Budget Mix-up, Darn Gov can't do anything right


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
"Sources in the Congressional Budget Office reported that as a result of a clerical error, $80 billion earmarked for national defense was accidentally sent to the Department of Education, furnishing schools with the necessary funds to buy new textbooks, offer more academic resources, hire better teachers, promote student achievement, and foster educational excellence—an oversight that apologetic officials called a "huge mistake."

"Obviously, we did not intend for this to happen, and we are doing everything in our power to right the situation and discipline whoever is responsible," said House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI), expressing remorse for the error. "I want to apologize to the American people. The last thing we wanted was for schools to upgrade their technology and lower student-to-teacher ratios in hopes of raising a generation of well-educated, ambitious, and skilled young Americans." Budget Mix-Up Provides Nation's Schools With Enough Money To Properly Educate Students | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Oh my GOD! the horror, Kids are getting educated!

Quick! let's have bakesale so we can buy the DoD an aircraft carrier.
On the lighter side.....

WASHINGTON - The D.C. government is suing a non-profit group to get back nearly $330,000 in grant money given for a job-training facility that was instead allegedly used to build a strip club.

The suit claims the director of "Miracle Hands" improperly billed the city for work that was never done. It also claims that Director Cornell Jones used the money to open the Stadium Club venue.

The lawsuit contends the money was supposed to be used to build a job-training facility for people with HIV/AIDS. The city expected the facility -- to be constructed in an old warehouse -- to open in 2007.

Instead, the civil complaint charges that Miracle Hands changed the so-called site of its job-training facility from one building to another, it continued to submit invoices for renovation work at the original location.

The establishment at that location secured a nightclub liquor license in August 2006. The Stadium Club opened in 2007 in the spot. After that, Miracle Hands began billing the district for renovations at the second location, the suit alleges.

The office of the attorney general "will continue to be relentless in our efforts to recover government funds from those who have unjustly enriched themselves at the expense of the District of Columbia," D.C. Attorney General Irvin Nathan said in a statement.

The complaint seeks damages and penalties worth $1 million.

Jones could not be reached for comment.

Read more: D.C. Government Claims Nonprofit Used Grant Money To Open Strip Club | FoxNews.com

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