Bulletin To The 'No Borders' Crowd

There are not enough liberals in the country advocating for 'no borders' to make it a 'liberal' position.

As usual, Ms. PC makes up the major premise and with some variation they begin, "all liberals are ...." Of course she'll substitute "liberals" with "leftists", "Democrats", "Socialists", etc. depending on the single source which proves her conclusion; of course she'll punctuate her argument with ubiquitous use of the personal attack on all who disagree with her premise, and find her conclusion nothing more than partisan polemics. Convincing she is not.

Sounds like she hit just the right liberal nerve, I don't see where she is wrong on the points you are making. There are the lying communist/socialist liberals intent on tyranny and there are the liberals who enable them, hence I draw no distinction between the two.

And there are conservatives, at least self defined - who echo right wing propaganda because they are unable to think critically and are myopic, challenged by history and easily led by demagogues. BTW self defined conservative, I don't react emotionally, thus my nerves are fine as is my evaluation of PC.

Can you give us an example of "right wing propaganda"? I don't think you can, stating the truth and quoting lying liberals is not right wing propaganda. If you want some genuine propaganda here's an example, "If you like your plan and your doctor, you can keep your plan and doctor, period".

Obama's statements were incorrect, they were not lies for he had no idea that the insurance companies would cancel policies. Should he have, I suppose, since the buck stops at his desk. But keep in mind it is common that bills passed by the congress are rarely perfect.

If Boehner and McConnell had put our nations people first, and not put their priority into protecting the Hospital - Medical - Pharmacological Complex first, fixing what is wrong in the PPACA would have been easy.
There are not enough liberals in the country advocating for 'no borders' to make it a 'liberal' position.

As usual, Ms. PC makes up the major premise and with some variation they begin, "all liberals are ...." Of course she'll substitute "liberals" with "leftists", "Democrats", "Socialists", etc. depending on the single source which proves her conclusion; of course she'll punctuate her argument with ubiquitous use of the personal attack on all who disagree with her premise, and find her conclusion nothing more than partisan polemics. Convincing she is not.

Sounds like she hit just the right liberal nerve, I don't see where she is wrong on the points you are making. There are the lying communist/socialist liberals intent on tyranny and there are the liberals who enable them, hence I draw no distinction between the two.

And there are conservatives, at least self defined - who echo right wing propaganda because they are unable to think critically and are myopic, challenged by history and easily led by demagogues. BTW self defined conservative, I don't react emotionally, thus my nerves are fine as is my evaluation of PC.

Can you give us an example of "right wing propaganda"? I don't think you can, stating the truth and quoting lying liberals is not right wing propaganda. If you want some genuine propaganda here's an example, "If you like your plan and your doctor, you can keep your plan and doctor, period".

Sure, but it's best I simply refer you to the AM radio dial; right wing/conservative/Libertarian propoaganda has become the dominant form of talk radio in the US since the 1987 abolition of the Fairness Doctrine. You know the names, you probably listen to them.
There are not enough liberals in the country advocating for 'no borders' to make it a 'liberal' position.

As usual, Ms. PC makes up the major premise and with some variation they begin, "all liberals are ...." Of course she'll substitute "liberals" with "leftists", "Democrats", "Socialists", etc. depending on the single source which proves her conclusion; of course she'll punctuate her argument with ubiquitous use of the personal attack on all who disagree with her premise, and find her conclusion nothing more than partisan polemics. Convincing she is not.

Sounds like she hit just the right liberal nerve, I don't see where she is wrong on the points you are making. There are the lying communist/socialist liberals intent on tyranny and there are the liberals who enable them, hence I draw no distinction between the two.

And there are conservatives, at least self defined - who echo right wing propaganda because they are unable to think critically and are myopic, challenged by history and easily led by demagogues. BTW self defined conservative, I don't react emotionally, thus my nerves are fine as is my evaluation of PC.

Can you give us an example of "right wing propaganda"? I don't think you can, stating the truth and quoting lying liberals is not right wing propaganda. If you want some genuine propaganda here's an example, "If you like your plan and your doctor, you can keep your plan and doctor, period".

Obama's statements were incorrect, they were not lies for he had no idea that the insurance companies would cancel policies. Should he have, I suppose, since the buck stops at his desk. But keep in mind it is common that bills passed by the congress are rarely perfect.

If Boehner and McConnell had put our nations people first, and not put their priority into protecting the Hospital - Medical - Pharmacological Complex first, fixing what is wrong in the PPACA would have been easy.

HAHAHAHA you libs are losing it. One minute Obama is a genius, then next you are telling us he's an incompetent moron who doesn't know anything, so which is it? lol
Of course, we all know by now what political hic thinks of others. Her brand is the true brand and only brand. What a fool.


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Open borders scum don't care about the poor Americans in this country, they want cheap labor and voters from those invaders.....they couldn't give a shit about Americans suffering from it.

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