Brithers lose as yet another judges refuses to look at evidence


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
My fellow americans - I know it would be a nightmare to admit Obozo is a fraud, but it has to be done.

Judge orders eligibility attorney to stay away

Published: 2 hours ago

Florida Circuit Judge Kevin Carroll, who previously cited the fictitious judge in “Miracle on 34th Street” in a ruling, now says he’s done with arguments over Barack Obama’s eligibility.

Carroll released an order today refusing to hear a request for a hearing that is allowed under state law when there are doubts about a candidate’s eligibility. And let that be the last, the judge said.

“No petitions for clarification or further rehearing will be entertained by the court,” he said in his ruling that refused to respond to a request for the state-allowed hearing in a case brought by Michael Voeltz.

The judge already had decided he would not hold an evidentiary hearing, which is allowed under state law in such a case. A hearing is supposed to be held when candidates’ qualifications are challenged, according a state law that allows Florida residents to challenge the eligibility of election candidates, Klayman said.
Oh boy let's give the judge a round of applause for violating his oath of office and state law. Regardless what the evidence would show, by law they had a right to a hearing. The judge should be overturned and disciplined by the appellate court.
Did you see the op/ed I posted a few days ago? It was from WND so you know exactly what its worth ...

Address the issue. Why won't you libulals do that?

They know as well as everyone else that obama was born in Kenya, but they'll call names and deny it until the day they die because obama is their messiah, and they'll do ANYTHING to protect him.

So don't even waste your time trying to debate the issue with them in spite of the fact of the mountain of evidence against obama. They don't want to hear any more it than that judge. They just want you to SHUT UP ABOUT IT AND GO AWAY, because they're really getting sick of it and are running out of ways to defend obama.

Well, someday, someone is going to cave, and obama will go down for this fraud. It's just a matter of time, truly, just a matter of time. No fraud this big can last forever. The only reason he's enjoying this protection still is because he got reelected. Once he's gone from the White House, he's going to be red meat.
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The continuing fraud perpetuated by the birthers needs to be put down with mandatory bonds and fines. These frivilous suits waste valuable the tax-payers' money, time, and energy of the courts.
Oh boy let's give the judge a round of applause for violating his oath of office and state law. Regardless what the evidence would show, by law they had a right to a hearing. The judge should be overturned and disciplined by the appellate court.

It's the judges decision to say whether a hearing is warranted. He apparently doesn't think it is. The state law says the hearing is "allowed", not that it's required or a right. I don't see where he's done anything for which he could be disciplined. He did his job. Made a judgement. He wasn't allowing the hearing. Case closed. The evidence must not have been there. Eventually you use up all avenues of appeal. If this was a death penalty case, you'd be screaming bloody murder over endless hearings. Like those cases, eventually all the avenues come to an end.
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Did you see the op/ed I posted a few days ago? It was from WND so you know exactly what its worth ...

Address the issue. Why won't you libulals do that?

They know as well as everyone else that obama was born in Kenya, but they'll call names and deny it until the day they die because obama is their messiah, and they'll do ANYTHING to protect him.

So don't even waste your time trying to debate the issue with them in spite of the fact of the mountain of evidence against obama. They don't want to hear any more it than that judge. They just want you to SHUT UP ABOUT IT AND GO AWAY, because they're really getting sick of it and are running out of ways to defend obama.

Well, someday, someone is going to cave, and obama will go down for this fraud. It's just a matter of time, truly, just a matter of time. No fraud this big can last forever. The only reason he's enjoying this protection still is because he got reelected. Once he's gone from the White House, he's going to be red meat.

LOL, all that's being "run out of" are avenues of appeal.
keep it up birfers :thup:

It's the judges decision to say whether a hearing is warranted. He apparently doesn't think it is. The state law says the hearing is "allowed", not that it's required or a right.

The birther attorney says otherwise "A hearing is supposed to be held when candidates’ qualifications are challenged, according a state law that allows Florida residents to challenge the eligibility of election candidates, Klayman said."
Did you see the op/ed I posted a few days ago? It was from WND so you know exactly what its worth ...

Address the issue. Why won't you libulals do that?

They know as well as everyone else that obama was born in Kenya, but they'll call names and deny it until the day they die because obama is their messiah, and they'll do ANYTHING to protect him.

So don't even waste your time trying to debate the issue with them in spite of the fact of the mountain of evidence against obama. They don't want to hear any more it than that judge. They just want you to SHUT UP ABOUT IT AND GO AWAY, because they're really getting sick of it and are running out of ways to defend obama.

Well, someday, someone is going to cave, and obama will go down for this fraud. It's just a matter of time, truly, just a matter of time. No fraud this big can last forever. The only reason he's enjoying this protection still is because he got reelected. Once he's gone from the White House, he's going to be red meat.
Didn't you lose a bet?

Well, someday, someone is going to cave, and obama will go down for this fraud. It's just a matter of time, truly, just a matter of time. No fraud this big can last forever. The only reason he's enjoying this protection still is because he got reelected. Once he's gone from the White House, he's going to be red meat.

I doubt that. Even when he's out of office, the cover-up will continue because to admit obozo was ineligible would mean all the laws he signed and appointments he made are void.

When you commit a crime like what obozo did, the govt has to protect you.
Did you see the op/ed I posted a few days ago? It was from WND so you know exactly what its worth ...

Address the issue. Why won't you libulals do that?

They know as well as everyone else that obama was born in Kenya, but they'll call names and deny it until the day they die because obama is their messiah, and they'll do ANYTHING to protect him.

So don't even waste your time trying to debate the issue with them in spite of the fact of the mountain of evidence against obama. They don't want to hear any more it than that judge. They just want you to SHUT UP ABOUT IT AND GO AWAY, because they're really getting sick of it and are running out of ways to defend obama.

Well, someday, someone is going to cave, and obama will go down for this fraud. It's just a matter of time, truly, just a matter of time. No fraud this big can last forever. The only reason he's enjoying this protection still is because he got reelected. Once he's gone from the White House, he's going to be red meat.

What a bunch of loons you guys are.

First , the State of Hawaii has already said they recognize him as being a natural born citizen, so unless you can get over the hurdle of proving a state lied. Case closed.

Second, even if he were not born in the US,his mother was a natural born US citizen. Case closed

Third, what kind of retard honestly believes that any court is going to entertain a motion to declare a sitting US President an ineligible candidate?

Fourth, did you have any problems with Congress stipulating a special rule which declared Senator McCain was a natural born US citizen so that he could run for POTUS?

Fifth, does it not occur to you that courts telling plaintiffs "no more" when they continually file suit over shit where they've already lost?

Sixth, when Obama is out of office this issue will drop from existence, because from a legal standpoint he's already been named a natural born citizen and only a few brain dead idiots don't recognize that. There is nothing to pursue, and nothing will be pursued.

Seriously, you lost. Show a little good grace and walk away. Stop embarrassing the rest of us, and focus your passion on a fight that is worthy of such. This isn't the one.




[ame=]Obama admits he is Kenyan - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Proof Obama Admits He Was Born In Kenya - YouTube[/ame]


Third, what kind of retard honestly believes that any court is going to entertain a motion to declare a sitting US President an ineligible candidate?

Nixon was forced out for a much less serious offense than what obozo has done. THINK
Deny away, obama worshipers, won't change anything though. There's enough of us that know obama is illegally holding the office of President. His time is coming though. He'll pay, someday, we're patient.

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