Build on wetlands...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Don't be surprised when it fluids.

Houses built by/for retirees from other states who flooded our community after the forest closed and lefties decided they could offset their lifetime of low earning by parasitically exploiting our crucified economy (carpetbaggers)....

Built right in top of wetlands and dunes that the original owners were not allowed to develop.

As kids, we camped, played, rode dune buggies and cycles, and swam in this area:
Let me know the next time it fluids....Carpetbagger leftist....Jesus H.Christ that was a long shot .....
View attachment 113690 View attachment 113691 View attachment 113692 Don't be surprised when it fluids.

Houses built by/for retirees from other states who flooded our community after the forest closed and lefties decided they could offset their lifetime of low earning by parasitically exploiting our crucified economy (carpetbaggers)....

Built right in top of wetlands and dunes that the original owners were not allowed to develop.

As kids, we camped, played, rode dune buggies and cycles, and swam in this area:View attachment 113688 View attachment 113689

Now if only your area had adequate environmental regulations, and flood zone planning regulations- instead the free market ran rampant to allow construction in areas that can get flooded.
My mother's area, Chapel Hill NC has huge problems with folks building on wetlands and the resulting flooding that happens and there is no place for the water to go.
My mother's area, Chapel Hill NC has huge problems with folks building on wetlands and the resulting flooding that happens and there is no place for the water to go.

Yeah all the water in my pics..that water has always showed up right there lol. It's not like it will magically go somewhere else just because someone puts a house there.

Doesn't work like that.

There also used to be some of the coolest animals that lived in those areas...little turtles, newts, lizards. We caught them regularly.

Not anymore. The people who demanded that our mills and forests be closed then snapped up our land, and built on the very land that they said we couldn't use for ourselves...then congratulated themselves on the fact that they could retire to our now destroyed communities, for a fraction of what it costs them in the shitholes they lived previously.

And this is the result.
My mother's area, Chapel Hill NC has huge problems with folks building on wetlands and the resulting flooding that happens and there is no place for the water to go.

Yeah all the water in my pics..that water has always showed up right there lol. It's not like it will magically go somewhere else just because someone puts a house there.

Doesn't work like that.

There also used to be some of the coolest animals that lived in those areas...little turtles, newts, lizards. We caught them regularly.

Not anymore.

That is so sad, I hate careless development. My grandmother lived in Salt Lake City, and we used to go visit her as kids. The mountain ranges surrounding the city were really pristine - they were not allowed develop them at all. We used to go hiking and the wildflowers were incredible. All that has changed - there is development all along the mountain side, and that leads to mudslides and problems like that. It wasn't meant to be built on.
My mother's area, Chapel Hill NC has huge problems with folks building on wetlands and the resulting flooding that happens and there is no place for the water to go.

Yeah all the water in my pics..that water has always showed up right there lol. It's not like it will magically go somewhere else just because someone puts a house there.

Doesn't work like that.

There also used to be some of the coolest animals that lived in those areas...little turtles, newts, lizards. We caught them regularly.

Not anymore.

That is so sad, I hate careless development. My grandmother lived in Salt Lake City, and we used to go visit her as kids. The mountain ranges surrounding the city were really pristine - they were not allowed develop them at all. We used to go hiking and the wildflowers were incredible. All that has changed - there is development all along the mountain side, and that leads to mudslides and problems like that. It wasn't meant to be built on.

I don't care if it's built on.

I object to telling THIS group of people that they may not build, then later after all those people die off or creep away without ever having benefitted from the property, a NEW group (the group who actually dictated to the others that they couldn't build originally) comes in and just decimates the property.

The feds should never, ever have a say in how we develop our own land.

And this sort of garbage is what happens when you have TRANSPLANTS take over your city government. They are corrupt, crooked and nasty people who have befouled their original digs then migrated to an area that they have destroyed from afar....for the express purpose of exploiting it.

It's called carpetbagging.

That's what our rural areas have been living under for decades.
In the U.K.'s there's a nauseating policy among the big housebuilders and local authorities (county councils) called "build and defend" whereby permission will be granted - usually overruling central government's final decision - for floodplains to be developed on the condition that the likes of Bellways or Berkeley Homes (leading UK housbuilders) will construct defences against flooding, which they'll do on the cheap. And because local councils don't have the legal clout the big housebuilders have, they'll usually have to foot the bill once the development has inevitably flooded.
My Grandma always taught me that if you're looking to buy a property, go there after a very heavy rain before you decide.

Dredge and fill subdivisions are a pet peeve with me.
My Grandma always taught me that if you're looking to buy a property, go there after a very heavy rain before you decide.

Dredge and fill subdivisions are a pet peeve with me.
Well they didn't dredge this one they just slapped those houses on the top lol.

I honestly have no problem with development.
What I have a problem with is the feds telling us who may develop, and when. They need to get the hell out of land use and everything else. So sick of them trying to control everything, and for what? Someone still gets rich, someone still gets screwed. We don't need the feds in the middle of it.

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