Business CEOs call for raising retirement age


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Business CEOs call for raising retirement age | Comcast

An influential group of business CEOs is pushing a plan to gradually increase the full retirement age to 70 for both Social Security and Medicare and to partially privatize the health insurance program for older Americans.

The Business Roundtable's plan would protect those 55 and older from cuts but younger workers would face significant changes. The plan unveiled Wednesday would result in smaller annual benefit increases for all Social Security recipients. Initial benefits for wealthy retirees would also be smaller.

Medicare recipients would be able to enroll in the traditional program or in private plans that could adjust premiums based on age and health status.

What a joke, Millionaires tossing your piddly ass retirement away.
What a joke, Millionaires tossing your piddly ass retirement away.

Considering the make up of the Senate and much of our federal leadership, you're unintentionally correct.
The problem with implementing such a plan is that the public has been misled into believing that SS is a legitimate retirement annuity program instead of a middle class welfare program. As a result, people believe that this would "take away" the contributions they have made into the system. As far as medicare is concerned, increasing the age limit may be counterproductive in that it could put off needed preventative care. Isn't Obamacare supposed to fix this problem?
Amazing how the f**ksticks in D.C can screw with your self funded pension that these ass-wipes take out of your check and your employers pocket yet these f**kheads are set for life, makes you puke. We have a Government ran by SCUM............

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