Bullets in the brain, shrapnel in the spine...

What do YOU personally call those who provoke children into throwing rocks at an armored jeep and then shoot to kill?

Why do YOU personally think the heroic shooters used silencers?

I'll just bet YOU personally think the ambulances prove "purity of arms" on the part of baby killers.

Fuck YOU personally.

no, i'm not YOUR type in any way, shape, or form
you can fuck yourself
again, if the palis DIDNT use children they wouldnt become targets
how many times should the Israelis allow a child to be used as a suicide bomber before they can be allowed to make sure the next child running at them with a backpack on isnt one?
What Backpacks?

"The boys darted in small packs up the sloping dunes to the electric fence that separated the camp from the Jewish settlement abutting it. They lobbed rocks towards a jeep, mounted with a loudspeaker and protected by bulletproof armor plates and metal grating...

"There was the boom of a percussion grenade. The boys, most no more than ten or eleven years old, scattered, running clumsily through the heavy sand.

"They descended out of sight behind the dune in front of me.

"There were no sounds of gun-fire. The soldiers shot with silencers. The bullets from M-I6 rifles, unseen by me, tumbled end-over-end through their slight bodies.

"I would see the destruction, the way their stomachs were ripped out, the gaping holes in their limbs and torsos, later in the hospital."

Chris Hedges...

divecon has it right george, this 'source' is not even remotely balanced and its not credible as to the above you posted.....I have never heard of the Israelis using silencers on an m-16, and have never seen one, ever.using a slicer on an m-16 is not enviable due to its very high velocity and design, the us army tried the HEL model baffled silencer out in Vietnam with varying success. IF they were going to go stealthy they would use a weapon made for that. He mistook an attachment used for shooting rubber bullets.

Notice the graphic below, tis is a spec ops variable equipped M-16 note the term suppressor NOT silencer because they are very very hard to completely silence and don't bother, and that yields only a 30 decibel reduction factor, do you know what the DB count for an m-16 round is to start with...go ahead and google it, that 30 db drop won't yield much in the way of quiet, its more for our own troops to communicate during a fire fight than true sound silence , its a suppressor and trust me, you can still hear it well enough with that attachment.

he 'saw' what he saw because hes got an agenda...


  • $SOPMOD M4.jpg
    $SOPMOD M4.jpg
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no, i'm not YOUR type in any way, shape, or form
you can fuck yourself
again, if the palis DIDNT use children they wouldnt become targets
how many times should the Israelis allow a child to be used as a suicide bomber before they can be allowed to make sure the next child running at them with a backpack on isnt one?
What Backpacks?

"The boys darted in small packs up the sloping dunes to the electric fence that separated the camp from the Jewish settlement abutting it. They lobbed rocks towards a jeep, mounted with a loudspeaker and protected by bulletproof armor plates and metal grating...

"There was the boom of a percussion grenade. The boys, most no more than ten or eleven years old, scattered, running clumsily through the heavy sand.

"They descended out of sight behind the dune in front of me.

"There were no sounds of gun-fire. The soldiers shot with silencers. The bullets from M-I6 rifles, unseen by me, tumbled end-over-end through their slight bodies.

"I would see the destruction, the way their stomachs were ripped out, the gaping holes in their limbs and torsos, later in the hospital."

Chris Hedges...
sorry, but your link to that clearly antisemite site is not proof of anything
[ame="http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_52?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=war+is+a+force+that+gives+us+meaning+by+chris+hedges&sprefix=war+is+a+force+that+gives+us+meaning+by+chris+hedges"]War is a Force that Gives Us Meaning[/ame]

Chris Hedges is NOT antisemitic.
What Backpacks?

"The boys darted in small packs up the sloping dunes to the electric fence that separated the camp from the Jewish settlement abutting it. They lobbed rocks towards a jeep, mounted with a loudspeaker and protected by bulletproof armor plates and metal grating...

"There was the boom of a percussion grenade. The boys, most no more than ten or eleven years old, scattered, running clumsily through the heavy sand.

"They descended out of sight behind the dune in front of me.

"There were no sounds of gun-fire. The soldiers shot with silencers. The bullets from M-I6 rifles, unseen by me, tumbled end-over-end through their slight bodies.

"I would see the destruction, the way their stomachs were ripped out, the gaping holes in their limbs and torsos, later in the hospital."

Chris Hedges...
sorry, but your link to that clearly antisemite site is not proof of anything
[ame="http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_52?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=war+is+a+force+that+gives+us+meaning+by+chris+hedges&sprefix=war+is+a+force+that+gives+us+meaning+by+chris+hedges"]War is a Force that Gives Us Meaning[/ame]

Chris Hedges is NOT antisemitic.
sure he isnt
no, i'm not YOUR type in any way, shape, or form
you can fuck yourself
again, if the palis DIDNT use children they wouldnt become targets
how many times should the Israelis allow a child to be used as a suicide bomber before they can be allowed to make sure the next child running at them with a backpack on isnt one?
What Backpacks?

"The boys darted in small packs up the sloping dunes to the electric fence that separated the camp from the Jewish settlement abutting it. They lobbed rocks towards a jeep, mounted with a loudspeaker and protected by bulletproof armor plates and metal grating...

"There was the boom of a percussion grenade. The boys, most no more than ten or eleven years old, scattered, running clumsily through the heavy sand.

"They descended out of sight behind the dune in front of me.

"There were no sounds of gun-fire. The soldiers shot with silencers. The bullets from M-I6 rifles, unseen by me, tumbled end-over-end through their slight bodies.

"I would see the destruction, the way their stomachs were ripped out, the gaping holes in their limbs and torsos, later in the hospital."

Chris Hedges...

divecon has it right george, this 'source' is not even remotely balanced and its not credible as to the above you posted.....I have never heard of the Israelis using silencers on an m-16, and have never seen one, ever.using a slicer on an m-16 is not enviable due to its very high velocity and design, the us army tried the HEL model baffled silencer out in Vietnam with varying success. IF they were going to go stealthy they would use a weapon made for that. He mistook an attachment used for shooting rubber bullets.

Notice the graphic below, tis is a spec ops variable equipped M-16 note the term suppressor NOT silencer because they are very very hard to completely silence and don't bother, and that yields only a 30 decibel reduction factor, do you know what the DB count for an m-16 round is to start with...go ahead and google it, that 30 db drop won't yield much in the way of quiet, its more for our own troops to communicate during a fire fight than true sound silence , its a suppressor and trust me, you can still hear it well enough with that attachment.

he 'saw' what he saw because hes got an agenda...
Have you read War is a Force that Gives Us Meaning?

"I would see the destruction, the way their stomachs were ripped out, the gaping holes in their limbs and torsos, later in the hospital."

Do rubber bullets rip out stomachs?

Do you find it likely a journalist with Hedges's credibility could publish a lie in a best seller without someone noticing and calling him on it?

What Backpacks?

"The boys darted in small packs up the sloping dunes to the electric fence that separated the camp from the Jewish settlement abutting it. They lobbed rocks towards a jeep, mounted with a loudspeaker and protected by bulletproof armor plates and metal grating...

"There was the boom of a percussion grenade. The boys, most no more than ten or eleven years old, scattered, running clumsily through the heavy sand.

"They descended out of sight behind the dune in front of me.

"There were no sounds of gun-fire. The soldiers shot with silencers. The bullets from M-I6 rifles, unseen by me, tumbled end-over-end through their slight bodies.

"I would see the destruction, the way their stomachs were ripped out, the gaping holes in their limbs and torsos, later in the hospital."

Chris Hedges...

divecon has it right george, this 'source' is not even remotely balanced and its not credible as to the above you posted.....I have never heard of the Israelis using silencers on an m-16, and have never seen one, ever.using a slicer on an m-16 is not enviable due to its very high velocity and design, the us army tried the HEL model baffled silencer out in Vietnam with varying success. IF they were going to go stealthy they would use a weapon made for that. He mistook an attachment used for shooting rubber bullets.

Notice the graphic below, tis is a spec ops variable equipped M-16 note the term suppressor NOT silencer because they are very very hard to completely silence and don't bother, and that yields only a 30 decibel reduction factor, do you know what the DB count for an m-16 round is to start with...go ahead and google it, that 30 db drop won't yield much in the way of quiet, its more for our own troops to communicate during a fire fight than true sound silence , its a suppressor and trust me, you can still hear it well enough with that attachment.

he 'saw' what he saw because hes got an agenda...
Have you read War is a Force that Gives Us Meaning?

"I would see the destruction, the way their stomachs were ripped out, the gaping holes in their limbs and torsos, later in the hospital."

Do rubber bullets rip out stomachs?

Do you find it likely a journalist with Hedges's credibility could publish a lie in a best seller without someone noticing and calling him on it?

the fact that you are quoting him means he has little to NO credibility
Have you read War is a Force that Gives Us Meaning?

"I would see the destruction, the way their stomachs were ripped out, the gaping holes in their limbs and torsos, later in the hospital."

Do rubber bullets rip out stomachs?

Do you find it likely a journalist with Hedges's credibility could publish a lie in a best seller without someone noticing and calling him on it?

the fact that you are quoting him means he has little to NO credibility

Yeah, look at that front page:

i did
Have you read War is a Force that Gives Us Meaning?

"I would see the destruction, the way their stomachs were ripped out, the gaping holes in their limbs and torsos, later in the hospital."

Do rubber bullets rip out stomachs?

Do you find it likely a journalist with Hedges's credibility could publish a lie in a best seller without someone noticing and calling him on it?

the fact that you are quoting him means he has little to NO credibility

Yeah, look at that front page:

From Wiki:

"Hedges is also known as the best-selling author of War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning (2002), which was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award for Nonfiction."
How many factual errors did you find?
like i would bother with a front page like that
you dipshits just believe it because you WANT it to be true and you are bigoted idiots

Is the following True or Bigoted?

"Marriages and other aspects of civil laws are decided by religious courts who do not recognize marriage between Jews and Palestinians.

"The Israeli government pays the salary of rabbis and the employee's of municipal rabbinates and religious councils.

"In 2004 3,000 Rabbi's and employee's of municipal rabbinates and religious councils almost went on strike over back pay issues with the government."

How many factual errors did you find?
like i would bother with a front page like that
you dipshits just believe it because you WANT it to be true and you are bigoted idiots

Is the following True or Bigoted?

"Marriages and other aspects of civil laws are decided by religious courts who do not recognize marriage between Jews and Palestinians.

"The Israeli government pays the salary of rabbis and the employee's of municipal rabbinates and religious councils.

"In 2004 3,000 Rabbi's and employee's of municipal rabbinates and religious councils almost went on strike over back pay issues with the government."

invalid source, moron
I don't bother to warn them of the approaching danger, Karma will be a bitch:eek:
"The tail has long wagged the dog in American Middle East policy.

"The rotten order of the modern Middle East has been based on wily local elites stealing their way to billions while they took all the aid they could from the United States, even as they bit the hand that fed them.

"First the justification was the putative threat of International Communism (which however actually only managed to gather up for itself the dust of Hadramawt in South Yemen and the mangy goats milling around broken-down Afghan villages).

"More recently the cover story has been the supposed threat of radical Islam, which is a tiny fringe phenomenon in most of the Middle East that in some large part was sowed by US support for the extremists in the Cold War as a foil to the phantom of International Communism.

"And then there is the set of myths around Israel, that it is necessary for the well-being of the world’s Jews, that it is an asset to US security, that it is a great ethical enterprise– all of which are patently false..."

Informed Comment
Work on that back-stroke, drivel:

"Anti-Mubarak Egyptians prepared themselves on Friday for a major campaign of street protests that they are calling not another 'Day of Wrath' but rather a 'Day of Departure,' an attempt to force President Hosni Mubarak to resign.

"By mid-morning thousands had already gathered at Tahrir Square in downtown Cairo and at other key nodes in the capital.

"I am watching Aljazeera Arabic early Friday morning ET (10:15 am in Cairo), and can hear them chanting 'En-Nahar-da! En-Nahar-da'– Today! Today!

"Some are tweeting that they expect at some point the army may block further protesters from reaching the square.

"Some tweets from the ground are saying that today the army is on October 6 bridge turning back Mubarak’s goons and thereby protecting the protesters."

Wag That, bibi

Informed Comment
"Anti-Mubarak Egyptians prepared themselves on Friday for a major campaign of street protests that they are calling not another 'Day of Wrath' but rather a 'Day of Departure,' an attempt to force President Hosni Mubarak to resign.
If they are so keen on messing their country up for money, or promises, or both, then, bon voyage, of course.
Of course, Mubarak and Bibi have no use for money that comes from US taxpayers?
  • Only my terminally dumbass obsessive judophobes can tie the anti-Mubarak mob to Mubarak, but that's their occupation, of course. For the time being the anti-Mubarak mob is messing Egypt up, according to different sources, to the tune of $10 to $30 mln. a day. Damage compensation fund runs at $850 mln.. georgephilip will be paying for it out of his chinese money handout.
  • Our resident obsessive judophobes should get a life and a job as well as embrace with peace and humility the fact that, with $14 trln. in pockets with holes there's, of course, no "money that comes from US taxpayers" - the money comes from the chinese taxpayers.

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