So all the children and grand children of Irish, Italian, Polish, German , etc. should have their citizenship revoked?

Because the 14th is how most of them got their citizenship
So all the children and grand children of Irish, Italian, Polish, German , etc. should have their citizenship revoked?

Because the 14th is how most of them got their citizenship
Many of them anyhow. 2/3ds of NYC in the 1860s came as immigrants. Gavleston's population was 80% immigrant.
People are responsible for the sins of their fathers?
The White-Replacement Court

People should not benefit from the crimes of their parents. You're begging the question by pretending that there's something wrong with taking away an entitlement they never should have had.

The Heiristocracy's judicial system used similar nonsense in not confiscating the estate of Ken Lay because "Why should the heirs be punished?" Why should they have benefited from his Enron looting?
The White-Replacement Court

People should not benefit from the crimes of their parents. You're begging the question by pretending that there's something wrong with taking away an entitlement they never should have had.

The Heiristocracy's judicial system used similar nonsense in not confiscating the estate of Ken Lay because "Why should the heirs be punished?" Why should they have benefited from his Enron looting?
What ignorance.
The White-Replacement Court

People should not benefit from the crimes of their parents. You're begging the question by pretending that there's something wrong with taking away an entitlement they never should have had.

The Heiristocracy's judicial system used similar nonsense in not confiscating the estate of Ken Lay because "Why should the heirs be punished?" Why should they have benefited from his Enron looting?
Anyone born in the US is a US citizen.
The White-Replacement Court

People should not benefit from the crimes of their parents. You're begging the question by pretending that there's something wrong with taking away an entitlement they never should have had.

The Heiristocracy's judicial system used similar nonsense in not confiscating the estate of Ken Lay because "Why should the heirs be punished?" Why should they have benefited from his Enron looting?

First, it's not an entitlement. It's a Constitutional guarantee. It's irrelevant whether you like it or not.

Second if they are responsible for the sins of their fathers, so are you and we need to enact reparations ASAP.
There is no such thing as an “anchor baby.”

It is a commonly used, descriptive phrase.



AI (artificial intelligence) also instructs you:

"Anchor baby" is a term used to refer to a child born in the United States to parents who are not citizens of the U.S., but who automatically gains citizenship because the mother was present in U.S. territory at the time of the birth of the child. The child is considered the link or “anchor” for assisting its parents and other extended family members gain legal residency in the United States.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 7/3/2023
(1) What Is an Anchor Baby? | LegalMatch. What Is an Anchor Baby?.
(2) Anchor baby - Wikipedia. Anchor baby - Wikipedia.
(3) Anchor baby Definition & Meaning |
(4) Watch Anchor Baby | Netflix.

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