Bullshit Story Released In White House Memo: Clinton Offered Sesteck An UNPAID Job


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
If you believe this made up story then your too gullible to function.

From Time online Bubba Did It - Swampland - TIME.com

Posted by Joe Klein Friday, May 28, 2010 at 11:04 am

Greg Sargent has word that Rahm Emanuel asked Bill Clinton to explore, ahem, future employment possibilities with Joe Sestak as a means to keep him out of the Democratic Senate primary in Pennsylvania. Other sources have said an "unpaid advisory position" was discussed. Hmm.

Unpaid? Advisory? Does it seem logical that Sestak could be tempted to stand down by such meager fare? Not to me.
This sort of trimming may keep this way-overblown story in the news longer than necessary. Why overblown? Because the Obama Administration may have been caught here in the commission of...politics. Was there anything wrong with offering Sestak a job? No: the Admiral is extremely capable, qualified for most any administrative position short of Supreme Court Justice. Was any law broken here? No. Would any harm have been done in Sestak accepted the job? Well, yes, in retrospect--the Democrats would have had less of a chance of winning the Pennsylvania Senate seat (Sestak is a stronger candidate than Arlen Specter would have been against Pat Toomey).

In short, this is the sort of story that propagandists from both parties routinely use to kick up meaningless dust--I'm sure that Karl Rove is shocked, shocked that there is politics going on here. (I'm sure that James Carville was shocked, shocked when the Bush Administration involved itself in similar, harmless, low-level political maneuver.)

The other interesting aspect is...Bill Clinton? Why him? It's fascinating that Rahm is using his old boss behind the scenes in this way. You wonder what other quiet services the President is performing for his successor.

Read more: Bubba Did It - Swampland - TIME.com

I guess the people that are willing to believe this Administration will accept this story....and yet when an investigation is done Bill Clinton and Rahm Emanuel should be asked to swear under oath that this story is true.....unbelievable as it seems.

It's smart but also very clear that Bill Clinton is being used to shield Rahm Emanuel and Obama from any charges. Nobody will dare to call a former President a liar...will they? If they go after Obama they'll have to go after Clinton as well.

Question is....do you think Clinton will take the fall for Obama?
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Can't wait to hear how this one spins out... Put those bull shit filters on your ears. It's on the way.
i called this out on another forum and every single lib ran from the thread...

They didn't "run" from it. They couldn't stay awake reading it.

Good to know that everybody is being impartial about this. :thup:

The problem with it is if the job was unpaid why do they need Clinton in the deal?

Also...who in their right mind would give up a great chance at a Senate seat for an unpaid job?

Nope....it's stinks.

Yes, it stinks, but nothing sticks to Clinton and the media is on Obama's side so what are real Americans to do?
Good to know that everybody is being impartial about this. :thup:

The problem with it is if the job was unpaid why do they need Clinton in the deal?

Also...who in their right mind would give up a great chance at a Senate seat for an unpaid job?

Nope....it's stinks.

It's even worse. The supposed unpaid job is one for which Sestak is not qualified. A sitting member of Congress is ineligible.

I smell a rat.
Good to know that everybody is being impartial about this. :thup:

The problem with it is if the job was unpaid why do they need Clinton in the deal?

Also...who in their right mind would give up a great chance at a Senate seat for an unpaid job?

Nope....it's stinks.

It's even worse. The supposed unpaid job is one for which Sestak is not qualified. A sitting member of Congress is ineligible.

I smell a rat.

Heck....they can't think of everything.

It's just one more lie that they have to try to explain away.
It does raise a suspicion that Bubbah is submarining Obama.
It's a non-story. Reagan did it. Clinton did it. Bush did it. It's the way politics is, it's business as usual.

The right is just making a big deal about it because they have nothing else.

In 1981, President Reagan offered S.I. Hayakawa, then California's senior senator, a job if he declined to run for reelection. We know this because Reagan's chief political adviser admitted as much on the record.

In 1997, then-Massachusetts Attorney General L. Scott Harshbarger negotiated a Justice Department post while he decided whether to run for governor. The Clinton White House did not want him to make that bid -- they wanted to clear the field for Rep. Joe Kennedy.

(Remember when William Weld was nominated to ambassador to Mexico? Same reason, same motivation. Jesse Helms scuttled this, but for reasons having nothing to do with presidential political interference.)

More recently, after Rep. Ben Gilman found his congressional district eliminated by redistricting in 2002, the White House tried to persuade him from challenging another Republican congressman in another district by considering him for an administration position. Karl Rove repeatedly intervened in Republican primaries. And Tim Pawlenty is not a senator because Rove urged him to run for governor instead.

Issa's Call for a Special Prosecutor: Does It Have Merit? - Politics - The Atlantic
If your going to dress up the pig, at least go the whole route with matching bra and panties plus lipstick.
It's a non-story. Reagan did it. Clinton did it. Bush did it. It's the way politics is, it's business as usual.

The right is just making a big deal about it because they have nothing else.

In 1981, President Reagan offered S.I. Hayakawa, then California's senior senator, a job if he declined to run for reelection. We know this because Reagan's chief political adviser admitted as much on the record.

In 1997, then-Massachusetts Attorney General L. Scott Harshbarger negotiated a Justice Department post while he decided whether to run for governor. The Clinton White House did not want him to make that bid -- they wanted to clear the field for Rep. Joe Kennedy.

(Remember when William Weld was nominated to ambassador to Mexico? Same reason, same motivation. Jesse Helms scuttled this, but for reasons having nothing to do with presidential political interference.)

More recently, after Rep. Ben Gilman found his congressional district eliminated by redistricting in 2002, the White House tried to persuade him from challenging another Republican congressman in another district by considering him for an administration position. Karl Rove repeatedly intervened in Republican primaries. And Tim Pawlenty is not a senator because Rove urged him to run for governor instead.

Issa's Call for a Special Prosecutor: Does It Have Merit? - Politics - The Atlantic

yeah....they did it toooooooo

its only a non-story because its your beloved dems....

its such a non-story that the WH had to LIE that the position was goign to be UNPAID :lol:

if it was no big deal....why lie about that?
Can't wait to hear how this one spins out... Put those bull shit filters on your ears. It's on the way.

Would Clinton put his onions on the line and tempt fate in front of a Grand Jury? The Attorney General in Pennsylvania, a Republican, might not take too kindly with illegal interference in his state's Senatorial Primary. He might call for that Grand Jury to discover the facts, if he's not too busy in his Gubernatorial race in PA.
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This time he got the blue dress and burned it and he will say he did not have a sexual relationship with the man!

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