Bullies always back down.


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2014
Bullies get way with a lot because they are loud, insulting and mean. As long as nobody stands toe to toe with him, he will always get worse. The funny thing is that as soon as someone stands up to a bully, and returns the same they usually back down. That's what happened with Christe and trump. Christie said trump was fat. He called him a petulant child. In front of a MAGA crowd, he called trump what he is --- a loser. Considering how insulting and crude trump is willing to get, you would expect him to release a momentous counter attack, but just like all bullies, he backed down. Now trump is even afraid to debate Christie. What happened to all of trump's bravado? Is he afraid to face off with someone who doesn't cower at trump's insults? If MAGAs are looking for someone that isn't afraid to go toe to toe with their opponent, instead of cowering on a golf course, they should at least admit trump is hiding like the loser he was shown to be in the last election.
Bullies get way with a lot because they are loud, insulting and mean. As long as nobody stands toe to toe with him, he will always get worse. The funny thing is that as soon as someone stands up to a bully, and returns the same they usually back down. That's what happened with Christe and trump. Christie said trump was fat. He called him a petulant child. In front of a MAGA crowd, he called trump what he is --- a loser. Considering how insulting and crude trump is willing to get, you would expect him to release a momentous counter attack, but just like all bullies, he backed down. Now trump is even afraid to debate Christie. What happened to all of trump's bravado? Is he afraid to face off with someone who doesn't cower at trump's insults? If MAGAs are looking for someone that isn't afraid to go toe to toe with their opponent, instead of cowering on a golf course, they should at least admit trump is hiding like the loser he was shown to be in the last election.
Move to Canada and you will learn how bullies REALLY operate. Not unlike any unaccountable police state in the past, the bullies present themselves as the "good guys". Their supporters are just as bad. Bullies are in fact, cowards. It is all a matter of degrees.
Bullies get way with a lot because they are loud, insulting and mean. As long as nobody stands toe to toe with him, he will always get worse. The funny thing is that as soon as someone stands up to a bully, and returns the same they usually back down. That's what happened with Christe and trump. Christie said trump was fat. He called him a petulant child. In front of a MAGA crowd, he called trump what he is --- a loser. Considering how insulting and crude trump is willing to get, you would expect him to release a momentous counter attack, but just like all bullies, he backed down. Now trump is even afraid to debate Christie. What happened to all of trump's bravado? Is he afraid to face off with someone who doesn't cower at trump's insults? If MAGAs are looking for someone that isn't afraid to go toe to toe with their opponent, instead of cowering on a golf course, they should at least admit trump is hiding like the loser he was shown to be in the last election.


Bullies get way with a lot because they are loud, insulting and mean. As long as nobody stands toe to toe with him, ---------------
One persons bully is the next persons passionate advocate. Strident people are judged to be at least honourable and worthy of respect if things that they are championing win the day through reasonably honest ways . In our sceptered island Churchill is the classic example of a clever , alcoholic bully being revered because he latched onto things which were fundamental to most people . Many would reasonably contend that Trump is a similar character ( without the drink) and Christie type spats are tiny and soon forgotten within the greater picture . imho
Move to Canada and you will learn how bullies REALLY operate. Not unlike any unaccountable police state in the past, the bullies present themselves as the "good guys". Their supporters are just as bad. Bullies are in fact, cowards. It is all a matter of degrees.

Yes. The bullying by the gimp posting the OP is always hilarious. Sociopaths never really get why they're considered nutjobs and deviants.
I agree. Trump is a coward at heart.

lol you ass clowns will try and 'impeach' him till he dies. You haven't made him cave yet, and you tards have control of the entire govt. and unlimited resources and own thousands of judges. It's obvius who the cowards are, and it ain't Trump, it's your Hero Pedophile and his thugs.
Bullies get way with a lot because they are loud, insulting and mean. As long as nobody stands toe to toe with him, he will always get worse. The funny thing is that as soon as someone stands up to a bully, and returns the same they usually back down. That's what happened with Christe and trump. Christie said trump was fat. He called him a petulant child. In front of a MAGA crowd, he called trump what he is --- a loser. Considering how insulting and crude trump is willing to get, you would expect him to release a momentous counter attack, but just like all bullies, he backed down. Now trump is even afraid to debate Christie. What happened to all of trump's bravado? Is he afraid to face off with someone who doesn't cower at trump's insults? If MAGAs are looking for someone that isn't afraid to go toe to toe with their opponent, instead of cowering on a golf course, they should at least admit trump is hiding like the loser he was shown to be in the last election.
Exhibit 125,896,098: Trump broke the Left
Bullies get way with a lot because they are loud, insulting and mean. As long as nobody stands toe to toe with him, he will always get worse. The funny thing is that as soon as someone stands up to a bully, and returns the same they usually back down. That's what happened with Christe and trump. Christie said trump was fat. He called him a petulant child. In front of a MAGA crowd, he called trump what he is --- a loser. Considering how insulting and crude trump is willing to get, you would expect him to release a momentous counter attack, but just like all bullies, he backed down. Now trump is even afraid to debate Christie. What happened to all of trump's bravado? Is he afraid to face off with someone who doesn't cower at trump's insults? If MAGAs are looking for someone that isn't afraid to go toe to toe with their opponent, instead of cowering on a golf course, they should at least admit trump is hiding like the loser he was shown to be in the last election.
Two FAKE impeachments, stolen election, unprecedented surveillance, unprecedented indictment, forced FAKE "vaccine", unnecessary illogical lockdowns, and on and on.....
I agree. Trump is a coward at heart.


An Emmanuel Goldstein thread in disguise.

Y'all need to find more productive hobbies than hating on someone who has never hurt you personally and you will never even meet.

Unless, that is, you have no plans of ever learning how to stop hating. If that's the case, you might want to see a therapist or a clergyman.

And contrary to leftist popular belief, hating is not an activity that will help you lose weight.

But interesting post anyway.

Bullies get way with a lot because they are loud, insulting and mean. As long as nobody stands toe to toe with him, he will always get worse. The funny thing is that as soon as someone stands up to a bully, and returns the same they usually back down. That's what happened with Christe and trump. Christie said trump was fat. He called him a petulant child. In front of a MAGA crowd, he called trump what he is --- a loser. Considering how insulting and crude trump is willing to get, you would expect him to release a momentous counter attack, but just like all bullies, he backed down. Now trump is even afraid to debate Christie. What happened to all of trump's bravado? Is he afraid to face off with someone who doesn't cower at trump's insults? If MAGAs are looking for someone that isn't afraid to go toe to toe with their opponent, instead of cowering on a golf course, they should at least admit trump is hiding like the loser he was shown to be in the last election.
Bullies get way with a lot because they are loud, insulting and mean. As long as nobody stands toe to toe with him, he will always get worse. The funny thing is that as soon as someone stands up to a bully, and returns the same they usually back down. That's what happened with Christe and trump. Christie said trump was fat. He called him a petulant child. In front of a MAGA crowd, he called trump what he is --- a loser. Considering how insulting and crude trump is willing to get, you would expect him to release a momentous counter attack, but just like all bullies, he backed down. Now trump is even afraid to debate Christie. What happened to all of trump's bravado? Is he afraid to face off with someone who doesn't cower at trump's insults? If MAGAs are looking for someone that isn't afraid to go toe to toe with their opponent, instead of cowering on a golf course, they should at least admit trump is hiding like the loser he was shown to be in the last election.
So, christy is picking a fight with trump and you call trump the bully?

Thats weird even for twisted lib logic
Bullies get way with a lot because they are loud, insulting and mean. As long as nobody stands toe to toe with him, he will always get worse. The funny thing is that as soon as someone stands up to a bully, and returns the same they usually back down. That's what happened with Christe and trump. Christie said trump was fat. He called him a petulant child. In front of a MAGA crowd, he called trump what he is --- a loser. Considering how insulting and crude trump is willing to get, you would expect him to release a momentous counter attack, but just like all bullies, he backed down. Now trump is even afraid to debate Christie. What happened to all of trump's bravado? Is he afraid to face off with someone who doesn't cower at trump's insults? If MAGAs are looking for someone that isn't afraid to go toe to toe with their opponent, instead of cowering on a golf course, they should at least admit trump is hiding like the loser he was shown to be in the last election.
Yes, Christie is a fat bully.
He mainly punches down, cause he was the POTUS. Sometimes he punches too far down, like election workers in GA. But yea, Trump is a classic bully with a fragile ego.
It will always amaze me how Trumpers didn't care one bit that this man singled out a woman, her son and his grandmother for personal attacks...all because they did their civic duty of election volunteering.....

In fact, he has still been attacking them as early as this year......and still, Trumpers say nothing about it.....This is why I always have ZERO RESPECT when these morons whine about "2 tier justice" and being oppressed....

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