Bubblehead Megyn Kelly gets hammered by Jon Stewart.

You want me to post Obama in a nighty?


No, I'm just wondering how you could confuse me calling her a confirmed bubblehead for her lingerae sex-shot in GQ.............with Obama, in his suit and tie, on the cover.

Here you go


A man swimming in normal swim trunks and the media photographing him is the same as Megan putting on lingerae and going to a photo-shoot and getting airbrushed? Ok.
You guys and your obvious jealousy of a beautiful, SMART conservative woman, absolutely crack me up!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
You guys and your obvious jealousy of a beautiful, SMART conservative woman, absolutely crack me up!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

:lol: @ being jealous of that trash

I got a smart, beautiful a-political women right here with me. She's not out there lying to dipshits for a buck.
Another day, another opportunity to slam somebody at Fox News. At least so far today there's no new slam Sarah Palin thread but it's early yet. Don't you guys ever come up with anything new? How about ragging on OB doctors or garbage collectors for a change...

Would you prefer that no one points it out when the highest rated cable news network lies to it's audience?
I would like to make the sex with this Megyn Kelly

The question is... does she want make sex with you? Somehow, I doubt it.

I know this will come as a shock to many men but.... a lot of you are too fucking ugly for women like Kelly. Don't punch above your weight, guys. That way you won't find yourself on the wrong side of a 'When hell freezes over' so often.
Looks like someone is feeling inadequate today!

I wouldn't kick it with Megyn. She's too phony, that makes her ugly to me and she got a crooked assed smile, no chest. Ain't my type.

Well I wouldn't be able to go three minutes in her presence without asking her if her soul is gone or just on lay-a-way so kickin' it with Megyn ain't happenin' but for penis in vagina purposes ... yeah, why not.

I guess it would have to depend if her Boobs have any size, at all. I'd have to see her in person. The topless lil' boy look actually irks me, sexually. Just pers. pref. not dissing her for it.
Itty-Bitty-Titty Club:

Definition of SEXISM
1: prejudice or discrimination based on sex; especially : discrimination against women
2: behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex
— sex·ist \ˈsek-sist\ adjective or noun
I wish that little big mouthed, bald headed, short dick guy would explain how when the gov. mandates you buy it, regulates it, punishes you if you don't buy it how that's not a fucking government takeover of health care. sounds like a takeover to me. he quacks like a duck donn'the?
What the hell are you talking about?
I don't take her nearly as seriously as some of you do. She's a Fox Infotainer - not an elected member of Congress.

If you all can't see the difference, then so be it.

Considering that most extreme partisans seem to fall all over themselves to take the word of some talkinghead propagandist on some network that gives them their talking points, I think your point is moot.
I wish that little big mouthed, bald headed, short dick guy would explain how when the gov. mandates you buy it, regulates it, punishes you if you don't buy it how that's not a fucking government takeover of health care. sounds like a takeover to me. he quacks like a duck donn'the?

Karl Rove?
Another day, another opportunity to slam somebody at Fox News. At least so far today there's no new slam Sarah Palin thread but it's early yet. Don't you guys ever come up with anything new? How about ragging on OB doctors or garbage collectors for a change...

How about YOU admit that your sole information source (Fox News) is a bunch of hypocritical liars?

And while you do that, I will rag on OB doctors and garbage collectors...

OB doctors and garbage collectors suck.
"Everyone harbors a secret hatred for the prettiest girl in the room."

- Alana Davis

Well, if Alana Davis said it, it must be true.

Who the hell is Alana Davis?

It's highly likely that Megan reminds Jon of a hot girl in high school who wouldn't give him the time of day, hence, the lifelong resentment burns.

It's more likely (and factual) that he caught her lying her perky little ass off - because that's what he does. And apparently what she does.
That wuddn't a good one. (just fyi).

I didn't peg you for a douchebag, I mean I think a while back you were a cordial dude in some conversation or suttin, don't rlly remember. Guess not.


Stop drooling.

You'll make a more convincing hetero.

My wife is right next to my in my avvy, while you have some uber metro-sexual looking wanna-be shiek male in yours. :eek:
His other man-crush is David Copperfield:


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