Broward County Sheriff Israel: 'Of Course I Won't Resign'


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
This guy thinks since he has a 'Star of David' status, he's untouchable. His delusions of grandeur are apparent. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the mindset of a liberal and that is........I'm not responsible, just like Hillary though she wasn't responsible for her presidential loss. This guy needs to go.

Broward County Sheriff: 'Of Course I Won't Resign'

Florida Lawmaker: The Call for Broward County Sheriff Israel to Be Removed for Incompetence and Inaction Is Growing

He said this also:

Broward County Sheriff Admits He Learned Report Deputy Never Entered School BEFORE CNN Town Hall (VIDEO)
To be fair to the sheriff, it is very unusual for American officials (elected or appointed) to resign when they make a mistake.


I wish that President George W. Bush had resigned to show remorse for the horrific mistake of invading Iraq.


I once read about a judge in Japan (many, many years ago) who sentenced a man to death. The judge discovered later that the man had been innocent. The judge showed remorse by taking his own life.

Now that is what I consider a person of integrity.
The clown wears 4 stars on his collar and he's not responsible??? Broward County’s Sheriff Department deputies visited the school shooter's home 39 times plus received 18 calls from individuals fearful that freak might shoot up the school. None of the deputies had the guts to enter the school and stop the shooter. Goddamn it sounds like the entire department needs to be fired.
It's gonna be real interesting in how the Dems deal with this guy.

Now, I don't believe there is anything they can do to force him to
resign like they do their reps and Senators.

But he and his Department are stealing the spotlight away from
gun control. South Florida is totally in an uproar over him and the
FBI. Those Southern Floridians want resignations from him, many of
his deputies and FBI folks.

As long as this guy is in uniform, he will be the narrative.
Coward County Sheriff Scott Israel Credibility is going down Faster than Rosie O'Donnell on a Corn Dog.
The only thing that might redeem him is NOW he'll protect the kids in his area schools like they're his own kids. But lying to the entire nation on CNN and trying to pin the problem on Dana Loesch was despicable. He'll never get chance.
He needs to go.

Four of his deputies demonstrated Cowardice in the Face of the Enemy outside the Parkland school that day.

His department's training regimen has failed.

His department's judgment-of-character in connection with hiring has failed.

Because of those two failures, seventeen schoolchildren are dead.

The buck stops at the top.

The top of a county sheriff's department is the sheriff him-or-herself.

The buck stops with the sheriff.

The sheriff needs to go.

Preferably, as a Termination, rather than as a Resignation.
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