Britain...should a rape victim even report the rape, since the British police can't help?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is part of the increasing violence in Britain.....since women are helpless against stronger, bigger, more powerful and aggressive males.......and the police can't help......rape is becoming a crime without consequences in Britain...

If they had guns, women would have a chance to save themselves...but left wingers aren't real big on protecting women .....

If a woman is raped, is there any point in her reporting it? | Suzanne Moore

It sticks in my craw to say this, but it has never been easier to get away with rape. The Crown Prosecution Service is in crisis. What should women do?
The number of reported rapes is rising, but half of rape victims are dropping out of prosecutions even when the suspect has been identified. Police are referring fewer cases to the CPS, which in turn is prosecuting fewer cases. This is the way it has been going for a decade. The number of convictions has dropped. Who really cares?
Report on a rape in Britain, and you are more likely to be prosecuted for racism the way things are going there in Dhimmiland.

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