Bundys Are Back: A Militia Has Taken Over A Federal Building In Oregon


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

BURNS, Ore. (AP) — A peaceful protest Saturday in support of an eastern Oregon ranching family facing jail time for arson was followed shortly afterward by an occupation of a building at a national wildlife refuge.

Ammon Bundy, the son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who was involved in a standoff with the government over grazing rights, told The Oregonian he and two of his brothers were among a group of dozens of people occupying the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

Ammon Bundy said the group planned to stay at the refuge indefinitely.

"We're planning on staying here for years, absolutely," Ammon Bundy said. "This is not a decision we've made at the last minute."

Bundy posted a video on his Facebook page asking for people to come help him. Below the video is this statement: "**ALL PATRIOTS ITS TIME TO STAND UP NOT STAND DOWN!!! WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! COME PREPARED."

More: A Militia Has Taken Over A Federal Building In Oregon

So what do these moocher welfare ranchers want now? More free grazing rights on public lands?
Cliven Bundy is a retard. While in the public eye he suggested maybe blacks were better off picking cotton. He really is a dummy.
This dummy really called slavery "something to do". This dude should be run out of the country for weakening our gene pool.
Don't get me wrong. I don't take any of this comments as malicious in any way. He's just really retarded.
You're in the public eye. The entire world is watching you. Liberals are just waiting to jump on your comments. Why not start a comment with,"Let me tell you about the negroes." No way that can go South. Fucking dummy.
Don't get me wrong. I don't take any of this comments as malicious in any way. He's just really retarded.

He's also really fucking dangerous. The Bundy freeloaders just need to pay their government grazing fees like everyone else and shut the fuck up instead of trying to start a range war.
Don't get me wrong. I don't take any of this comments as malicious in any way. He's just really retarded.

I would believe a retarded person would have some sense not to utter what Bundy utter, so I believe he is dumber than a snail with down syndrome...
This is domestic terrorism. But because the perpetrator is white, we'll call it patriotism. Because violence against one's country is what patriotism is all about.
Son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy occupies wildlife refuge HQ...

Peaceful protest followed by Oregon wildlife refuge action
Jan 2,`16 -- A peaceful protest Saturday in support of an eastern Oregon ranching family facing jail time for arson was followed shortly afterward by an occupation of a building at a national wildlife refuge.
Ammon Bundy, the son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who was involved in a standoff with the government over grazing rights, told The Oregonian (Militia takes over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters ) he and two of his brothers were among a group of dozens of people occupying the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Ammon Bundy said the group planned to stay at the refuge indefinitely. "We're planning on staying here for years, absolutely," Ammon Bundy said. "This is not a decision we've made at the last minute." Bundy posted a video on his Facebook page asking for people to come help him. Below the video is this statement: "**ALL PATRIOTS ITS TIME TO STAND UP NOT STAND DOWN!!! WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! COME PREPARED."

An Idaho militia leader who helped organize the earlier march said he knew nothing about activities after a parade of militia members and local residents in Burns walked past the sheriff's office and the home of Dwight Hammond Jr. and his son Steven. Beth Anne Steele, an FBI spokeswoman in Portland, told The Associated Press the agency was aware of the situation at the national wildlife refuge. She made no further comment. Some local residents feared the Saturday rally would involve more than speeches, flags and marching. But the only real additions to that list seemed to be songs, flowers and pennies.

As marchers reached the courthouse, they tossed hundreds of pennies at the locked door. Their message: civilians were buying back their government. After the march passed, two girls swooped in to scavenge the pennies. A few blocks away, Hammond and his wife Susan greeted marchers, who planted flower bouquets in the snow. They sang some songs, Hammond said a few words, and the protesters marched back to their cars. Dwight Hammond has said he and his son plan to peacefully report to prison Jan. 4 as ordered by the judge. Dwight Hammond, 73, and Steven Hammond, 46, said they lit the fires in 2001 and 2006 to reduce the growth of invasive plants and protect their property from wildfires.

The two were convicted of the arsons three years ago and served time - the father three months, the son one year. But a judge ruled their terms were too short under federal law and ordered them back to prison for about four years each. The decision has generated controversy in a remote part of the state. In particular, the Hammonds' new sentences touched a nerve with far right groups who repudiate federal authority. Ammon Bundy and a handful of militiamen from other states arrived last month in Burns, some 60 miles from the Hammond ranch. In an email to supporters, Ammon Bundy criticized the U.S. government for a failed legal process.

News from The Associated Press

See also:

Militia takes over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters
January 02, 2016 - Update at 9:15 p.m.: Statement from Harney County Sheriff Dave Ward: "After the peaceful rally was completed today, a group of outside militants drove to the Malheur Wildlife Refuge, where they seized and occupied the refuge headquarters. A collective effort from multiple agencies is currently working on a solution. For the time being please stay away from that area. More information will be provided as it becomes available. Please maintain a peaceful and united front and allow us to work through this situation."
The Bundy family of Nevada joined with hard-core militiamen Saturday to take over the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, vowing to occupy the remote federal outpost 50 miles southeast of Burns for years. The occupation came shortly after an estimated 300 marchers – militia and local citizens both – paraded through Burns to protest the prosecution of two Harney County ranchers, Dwight Hammond Jr. and Steven Hammond, who are to report to prison on Monday.


Ammon Bundy, son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, participates in the protest march in Burns. He has tried to find a way to keep two local ranchers from reporting to prison Monday.​

Among the occupiers is Ammon Bundy, son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, and two of his brothers. Militia members at the refuge claimed they had as many as 150 supporters with them. The refuge, federal property managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, was closed and unoccupied for the holiday weekend. In phone interviews from inside the occupied building Saturday night, Ammon Bundy and his brother, Ryan Bundy, said they are not looking to hurt anyone. But they would not rule out violence if police try to remove them, they said, though they declined to elaborate.

"The facility has been the tool to do all the tyranny that has been placed upon the Hammonds," Ammon Bundy said. "We're planning on staying here for years, absolutely," he added. "This is not a decision we've made at the last minute."

This is domestic terrorism. But because the perpetrator is white, we'll call it patriotism. Because violence against one's country is what patriotism is all about.

Imagine the Black Panther Party had seized a federal building, and said the *exact* same thing as Ammon Bundy about how they were going to live there and make it their new headquarters as they gave away government property.

The collective sounds of conservatives shitting themselves in hysterical outrage would ring like a sonic boom.

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