Bush the liar!

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Originally posted by silverwolf
if your mind is closed and you just tow the right wing line then i guess you are right but know one has given me a link disproving what i have said...hmmm now where could those wmds be(looks under the desk) nope not there...

JFK was a pedophile.

Can you give me a link disproving that?
Originally posted by OCA
Biker in the next 5 months we will see an influx of new lib trolls and visits from some of our old friends i'm afraid. The Demos are running scared because the best they could do was pull even and the Repubs haven't even turned the key on the campaign machine.

Ive been building a library of links so that i have them at the ready when trolls come from the LEFT field with their BS like this. This guy was alittle slower than most trolls. At least some trolls try to pass off moveon.org shit or some other blog as fact. This guy brought his mind which left him with VERY little to rely upon.
Originally posted by musicman
JFK was a pedophile.

Can you give me a link disproving that?

Huh? I know he was Sir Bangalot, but a pedophile? What little kiddies did he sleep with? Do you have proof?
Originally posted by nycflasher
Huh? I know he was Sir Bangalot, but a pedophile? What little kiddies did he sleep with? Do you have proof?

The point he's making is that anyone can make wild statements and claim whatever they want, and just because you can't disprove them doesn't make them true. Hell, I could claim you're a terrorist trying to gather intelligence on our terrorism defense systems. You can't prove you're not a terrorist, but that doesn't mean you are.
Originally posted by Hobbit
The point he's making is that anyone can make wild statements and claim whatever they want, and just because you can't disprove them doesn't make them true. Hell, I could claim you're a terrorist trying to gather intelligence on our terrorism defense systems. You can't prove you're not a terrorist, but that doesn't mean you are.

Good ole Guilty until proven innocent. IT seems to be the trend with the media and liberals these days. Unless of course the defendant is a minority or a Terrorist in a prison cell.
Originally posted by silverwolf
i was born in conn. and i am 32 but then i guess having an open mind and free speeking is forign to the right...

Actually we are far more open minded then the left. But we dont open it so far that our brains fall out.

the left came up with political correctness. who exactly is afraid of people to speak their mind?
I don't think originally politcal correctness came about to stop people from speaking their minds, it was more for being polite. The way PC has been lately, it has definitely been carried away. What started with "Hey, the "N" word for black people shouldn't be said because it's not nice." has now transformed to "Hey, our military shouldn't use Israli bullets because it may offend someone."
Originally posted by brneyedgrl80
I don't think originally politcal correctness came about to stop people from speaking their minds, it was more for being polite. The way PC has been lately, it has definitely been carried away. What started with "Hey, the "N" word for black people shouldn't be said because it's not nice." has now transformed to "Hey, our military shouldn't use Israli bullets because it may offend someone."

All violations of free speech i might add. If someone wants to call someone a ****** or a cracker, its their right. ITs also their right to be called every name under the sun from that person. PC laws are a violation of everyone's first ammendment.
Being polite is nice----making a law forcing people to be " polite" is illegal and takes something away from the ones who CHOOSE to be polite. ( or are we truly a nation of wimps who cannot or will not defend themselves against mere words )
I live near the u of m and liberals are the first to throw stones at anything being said that they dont like
insein said:
All violations of free speech i might add. If someone wants to call someone a ****** or a cracker, its their right. ITs also their right to be called every name under the sun from that person. PC laws are a violation of everyone's first ammendment.

Because Clinton was a liar and ended up not being trusted, the Democratic leadership wants to paint Bush with the same brush so Clinton won't look so bad after all, and those who make the effort to vote won't be turned off on the Democrats permanently. The focus of all their charges against Bush--no matter what the topic or policy being discussed--is that he lied. It's absolutely their favorite ploy, and that's all it is--a partisan ploy.

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