Bullets in the brain, shrapnel in the spine...


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
From The Telegraph during Israel's Operation Cast Lead in January of 2009:

"On just one day last week staff at the El-Arish hospital in Sinai were called to perform sophisticated CAT brain scans on a nine-year-old, two 10-year-olds and a 14-year-old - each of whom had a bullet still lodged in their brain, after coming under fire during the Israeli ground assault on Gaza.

"Dr Ahmed Yahia, the head of the trauma team, broke the news to the grandmother of Anas, aged nine, that the girl was not expected to live.

"'Anas was deeply comatose when she came in, and she remains deeply comatose,' said Dr Yahia. 'The bullet has damaged a big part of her brain. It came in, hit the skull wall and then changed direction downwards. I've seen a lot of gun injuries and the damage here is so extensive I think it may be fatal.'

"Dr Yahia, a professor of neurosurgery who has worked in both the United States and Britain, believes that the bullet was shot from close range. 'If it changes course inside the brain it has high velocity and its penetrative force is also high,' he said."

Fact or opinion?

You decide.

Bullets in the brain...
Or, if they're lucky, the arm waving the white flag is shot off:

"After she was shot in the back outside her Gaza home, it took three hours for medical help to reach the captivatingly pretty child. Her uncle, Hassan Abedrabo, said that Samer was hit by an Israeli bullet which damaged her spinal cord and has left her paralysed.

"Her two sisters, aged two and six, were shot dead in the same close-range attack as they tried to escape from tanks bombarding their home in Jabaliya, north of Gaza City.

"The girls' mother was hit twice but survived; Mr Abedrabo said that their grandmother, waving a white flag at the front of the terrified family procession, lost an arm to another bullet."

I don't think most Americans are aware of the racist indoctrination many Israeli conscripts receive throughout their school years.

If enough US voters/taxpayers become aware of how Zionists and Arabs propagandize their young to hate "the other", the Jewish state becomes much more vulnerable to public opinion.

And hopefully it goes the way of White South Africa.

Bullets in the brain...
This is the kind of people( Nazi animals) you allow your masters to support( using YOUR money) and that your brainwashed masses of asshole Krishtiunz call Gawds Chozen.
It'll be a glorious day when Iran gets, and deploys, some nukes.
At that time is when IsNtReal has promised to launch in "defense" and also to " take down Europe" /and possibly the US, with them.
" Your greatest ally"
After that goes down is when the real holocaust happens. WORLD WIDE.

" Ati-Semitism is a disease. You catch it from Jews" Ed Steele.
Now incarcerated on bogus charges and had all Gold and Silver "confiscated by the Nazi regime that runs the Nation formerly known as The United States of America.


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"On just one day last week staff at the El-Arish hospital in Sinai were called to perform sophisticated CAT brain scans on a nine-year-old, two 10-year-olds and a 14-year-old - each of whom had a bullet still lodged in their brain, after coming under fire during the Israeli ground assault on Gaza.
Well, any normal citizen of the good earth knows bullets can and do fly in both directions and won't let the underage go play in traffic too - an axiom, that arabs and their proto-comrades have to grow up to grasp yet.
"On just one day last week staff at the El-Arish hospital in Sinai were called to perform sophisticated CAT brain scans on a nine-year-old, two 10-year-olds and a 14-year-old - each of whom had a bullet still lodged in their brain, after coming under fire during the Israeli ground assault on Gaza.
Well, any normal citizen of the good earth knows bullets can and do fly in both directions and won't let the underage go play in traffic too - an axiom, that arabs and their proto-comrades have to grow up to grasp yet.

These children are shot in their own neighborhoods in their own country by foreigner troops.

How can you endorse that?
Even More Agreement?

"Mr Abedrabo, Samer's uncle, insisted that there were no Hamas fighters in their home when Israeli tanks opened fire last week.

"He is a supporter of Hamas's bitter political rivals Fatah, led by the Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas.

"The tanks opened fire on the fourth storey,' said Mr Abedrabo, as he watched over his niece in hospital.

"About 30 people were sheltering on the ground floor as the tanks began pounding the third floor; then the second; then the first.

"'The house began to shake and we were terrified,' he said. 'The women and children were screaming as they thought the house was going to collapse.'

"I speak Hebrew so I shouted to the Israelis.

"The officer said, 'Come out' so the women went first, waving a white flag. They opened fire from just 15 metres away.

"'How could they not tell they were children? They could see them.'"

Bullets in the brain
"On just one day last week staff at the El-Arish hospital in Sinai were called to perform sophisticated CAT brain scans on a nine-year-old, two 10-year-olds and a 14-year-old - each of whom had a bullet still lodged in their brain, after coming under fire during the Israeli ground assault on Gaza.
Well, any normal citizen of the good earth knows bullets can and do fly in both directions and won't let the underage go play in traffic too - an axiom, that arabs and their proto-comrades have to grow up to grasp yet.

These children are shot in their own neighborhoods in their own country by foreigner troops.

How can you endorse that?

I highly endorse meds to treat your obvious insanity.
From The Telegraph during Israel's Operation Cast Lead in January of 2009:

"On just one day last week staff at the El-Arish hospital in Sinai were called to perform sophisticated CAT brain scans on a nine-year-old, two 10-year-olds and a 14-year-old - each of whom had a bullet still lodged in their brain, after coming under fire during the Israeli ground assault on Gaza.

"Dr Ahmed Yahia, the head of the trauma team, broke the news to the grandmother of Anas, aged nine, that the girl was not expected to live.

"'Anas was deeply comatose when she came in, and she remains deeply comatose,' said Dr Yahia. 'The bullet has damaged a big part of her brain. It came in, hit the skull wall and then changed direction downwards. I've seen a lot of gun injuries and the damage here is so extensive I think it may be fatal.'

"Dr Yahia, a professor of neurosurgery who has worked in both the United States and Britain, believes that the bullet was shot from close range. 'If it changes course inside the brain it has high velocity and its penetrative force is also high,' he said."

Fact or opinion?

You decide.

Bullets in the brain...

The bullet is stuck deep inside anas?
"Mr Abedrabo, Samer's uncle, insisted that there were no Hamas fighters in their home when Israeli tanks opened fire last week.
He's so clintonian.
Israel destroyed thousands of homes but killed only a few hundred militants.
Says a lot about humane nature of the israeli army, of course. Although our resident corpsefeeders would very much prefer Israel just bombed the koranical faeces outta Gaza whole in one shot. Bloodthirsty savages.
"I speak Hebrew so I shouted to the Israelis. The officer said, 'Come out' so the women went first, waving a white flag. They opened fire from just 15 metres away. "How could they not tell they were children? They could see them.'"

Maybe they just didn't care.

Bullets in the brain...
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The bullet is stuck deep inside anas?
Exactly! I'm so glad there're other individuals to notice that discrepancy, because anas, mentioned in the Telegraph isn't capable of withstanding anything deep inside at close range as claimed in the same source, only big fat anas has that capability, that fact effectively rules out any involvment of israeli snipers, but implicates hamas and other jihad word-soup name thugs instead, of course.

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