Bringing back the TB with illegal alein cheese! Thanks, we needed that!

Sure, Brian, but it says right in the article it is mainly spread by eating the bad cheese and it isn't easily transmitted between humans. IMO, just another way to crank up Shogun and his xenophobic buds.

Even if it's not from Mexico, don't eat unpasteurized cheese or milk. M. Bovis is one of the reasons we pasteurize.

It must be an odd strain of it or something. Because TB is really contagious. This is why educators are tested for TB before they are allowed to be hired or even student teach at a school....the potential for spreading it is really great.....

There must be something different about this particular TB....
It must be an odd strain of it or something. Because TB is really contagious. This is why educators are tested for TB before they are allowed to be hired or even student teach at a school....the potential for spreading it is really great.....

There must be something different about this particular TB....

Yep. You get it mainly from eating unpasteurized milk products. Or hanging out with sneezing cows. As long as Shog refrains from the cheese and kissing cows, he's good.

Also, eery college kid going to a state college GETS tested for TB....

...but MEXICANS who decide to ignore ANTOTHER law? fuckit, right?

just dont eat the cheese.. or something..

yea.. thats a helluva solution.
would never happen in an Illegal Free America.

maybe someone can die from TB so you can rationalize their death as the price for mexican norther expansion.
So are Ted Kennedy and John McCain, men we can thank for the Mexican invasion.

Elect juan mccain, and the gift will just keep on giving too. Just ask his mexican outreach director, mister mexico first "my friend," juan hernandez.
Sure it would. It would never happen in a dairy free America.

clearly you are wrong since the article states specifically that, BEFORE MEXICANS DECIDED TO FLAUNT ANOTHER LAW, TB had been all but eradicated.

But, hey, I guess it's no mystery how mexicans from a shithole nation will shit on an American lawn and assume it's nobody's fault.
Yep. You get it mainly from eating unpasteurized milk products. Or hanging out with sneezing cows. As long as Shog refrains from the cheese and kissing cows, he's good.


Naw, TB is still a problem. THere's quite a bit of it in the South, and anywhere you have concentrations of poor people.

There are Indian tribes that deal with it, too.
clearly you are wrong since the article states specifically that, BEFORE MEXICANS DECIDED TO FLAUNT ANOTHER LAW, TB had been all but eradicated.

But, hey, I guess it's no mystery how mexicans from a shithole nation will shit on an American lawn and assume it's nobody's fault.

This type of TB, it is true, had almost been eradicated. But not quite. And legal Mexicans probably enjoy the cheese as well. Seriously, Shog, you get your panties in a twist about nonsense. Like I said before, you should be happy, it's killing off some of the very people you hate.
You've never had an arepa? Maybe it's not a Mexican thing.

Arepas son de Colombia.......

Speaking of sick, it seems there is another food problem:

and I wonder where the tomatoes came from......

but I will say that it is not the fault of the workers, exactly, that the contraistas laborales that supply and control the campesinos are too money grubbing to provide portapotties and/or bathrooms/washrooms and simple hand cleaning facilities for those handling raw food products.

This is often true in the packing sheds as well as in the fields.
Naw, TB is still a problem. THere's quite a bit of it in the South, and anywhere you have concentrations of poor people.

There are Indian tribes that deal with it, too.

Yes, but there are different types of TB. This one is totally different than the one you are thinking about.
Yes, but there are different types of TB. This one is totally different than the one you are thinking about.

its still fucking TB, Ravi. You cant spitshine this turd.
clearly you are wrong since the article states specifically that, BEFORE MEXICANS DECIDED TO FLAUNT ANOTHER LAW, TB had been all but eradicated.

But, hey, I guess it's no mystery how mexicans from a shithole nation will shit on an American lawn and assume it's nobody's fault.

A good part of the problem is that some refuse to take the medication as ordered.

Our local area there have actually been some situations where it had to be court ordered and arrest warrants issued when someone did not go, as told to get the meds from the clinic every day.

Sometimes draconian is actually called for when people cannot get that not taking a complete course of some medications will cause a resistant strain of bacteria, which is what we are dealing with now.
The Rise of Antibiotic-Resistant Infections

Targeting TB

Stephen Weis and colleagues at the University of North Texas Health Science Center in Fort Worth reported in the April 28, 1994, New England Journal of Medicine on research they conducted in Tarrant County, Texas, that vividly illustrates how helping patients to take the full course of their medication can actually lower resistance rates. The subject--tuberculosis.

TB is an infection that has experienced spectacular ups and downs. Drugs were developed to treat it, complacency set in that it was beaten, and the disease resurged because patients stopped their medication too soon and infected others. Today, one in seven new TB cases is resistant to the two drugs most commonly used to treat it (isoniazid and rifampin), and 5 percent of these patients die.

In the Texas study, 407 patients from 1980 to 1986 were allowed to take their medication on their own. From 1986 until the end of 1992, 581 patients were closely followed, with nurses observing them take their pills. By the end of the study, the relapse rate--which reflects antibiotic resistance--fell from 20.9 to 5.5 percent. This trend is especially significant, the researchers note, because it occurred as risk factors for spreading TB--including AIDS, intravenous drug use, and homelessness--were increasing. The conclusion: Resistance can be slowed if patients take medications correctly.
I didn't think there were different kinds of tb. Tb is TB....


Does anyone read anything that gets posted here?

There is M. bovis, which the article is about, and M. tuberculosis, which is the one you are thinking of...bovis...bovine...cow...MOO! Get it?

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