

Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
In the early days of his political career, Joe Biden opposed forced busing to implement racial "integration."

Sen. K. Harris said that she was bused when she was a school kid.

Game, set, and match. She is said to have pulverized an unsuspecting Joe Biden, thus seriously damaging his front-runner status, if not his campaign overall.

What. The. Fuck?

So what? She was bused. It was still a terrible, misguided idea that benefitted very few people and harmed countless others. It never "succeeded" in elevating the academic performance of the Negroes. Indeed, Sen. K. Harris, with a mother who was a legitimate scientist and a father who was an economics professor (both PhD's), was ONE child who had nothing whatsoever to benefit from forced integration with "white" kids. I suppose it was a good thing she went to school with "white" kids, otherwise...HS dropout, for sure. Right?

It appears that no one will be brave enough to call this bitch on her bullshit. But I suspect the Donald might, if it comes to that.
1972 was a different time
Busing was very unpopular with both parties
In the early days of his political career, Joe Biden opposed forced busing to implement racial "integration."

Sen. K. Harris said that she was bused when she was a school kid.

Game, set, and match. She is said to have pulverized an unsuspecting Joe Biden, thus seriously damaging his front-runner status, if not his campaign overall.

What. The. Fuck?

So what? She was bused. It was still a terrible, misguided idea that benefitted very few people and harmed countless others. It never "succeeded" in elevating the academic performance of the Negroes. Indeed, Sen. K. Harris, with a mother who was a legitimate scientist and a father who was an economics professor (both PhD's), was ONE child who had nothing whatsoever to benefit from forced integration with "white" kids. I suppose it was a good thing she went to school with "white" kids, otherwise...HS dropout, for sure. Right?

It appears that no one will be brave enough to call this bitch on her bullshit. But I suspect the Donald might, if it comes to that.

Her school district did it voluntarily without anyone forcing it, let alone Biden, and her school had integrated well before her class came along. Not defending Biden. He is toooooo old and tooooo out of touch and has is own special relationship with reality. I personally think he dropped because he came across as a bitter, entitled asshole in the second debate. He practically yelled his answers he was acting so pissy.
Sen. K. Harris said that she was bused when she was a school kid.

Actually Kamala Harris lied when she stated that.

Kamala’s parents were successful professionals. Kamala went to school in Berkeley for only 2 years. She then moved with her mother at age seven to Canada where she attended grade school and high school.

Kamala Harris was born in 1964

She claims she was only the second class to integrate at the Berkeley public schools.

Actually the classrooms in Berkeley were already integrated in 1963 — before she was born.
Here’s a photo from the 1963 Berkeley yearbook.


And here’s a photo from the Berkeley 1964 yearbook the year Kamala was born.


Kamala Harris was only off by about 20 years.

The next time Kamala harris plays the race card for sympathy she should try to get her facts straight.
tRump thinks bussing is a very reliable way to get students to school.
I was bussed in Boston it destroyed my early education
Forced busing destroyed public education in Los Angeles. The largest school district in the country is now less than 10% white.
Busing was born in 1954 with Brown vs. Board of Education... I know for a fact that where I lived (15 miles west of downtown Indianapolis) that it was in the early 70's and they were still trying to figure out how to bus children an hour away from their home... My parents sold a home in 1972 to 'White Flight' parents from urban Indy... IPS was losing students like water through a sieve... Schools closed and people were pissed...
She definitely lied when she said she was the second class to be bussed... But that is all right as all politicians lie...
Sen. K. Harris said that she was bused when she was a school kid.

Actually Kamala Harris lied when she stated that.

Kamala’s parents were successful professionals. Kamala went to school in Berkeley for only 2 years. She then moved with her mother at age seven to Canada where she attended grade school and high school.

Kamala Harris was born in 1964

She claims she was only the second class to integrate at the Berkeley public schools.

Actually the classrooms in Berkeley were already integrated in 1963 — before she was born.
Here’s a photo from the 1963 Berkeley yearbook.


And here’s a photo from the Berkeley 1964 yearbook the year Kamala was born.


Kamala Harris was only off by about 20 years.

The next time Kamala harris plays the race card for sympathy she should try to get her facts straight.

This has been debunked. She did not lie
Forced busing destroyed public education in Los Angeles. The largest school district in the country is now less than 10% white.
Explain how.

Same way it did in Chicago.

When you told White Parents, 'We're going to ship your kids across town to achieve, um, racial equality or something."

White folks said, "Wow, that's a wonderful idea. I'm all for that."

Naw, here's what they did. They put their kids in Parochial Schools, or they moved out to the Suburbs.

So of course, when they were paying taxes for schools they weren't using, they really asked why they were spending all this money. Especially when the school districts were spending money on buses and bureaucracy instead of books and teachers.

And when the liberal white politicians came back and said, "Hey, why aren't you supporting public education", they asked "Why aren't you? Your kid is sitting right next to mine at Our Lady of Pain and Suffering."
In the early days of his political career, Joe Biden opposed forced busing to implement racial "integration."

Sen. K. Harris said that she was bused when she was a school kid.

Game, set, and match. She is said to have pulverized an unsuspecting Joe Biden, thus seriously damaging his front-runner status, if not his campaign overall.

What. The. Fuck?

So what? She was bused. It was still a terrible, misguided idea that benefitted very few people and harmed countless others. It never "succeeded" in elevating the academic performance of the Negroes. Indeed, Sen. K. Harris, with a mother who was a legitimate scientist and a father who was an economics professor (both PhD's), was ONE child who had nothing whatsoever to benefit from forced integration with "white" kids. I suppose it was a good thing she went to school with "white" kids, otherwise...HS dropout, for sure. Right?

It appears that no one will be brave enough to call this bitch on her bullshit. But I suspect the Donald might, if it comes to that.

I was kind of blown away because the major issue is that children were bused as if the white rubs off on you. That,to me, is racist as hell. Where did all of those teachers go? You think they were hired at the schools? And it's going to take another 30-40 years before people really start to see the inclusion of black or Puerto Rican authors in literature classes or Name your ethnicity hyphen American included in social studies.........

This is championed by a generation that can't be bothered to read.
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This has been debunked. She did not lie

I found a few legitimate sites (and not CNN or the WaPo which are leftist sites) that could say something different:

We found Harris was bused to school, and joined the second class of a pioneering elementary school integration program in Berkeley. She was a first grader when she joined in 1970.

Her statement could have used the clarification that the city’s junior high schools had already integrated several years earlier in 1964, though not through a busing program.

It’s also noteworthy that Berkeley’s high school was integrated years before Harris started school, but, again, not because of busing. Instead, the high school was racially diverse because it was the only comprehensive public high school in the city, drawing students from all backgrounds.

Even with these clarifications, Harris’ statement is generally correct, given the context of her exchange with Biden on busing. It was supported by her school district, a city historian and recent news articles.

My point is, Kamala has lied before. So it all depends on who you really believe.
And yet lost on all this is the fact that the Democrats' top candidate has been in the Senate since 19-freakin-73! Yet he complains how government has failed the middle class. Can they find a more establishment, inside the beltway candidate? Joe, YOU failed the middle class.

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