British army says peopel who describe themselves as patriots are extremist right wingers


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
British Army Says People Who “Describe Themselves as Patriots” Are ‘Extremist Right-Wingers’
The British Army has released an information sheet encouraging members of the military to report others as right-wing extremists if they express a myriad of beliefs, including describing themselves as “patriots”.

This is the mindset of the mentally ill, the left around the world can't see it because when you have lunatics leading lunatics of course idiots like Trump haters think nothing is wrong with these criminal leaders.
Those who declare themselves Patriots generally aren’t
Lefties are terrorist.. they see slaves in people of color and a opportunity to pounce
Those who declare themselves Patriots generally aren’t

The act of defining oneself as something is, in your mind, proof that one is not that thing?

Just think, if that applied universally, no one would be anything. Because if you said you were it, that meant you WERE NOT, it.

Quite mad of you.
Wouldn't they have to disband their army under this reasoning? Isnt there some amount of patriotism attached to joining the military?
Those who declare themselves Patriots generally aren’t

The act of defining oneself as something is, in your mind, proof that one is not that thing?

Just think, if that applied universally, no one would be anything. Because if you said you were it, that meant you WERE NOT, it.

Quite mad of you.
Big difference between someone calling you a Patriot and you declaring yourself to be one
Those who declare themselves Patriots generally aren’t

The act of defining oneself as something is, in your mind, proof that one is not that thing?

Just think, if that applied universally, no one would be anything. Because if you said you were it, that meant you WERE NOT, it.

Quite mad of you.
Big difference between someone calling you a Patriot and you declaring yourself to be one

Name me a Patriot who would not declare himself one.
Their behavior was presented as evidence. Your flat denial fails against the presented evidence.
Then as the British army cannot be considered leftist in any degree, its behaviour is not leftist behaviour. It swears allegiance to Elizabeth II, ffs, the very antithesis of leftism.
Those who declare themselves Patriots generally aren’t

I would opine that your statement is completely contingent upon what one considers patriotic.

I consider myself to be a patriot. I am proud of this country, I am proud of our armed forces, and I will support both to the best of my ability.


a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.

a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.
Not surprised. The Crown started severely disarming their subjects right after WWI ended as they feared retribution from former British soldiers who saw their government ignorantly, and without regret send ONE MILLION of them to their deaths for little reason in trench warfare.
Those who declare themselves Patriots generally aren’t

Aren't you one of those who claim that a man who declares himself a woman, is a woman?

So one who declares himself the opposite of what hard science indicates him to be is to be believed, but one who declares himself to align with a particular ideology is not?

Modern LIbEralism truly is a mental disease.
Their behavior was presented as evidence. Your flat denial fails against the presented evidence.
Then as the British army cannot be considered leftist in any degree, its behaviour is not leftist behaviour. It swears allegiance to Elizabeth II, ffs, the very antithesis of leftism.

It is an organization who's sole purpose is to fight to serve and/or protect the nation.

If an organization like that, believes that a man thinking himself a Patriot, is a problem, that is a very sick nation.

And in today's world, that type of sickness, is generally found on the Left.

I know that you cannot admit that, but at least try to give your dishonest denial the FORM of addressing the point, instead of complete gibberish.
Those who declare themselves Patriots generally aren’t

The act of defining oneself as something is, in your mind, proof that one is not that thing?

Just think, if that applied universally, no one would be anything. Because if you said you were it, that meant you WERE NOT, it.

Quite mad of you.
Big difference between someone calling you a Patriot and you declaring yourself to be one

Name me a Patriot who would not declare himself one.

Show me a quote of Washington, Jefferson or Lincoln declaring themselves to be a patriot

Show me any true patriot doing the same
British Army Says People Who “Describe Themselves as Patriots” Are ‘Extremist Right-Wingers’
The British Army has released an information sheet encouraging members of the military to report others as right-wing extremists if they express a myriad of beliefs, including describing themselves as “patriots”.

This is the mindset of the mentally ill, the left around the world can't see it because when you have lunatics leading lunatics of course idiots like Trump haters think nothing is wrong with these criminal leaders.

There is nothing the Left fears and hates more than patriotic Americans.

" Harvard Study: July 4th Parades Energize Only GOP Voters, Increase Likelihood Kids Will Vote Republican…
"The left detests all forms of patriotism, if you instill a love of America in a child it’s extremely unlikely they will identify with the Democratic party when they grow up.

(US News)— Democratic political candidates can skip this weekend’s July 4th parades. A new Harvard University studyfinds that July 4th parades energize only Republicans,turn kids into Republicans, and help to boost the GOP turnout of adults on Election Day.

Survey evidence also confirms that Republicans consider themselves more patriotic than Democrats.According to this interpretation, there is a political congruence between the patriotism promoted on Fourth of July and the values associated with the Republican party. "
Harvard Study: July 4th Parades Energize Only GOP Voters, Increase Likelihood Kids Will Vote Republican… | Weasel Zippers
What passes for Patriotism among Republicans

Again, the British army is the very definition of a right wing organisation, swearing allegiance to a monarch.
There is nothing the Left fears and hates more than patriotic Americans.

" Harvard Study: July 4th Parades Energize Only GOP Voters, Increase Likelihood Kids Will Vote Republican…
"The left detests all forms of patriotism, if you instill a love of America in a child it’s extremely unlikely they will identify with the Democratic party when they grow up.

(US News)— Democratic political candidates can skip this weekend’s July 4th parades. A new Harvard University studyfinds that July 4th parades energize only Republicans,turn kids into Republicans, and help to boost the GOP turnout of adults on Election Day.

Survey evidence also confirms that Republicans consider themselves more patriotic than Democrats.According to this interpretation, there is a political congruence between the patriotism promoted on Fourth of July and the values associated with the Republican party. "
Harvard Study: July 4th Parades Energize Only GOP Voters, Increase Likelihood Kids Will Vote Republican… | Weasel Zippers

It seems that right←←←←←wrongwinger is proving your point for you.

Whatever his sincere intent, whatever established flag protocols may be, it was clearly Mr. Trump's intent with the gesture pictured below to express that he loves this country, and its people, and all that the flag represents. Unconventional as it may be, it was meant to express patriotism.

To anti-American filth such as right←←←←←wrongwinger, such an expression of patriotism is something to hold up to ridicule and contempt..

What passes for Patriotism among Republicans


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