075,697108,769
Homicide Offenses13,1694,9456,28514280341,683
Human Trafficking1,52666661113317198
Sex Offenses120,29874,25729,4481,2741,43427213,613
Crimes Against Property3,536,8091,491,218913,64134,74126,6566,6671,063,886
Burglary/Breaking & Entering352,844145,27876,1223,0862,062495125,801
Fraud Offenses344,021129,46568,1022,6674,019468139,300
Larceny/Theft Offenses1,556,452670,506388,83915,50810,7752,772468,052
Motor Vehicle Theft256,851102,74553,5143,1231,58563795,247
Stolen Property Offenses89,16451,72828,7021,6251,1625045,443
Crimes Against Society1,553,5911,016,800438,44222,54711,5432,56361,696
Animal Cruelty10,4146,4422,46876117251,286
Drug/Narcotic Offenses1,295,689896,430327,34320,5728,8441,86140,639
Gambling Offenses2,12292544213304210228
Pornography/Obscene Material21,13713,4693,723118271293,527
Prostitution Offenses8,9984,7223,3505653242296
Weapon Law Violations215,23194,812101,1161,7121,47539615,720

I'm not the one with the math problem. 6,285 blacks are not 13 percent of the population.

The argument coming from the right is that since blacks are 13 percent of the population, blacks should be committing 13 percent of the crime. The problem with this claim is that percentages come attached with real numbers and when you use those real numbers the 13 percent excuse has no merit as an argument.

Let’s return to the 2020 Uniform Crime Report Crime data I just presented. Again, in 2020, there were 7,173,072, crime offenders in the United States. That 7.1 million is 100 percent of the offenders in America. In 2020 according to the census, the U.S. population was 331,449,281.31 That number is 100 percent of the U.S. population. Out of 331,449,281 citizens, 7,173,072, people or 2.16 percent of the American population were criminal offenders. The 3,642,932 white offenders were 1.09 percent of the American population. The 2,122,038 black offenders were 0.006 percent of the American population. This is where the 13 percent excuse fails. Simple math shows the misuse of percentages. The 13 percent excuse uses the percentage of blacks committing a crime against the percentage of the black population instead of it being used to reflect the percentage of blacks that are committing a specific violation. The numbers here show that crime is not committed by 13 percent of the overall American population, much less blacks. Furthermore, they show that 1 percent of the population commits 51 percent of the crime, and they are not black.

Blacks get all the blame for crime and it is not justified. In 2020, Whites were 51 percent of the offenders for all crimes committed in America. 54 percent of the crimes against persons was committed by a white offender. Whites committed most of the property crime (42%) and crimes against society (65%). Seven out of every 10 arrests for crimes in America is on someone white. Whites have a history of criminal behavior that started at the very beginning of this country. Whites have elected numerous criminals to make laws in this country. Whites organized crime and made it a corporate business. Whites control the manufacturing, shipment, and distribution of drugs in this country. Whites made the two of most destructive drugs legal creating millions of addicted citizens, I am talking about alcohol and nicotine. Whites have embezzled and scammed people out of life savings to the tune of trillions in the years America has been a country. Whites control the manufacturing, shipping, sales, and distribution of deadly weapons in this country.

These are the facts. Facts you can't face.

Across all 30 crimes listed blacks are 231% more likely to commit a crime than whites.

Blacks commit over 53% of the murders in the U.S. Yet comprise only 12.8% of the population.

Now stop being such a dumb ass. :D
Across all 30 crimes listed blacks are 231% more likely to commit a crime than whites.

Blacks commit over 53% of the murders in the U.S. Yet comprise only 12.8% of the population.

Now stop being such a dumb ass. :D
No they aren't. And again your misuse of percentages renders your argument meritless.

6,285 blacks are not 13 percent of the U.S. population. Understand that.
Actually those were the number of offenders. Your math is wrong. Lets do some real math.

2,122,038 black people were criminal offenders. The US population in 2020 was 331,449,281 people.

2,122,038/331,449,281=the percentage of the population who are black criminal offenders.

0.0064023008093356 percent. There is no 12.8 percent to multiply because the entire black population were not criminal offenders. You're a fucking idiot in a white racist forum posting ignorance that you get away with because others here are as dumb as you.

Overall, crime was committed by 2 percent of the American population. 0.0064023008093356 percent was committed by blacks. Entire populations don't commit crimes idiot. The only accurate way to measure this is the number of people of each race committing a crime against the overall American population. Your math was erroneous as you conflated number of offenders with number of crimes then tried multiplying it against the overall percentage of blacks in the population.

You failed.

Oh my God you're a fucking idiot. :lol:
No they aren't. And again your misuse of percentages renders your argument meritless.

6,285 blacks are not 13 percent of the U.S. population. Understand that.

I've seen people with Downs syndrome smarter than you. You post a link from the FBI stating Blacks commit over 53% of all murders in the U.S.

Blacks are less than 13% of the U.S. Population. Explain. :D

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